MeK Status on US Terror List Hinges on Relocation Clinton says if anti-Tehran terrorist group can't find someplace to go after being evicted from Iraq, they may get de-listed
Afghans Who Agreed to Support Kabul Are Turning Back to Insurgency The failure of a welfare program to bribe insurgents to lay down their arms illustrates how hearts and minds continue to be lost
‘Trespass Bill’ Would Violate Peaceful Assembly Rights New bill passed by Congress makes it a felony to protest or assemble nearby protected government officials
Janet Napolitano Insists Drug War Not a Failure The Secretary of Homeland Security vowed to continue supporting brutal Latin American regimes
US Drone War Reaches Philippines Some Filipino representatives have objected to encroaching US military domination
Iran FM: We Seek Negotiations and a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi told a UN conference the West applies a double standard on Iran and Israel regarding nukes
NYPD Uses White House Money to Spy on Muslim Communities The funds were allocated for drug enforcement, but were instead used to fund unconstitutional surveillance programs
Reform-Minded Youth Movement Marginalized in ‘Post-Saleh’ Yemen The structure and makeup of Saleh's dictatorship remain, as does US support for tyranny
Somalia Promises West Oil Riches in Exchange for Security The discovery of oil reserves in the north has opened possibility for greater Western intervention, the last thing Somalia needs
Taliban Claims Credit for Downing of US Drone The drone crashed in Pakistan's North Waziristan, but Taliban responsibility could not be verified