At least 50 people were killed and over 200 wounded today when three suicide bombers launched a series of coordinated attacks in the western Mansoor District, peppered with embassies, the latest in a rising number of attacks in the nation.
The attackers were said to have targeted the Iranian, Syrian, and Egyptian embassies, and a fourth attacker was killed before reaching his target. The attack of the Syrian embassy appears to be in some dispute as the bombing was also quite near the German embassy. The fourth attacker was said to be targeting either a government building or a Chaldean church.
The attacks come less than a day after unidentified persons in Iraqi military garb marched into a Sunni controlled neighborhood of Baghdad and killed 24 people, many of them members of the US-backed Sahwa militia.
Overnight mortar shells were also said to have been fired at the heavily fortified Green Zone, though it did not appear to have done serious damage. Violence has been slowly on the rise in Iraq over the past several months.
But the violence seems to have found renewed vigor in the wake of the March election, as tensions fueled by disputes over vote fraud and post-election arrests of victorious MPs boil over. US officials had indicated that the election would be a “stabilizing” event, but the opposite appears to be true, and the possibility of the US drawdown being significantly slowed or even stopped seems to be growing by the minute.
It is easy enough to recall that "Osama bin Laden", whoever that may be, was persona non grata in Hussein's Iraq. It is also known that "Al Qaeda in Iraq", whatever that may be, was a product of the US invasion and occupation.
Iranian embassy you say? Earlier attack in Iraqi Army uniforms? Apparently Sadr is a bit too Byzantine for them.
Now that the Russians have mentioned "Al Qaeda" in the context of the railway bombings, some real intelligence, calling a bluff, may be brought to bear on to the subject and leading wherever it leads.
On verra.
As far as I'm concerned "Osama bin Laden" and "Al Qaeda" are nothing more then fear factors invented by the terroriets in Israel when they destroyed the twin towers on 9-11and are as phony as the easter bunny and the tooth fairy.
It did it's job tho and made the Americans hate the Muslims thus the bombing of Iraq. Which in turn with more propaganda made the Muslims hate the Americans.
Remember the Mossad motto, "By Deception, Thou Shalt Make War"