Obama Misleads on Afghanistan, Claims Victory and Promises Withdrawal The war has not only failed, it will continue for another decade
NATO Chief: Russian Threat of Preemptive Strike ‘Unjustified’ Russia still maintains the missile defense shield undermines their security and is not about Iran, as Washington claims
Some Syrian Activists Advocating End to Armed Revolt UN-envoy Kofi Annan claims the peace plan is "on track" dispute continued violence
Bin Laden Documents Disprove Claims of Iran-Qaeda Connection Hawks in Washington have repeatedly tried to tie the two together
US Fumbles With Chinese Activist Seeking Asylum as China Condemns ‘Interference’ The tangled web of mismanagement and contradiction is a fine example of why the US should stay out of other nations' internal affairs
Pentagon Describes ‘Long-Term and Acute’ Problems in Afghanistan The failure of the war is abundantly clear, so Obama has decided to continue it on a smaller scale for another decade
Bin Laden Disapproved of, Had Little Control Over ‘Affiliates,’ Documents Reveal The declassified documents expose the lie behind the Obama administration's case for the drone war
Russia Threatens Preemptive Strike if NATO Builds Missile Defense Shield Washington claims the shield is meant to protect against Iran, but Moscow knows its about undermining Russia's military deterrence
US-Afghan Pact Will Allow Drone War in Pakistan to Continue Military operations will continue in Afghanistan well beyond 2014
Armed Men Attack Anti-SCAF Protesters in Egypt, Killing 11 Leading Islamists and secularists accused the military rulers of hiring the thugs