Turkey’s parliament today voted to extend by one year the mandate that allows their military to conduct operations across the border into neighboring Syria and Iraq, a move which was hotly opposed by the pro-Kurdish opposition.
The bill not only allows continued airstrikes against targets in those countries, but would allow outright ground invasions at the government’s discretion, though they maintain they have no specific intention to invade either country unless a “clear threat to national security” emerges.
Officials emphasized the ISIS war in this mandate, and their intentions to increase their involvement in the US-led war against them. As Turkey’s role in the ISIS war has been extremely limited, the mandate will likely be used much more for fighting the ever-escalating war against the Kurdish PKK.
Both the Iraqi central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government have criticized Turkey for attacking villages in northern Iraq during this new offensive against the PKK, though Turkey insists they are confident everyone in those villages are “terrorists” and not civilians.
When have the Turks not been killing some other peoples.
When they got their ass handed too them with destruction of Otyoman Empire, and to keep in fighting shape they then took to killing themselves and anyone else in their borders not pure enough Turk.
They genocided the Armenians who have a few pretenders left mainly hidden in US and Europe, and then they picked on the Kurdish peoples.
They have not quit and even though a few years ago the lifted the ban on speaking in or writing in Kurdish languages being a capital offense they have ass kissing token Kurds in their governing bodies; They may as well be dead bodies for all they amount to in political power.
All during the years from time US declared war upon Iraq, during thebembargo years and then later in Gulf War Ii, in exchange for allowing US to use their airports for gunnery training flights on unarmed Iraq the Turks got to cross border with air and even armored forces to kill Kurds.
US pilots used to get po’d because they lost trigger time when Turk aircraft needed runways to launch and land bombing runs into Iraq.
Turks refusedUSbas infantry launch site because US was in partnership with not PKK kurds but the Peshmerga who hadbautonomous control over ablarge portion of Iraq and in fact were in Iraq parliment.
Now we US makes an agreemebtvto unleash one of the most blood thirsty and yes apartheid governments loose upon not just PKK but any damned Syrian or Iraq person they want to killAs an awardbthe euro powers of NATO will give tens of thousands sq. Miles of Syrian and Iraq land.
Who knows the Turksmay yet get to join thr Euro Union yet.
Counts on how well they do in butchering civilians; if past history is any indicator , they will still be quite good at it.