In a bizarre turn, officials are now admitting that the second pressure cooker bomb found in Saturday night’s attack in Manhattan’s Chelsea area was accidentally defused by thieves who happened upon it and stole the briefcase the bomb was hidden in.
The bomb was left four blocks from the other bomb, which wounded 29 people, in a rolling suitcase. The thieves wanted to steal the rolling suitcase, and removed the bomb from it so it would be lighter, dumping the bomb in a garbage bag and leaving.
This wasn’t the only case of thieves foiling the bomb plots around New York and New Jersey, either, as two other thieves came across a backpack left near a New Jersey train station on Sunday. They planned to steal it, but found it was full of pipe bombs, and called the police.
The large amount of petty crime, ultimately, may have been a big reason why there were no deaths in the bombing plots, with the substantial bombs either rendered inactive, in the case of the pressure cooker, or recovered before they went off in the case of the backpack.
Another plot-point! There must have been a problem with the original discovery of the pressure cooker that made it implausible, so the script-writers had to hold an emergency session. Thieves! Ali Baba. Open Sesame! I can almost hear the theme song from “Aladdin” now.
lol, yeah… they really make up _anything_ that suits them, right?
> In a bizarre turn, officials are now admitting
I’m sorry – are we believing “officials” now? How about this phrase: “so-called officials are claiming, dubiously as usual, …”. Really hammering the point here, haha 🙂
Putin did it.
I’m gonna start saying that every time I fart in an elevator.
Emma Goldman always said that criminals were revolutionaries with a lack of direction, somehow I don’t think this is quite what she had in mind but a still think she would have gotten a kick out of it.
The next time you get mugged, thank your thief for his/her service. 🙂
Thieves foil Hillary’s September Surprise.
Just proves we should disband Homeland Security and all local police so that indigenous thieves are allowed to run rampant and protect us all from terrorists.
OK it seems there actually were thieves. Still, good to be skeptical at first, right?