Iraqi Cleric Sadr Revives Mahdi Army After Deadly US Attack Orders fighters from Mahdi Army to 'be ready'
Report: US Troops Capture Top Iraqi MP, Militia Leaders (Update) Arrests happened in the wake of US attack on Baghdad airport
US Ready to Send More Troops Into Iraq as Situation Unravels Top US general says anyone trying to overrun embassy will 'run into a buzz saw'
US Attacks Baghdad Airport, Killing Top Iranian General Reported drone strike also killed top Iraqi militia figure
Pompeo Names Top Iraqi MP as ‘Iranian Proxy’ Amiri is head of second-largest party in Iraq's parliament
Protesters Withdraw From US Embassy in Iraq, But Tensions Remain Iraqi PMU leaders call on supporters to withdraw for now
Trump’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ Campaign Is Blowing Up in Iraq Trump threatens Iran after protesters storm Iraq Embassy