US Scrambles to Increase Its Footprint in North Africa Officials Agree Militants Have No Interest in Attacking US
Algerian Officials Claim Benghazi Ties to Hostage Siege Captured Attackers Confess to Benghazi Under Dubious Circumstances
House Intel Chair: US ‘Knew Something Big Was Coming’ Before Algeria Siege Militants Were Trying to Find a 'Western Target'
Panetta Vows US Revenge Against al-Qaeda After Algeria Siege Al-Qaeda Not Actually Involved, But Panetta Says Attack Proves Need to 'Fight Back'
Algeria PM Blames ‘Canadian’ Coordinator for Hostage Siege Attackers Included Whole Team of Explosives Experts
Over 80 Confirmed Slain in Algeria Hostage Siege Algerian Officials Still Struggling to Identify the Slain
Branding the African War: The ‘Al-Qaeda’ That Wasn’t Nominally 'Al-Qaeda-Linked' Factions Being Spun as Part of a Huge United Force
30 Hostages Killed or Missing as Algeria Siege Continues Officials Hope for 'Peaceful' Settlement After Bombing