Republicans Delay Senate Panel Vote to Repeal Iraq AUMFs The House voted to repeal the 2002 AUMF, a Senate version of the bill would repeal both the 2002 and 1991 AUMFs
House Votes to Repeal 2002 Iraq AUMF Chuck Schumer expressed support for the bill and said the Senate will eventually vote on it
Report: New Year’s 2020 Attack on Baghdad Embassy Cost $35 Million Officials blamed 'Iranian-backed terrorists'
Alarm as US Bases in Iraq Face Growing Threat of Drone Attacks Drones fly too low to be picked up by defensive systems
Iraq Militias End Truce With US Over Failure to Withdraw Troops Leaders cite 'lack of seriousness' in negotiating a pullout
Sen. Kaine Hopeful for Chance to Repeal War Powers Authorizations Sees possible green light on repeal or revision from Biden Administration
US-Led Coalition Bombs ISIS Hideouts in Iraqi Mountains Coalition spokesman said nine hideouts were destroyed in airstrikes
Iraqi Shi’ite Militias Distance Themselves From Iran, Fearing Abandonment Iran's talks with Saudis raise prospects of rapprochement