Pentagon: China Could Pull Ahead of US Military by 2049 China says US misinterpreting Chinese defense policy
Pentagon Accuses China of Massing Anti-Satellite Weapons Says China 'probably' intends to develop anti-satellite capabilities
China: US Using ‘National Security’ as An Excuse to Target Chinese Companies Pentagon blacklists more Chinese companies as controlled by military
Pentagon Claims China May Double Its Nuclear Arsenal by 2030 Says potential to grow arsenal proves they are a threat
Pentagon Sees Cold War Bombers as Crucial to Threatening China Bombers in South China Sea are more practical threat than aircraft carriers
US Says China’s South China Sea Claims ‘Ridiculous’ US warship sent to disputed area around Paracel Islands
Pompeo: Reports China Fishing Near Galapagos ‘Deeply Troubling’ Flotilla reportedly in international waters just outside of Galapagos territory