Syria Rebels Face Growing List of Crimes Despite extra-judicial executions and torture, support from the US and its allies continues
Mortar Shells Hit Palestinian Refugee Camp in Syria, 21 Reported Dead Where the shelling came from is not known
LA Times: Experts Say There’s No Imminent Threat of a Nuclear Iran The US and Israel are not concerned with some imaginary weapons program, but rather with regime change
Pentagon Plans for Air-Sea War in Asia Inflame China Tensions Some critics of the new strategies argue it could set off a new arms race
Evidence of Atrocities on Both Sides in Syria Despite evidence of torture and reprisal killings of regime loyalists, US support continues to flow to Syria's rebels
US Pouring More Military Aid into Africa, Chasing Non-Threats Like previous interventions, the increased military involvement in Africa will produce blowback
Obama Signed Secret Order to Aid Syrian Rebels The administration is helping to provide arms from the Gulf states, and non-lethal aid from the CIA
Rights Group: Bahrain Regime ‘Weaponizing Tear Gas’ The Bahraini regime continues to receive US support, despite widespread human rights abuses