U.S. Military Official Expresses Concern Over Potential Israeli Strike on Iran Days ahead of an IAEA report on Iran's nuclear weapons program, aggressive Israeli and US rhetoric toward Iran has reached a fever pitch
Israeli President Hypes Possible Attack on Iran Insists World Should 'Stand Behind the Promises' Made to Israel by Starting a War
Israeli Warships Intercept Gaza-Bound Aid Boats No deaths or injuries were reported and the boats and the activists aboard them were rerouted to an Israeli port
US Warns Humanitarian Team Aboard Flotilla Not to Approach Gaza Israel, with tacit US approval and support, may intend to use excessive force against peaceful activists bringing aid to Gaza
Netanyahu Orders Investigation into Leaked Plans to Attack Iran Two former Israeli intelligence officials, Meir Dagan and Yuval Diskin, are reportedly suspected of leaking to prevent attack
Israeli Warships Move Against Surprise Gaza Aid Flotilla Israeli Officials Condemn Attempt to Deliver Aid as 'Deplorable Propaganda'
Israel Tests Nuke-Capable Missile Amid Threats to Iran Surprise Test Launch a 'Technological Achievement,' Insists Barak
Citing UNESCO ‘Tragedy,’ Israel Announces Settlement Expansions Netanyahu Condemns Palestinian Leadership