Obama Signaled to Iran US Would Accept Civilian Nuclear Program Obama engaged in quiet diplomacy with Turkey serving as intermediary.
Mali’s Tuareg Fighters Declare Independence in North Despite declarations, fighting and instability persist in both the north and the south
Mali’s Tuaregs Announce Ceasefire, Threaten to Partition the Country Neighboring West African countries are considering war
Libya Gov’t Battles ICC Over Prosecution of Gadhafi’s Son The NATO-backed Libyan authorities have denied Seif al-Islam basic rights
In Bid for Iraqi Crude, Oil Corporations Play Politics Exxon, Shell, and BP tread lightly over Iraq's political sectarianism to reign supreme in Iraqi oil production
CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Formally Indicted Kiriakou, who divulged information about the CIA's secret torture program, faces up to 45 years in prison
After Sinai Rocket Fire, Israel Restrained by New Egypt Leadership Now Israel can only "talk to (the Egyptians)" instead of relying on indiscriminate airstrikes
Israeli PM Calls German Poet ‘Shameful’ Gunter Grass, a Nobel Prize winner, is apparently not supposed to criticize Israel
Gen. Allen: Afghanistan Will See ‘Significant’ Increase in Fighting This Summer The NATO commander seemed to be reminding people of the ongoing failure of the war
Small Team of US Troops Remain in Mali, as Stability Continues to Deteriorate The crisis, an "unintended consequence" of NATO's intervention in Libya, is leading to severe repression and possibly regional conflict