Al-Qaeda Attempting a Comeback in Afghanistan Afghanistan was always useless to al-Qaeda, except insofar as it could draw America into a long and costly war
Obama Orders Drones, Special Ops on Standby to Kill Benghazi Attack Suspects Bombing other countries and killing mere suspects in order to look strong and avoid criticism from Republicans is patently illegal
US Official: Military Action Needed in Mali The apparent haven of radical Islamists in Mali is a consequence of US interventionism and now justifying further intervention
Clinton Admits Attack on Consulate in Libya Was Al-Qaeda The incident has prompted the Obama administration to speed up its secret wars in Africa
Al-Qaeda Chief’s Brother Offers to Broker Peace Deal 10-Year Truce Laid Out in Broad Strokes in Proposal
Al-Qaeda Infiltrating Syrian Opposition, With US Support Russia slammed the US for 'justifying terrorism' in Syria
Al-Qaeda Website Posts Video of ‘Dead’ Al-Libi The confusion over al-Libi's death shows the difficulty of knowing who exactly is killed in the US drone war
US Hacks Yemeni Web Sites in Propaganda Campaign Secretary of State Hillary Clinton essentially admitted to playing precisely the same dirty game al-Qaeda is playing
Bin Laden Documents Disprove Claims of Iran-Qaeda Connection Hawks in Washington have repeatedly tried to tie the two together
‘Experts’ Argue Over Al-Qaeda Strength as US Militarism Inspires More Hatred Al-Qaeda may be dead or stronger than ever, but US aggression has definitely created more enemies