Last week, major French newspaper Le Monde reported that the French government is engaged in a “secret war” in Libya, and has deployed special forces already. The Pentagon has also talked about its own presence in Libya, and Britain is understood to have some special forces there as well.
The numbers keep growing, and other assets for a Western war in Libya, which officials have been publicly championing for months, are being moved into place. It’s only a matter of time until the “secret war” becomes a public one, but how long?
That’s not clear, as leaked Italian documents confirm that they too are poised to send some ground troops across the Mediterranean, though officially the Italian Defense Ministry insists that there is no “war room” and that the conflict is awaiting the formation of a Libyan unity government.
These nations have all been emphasizing the growth of the ISIS affiliate in Libya, and indicating that they believe the ISIS war needs to be expanded there. The selling of the “merits” of the war seems to be running concurrent to the actual deployments in this case, indicating how perfunctory the whole PR effort is.
Little good all those troops are doing.
It’s really a treasure hunt for that 7 billion in gold that Ghaddafi had hidden somewhere.
Sorry, but the terrorists have already spent the money, thanks to our no-fly zone.
“…indicating how perfunctory the whole PR effort is.”
It indicates also that they don’t intend to ask the American people for their permission this time.
Bunch of gutless wonders, those Western Europe nations, as they invade Libya only because they think it be an easy war to win.
They are the mini version of US neocons — on all levels of EU and their respective national governments. They all talk alike, look alike — all little laptop Napoleons. They were unhappy over their own “nationalism” when people started to complain over the utterly undemocratic EU edifice, and when it became clear how their countries were destroyed by the banking scams. The cure? Let immigrants come by the hundreds of thousands, and give people something different to fight against. But like all plans made by neocon geniuses, it looks good in a very, very short term — but the consequences even more dire. So now, the neocon bureaucrats all over the Europe need something else to divide people, to advertise this adventure as the means for stopping refugees, even though they know full well that the immigrants from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are now flooding Europe.
All the parties are complicit — and just like in US, it is becoming pointless to listen to them and their droning mouths. The system is broken — from US to Europe, and cannot be fixed without a wrecking ball. There was a chance to fix something with the elections in Greece and Spain, and the push for change in France and Germany. But those were all either suffocated by special interests, or have shown to be phony. However, all the elites — regardless of party, are really delusional and tone deaf, and are not getting it. They will not reform because they just cannot from within.
We should consider ourselves lucky if the political process brings forward a wrecking balls like Trump. Not that they are capable of fixing much, but they will move the political needle and redefine politics. People are angry, and the best thing would be for the system to allow for the steam to rush out and release the pressure. Yes, some of their beloved imperial adventures may be curtailed, and some money brought back to their long-suffering regions and towns — but by allowing the rethinking and regrouping, it will preserve the stability, the blessing that fewer and fewer people on this earth enjoy. It will allow for broader restructuring and better future. However, if the neocons — the little Napoleons in all parties and across Atlantic — go all out against the change, the rigid and ossified system may continue brining sweet profits to the same gangs, but the anger will only grow wider spread and deeper.
In case we missed the lessons on how the revolutions happen, we can now see with our own eyes what conditions bring them about. Elites, delusional and stuck in their own comforts, incapable to stop manipulating public by all means, but ultimately with their own narrative getting worn out like an ancient rug. To the point that nobody is listening any more. Yes, they do not bother to ask people any more. Yes, people have figured out how the protests by the millions does not change anything. Yes, their narrative is blaring from all mainstream media. Yet, the circle of believers is now very small. It is a joy today talking to fourteen year olds. If in our time we do not find a way to force the system to address the real cancer sores of our economy, the crumbling empire of our neocon Napoleonic ambitions, it will be more painful when it cracks. The center is not holding any more.
The U.S. & it’s ALLIES of EVIL will be bombing the hell out of the place LONG before it is leaked out. Their Excuse….ah, oh, well…YES, we have intel from an anonymous phone caller that traced back to D.C. that they are in possession of Saddam’s WMDs & we are fairly, pretty sure we have an Idea the general area they are in, so for the safety & security of the American people, we will not stop until we find them !
The way things are going lately, Just my opinion !
Quite conveniently, ISIS has shown up there and is attacking — guess which one of the Libyan governments? The one, that US and our allies have installed in Tobruk, the one that is headed by CIA asset, or the one in Tripoli that is not recognized by US? The answer is simple, isn’t it. ISIS has flown there on a magic carpet and got modern arms straight from Allah, and is attacking the US unfriendly government in Tripoli. Can anything be more flimsily transparent? And now, the assorted Western children, the cannon fodder of our modern era, is getting ready on the border with Marroco — to intervene against ISIS. Great excuse to topple Tripoli government.
All the plans of mice and men …..