The loss of several key military/national guard bases in the northeastern Luhansk Oblast has Ukraine’s interim government on edge about their ongoing military invasion of the east of the country, and has several leaders pushing for an immediate declaration of martial law throughout the region.
Outgoing Interim President Oleksandr Turchinov, who will be replaced on Saturday with the inauguration of President Petro Porchenko, urged the leaders of all security-related agencies and ministries to begin “urgently” to consider the declaration.
A statement from Turchinov’s office said martial law was needed to “stop the further spread of and put an end to an armed conflict in Ukrainian territory,” and could cover both Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts.
Shortly after Turchinov’s interim government took power, protests against their rule erupted in the eastern oblasts, where the majority is ethnic Russian and supported the ousted elected government. Eventually, this has resulted in a full-scale separatist movement, which the interim government dubbed “terrorists,” and a military invasion of the regions to bring them back under the control of Kiev’s central government.
The fighting has mostly centered around the cities of Kramatorsk and Slovyansk in the northern portion of Donetsk Oblast, and yesterday the military claimed to have killed “more than 300” rebels in Slovyansk alone in 24 hours. The mayor of Slovyansk denies the claim, and said only 12 fighters were lost.
While the military’s offensive centers of northern Donetsk, the rebels seem to be gaining a lot of ground in Luhansk, where they have taken several military bases in recent days, conducting protracted gunbattles until the troops therein were forced to flee.
I do not know what is the moral authority of Turchinov who stated the conflict. Now we see that the military option that he took was the good one. I do not know how Turchinov speak to his parishoners on sundays about the christian vertues when ukrainian aviation bomb civils with his agreement.
This is a brutal war against the own people and has nothing to do with law. Watch what they do censor here in the West:… (IThe brutality is really hard to see, you must click on the 18+ link to access) Also Russia does downplay this brutality.
UN SC should demand negotiations as Russia demands and should provide real supervised elections..
Of course this fake "election" is not accepted – when 200 other party offices are burned down and the members hunted by NATO-trained and hired fascists this is no election and in the result no lawful president.
Why e.g. the former president which has been elected before could not be a canditate for this "fake-"elections"? With him it woulkd have been a real election an dtest if there just were a few thousands of paid protestors and fascits or a real support of the people.
Gaddafi and his whole family including babies were killed by NATO bombers despite he had not bombed his own people! – as declared by UN SC *) Why NATO does not bomb their Ukraine puppet president today ???
(the UN SC or better NATO claimed he would have bombed districts of Tripoli, which however was not the case and the investigation demanded by Libya has been denied by UN)
Just a note of correction. Gaddafy was not killed by bombing. The actual pictures of his end are (or at least were) online. It was a particularly barbaric and brutal killing. Insurgents captured him, and killed him by jamming a bayonet up his anus. No objections were raised in DC.
Terrible ! Censored even in Russia's : The US-NAZI-troops shoot at unarmed civilians – see o:29 the unarmed man in blue shot down, and 1:00 despite not endangering anyone:…
US people really should never be unarmed in front of NAZI troops.
Same sence from another camera, with more wounded people, where in the 1st minute the photographer in blue anorak is seen who has been shot down in th evideo above.:…
Antiwar declares this US-sponsored NAZI-killer regime "Ukraine Government ???
How there can be a fair election when 200 offices of other parties are burned down and supporters of them hunted ?? Why people could not vote for Yanukovic ??? Interview with Yanukovic 24.2.14
He is the elected president of the last real election in Ukraine !
Just another dirty hypocrite hidden war of USA Inc.
see more at See especially SYRIA and UKRAINE section.
The China tank -stopper is famous – but the Ukrainan doing the same are unknown:…
Happy 25th anniversary of Tienanmen!
The 400 Blackwater mercenaries are about all there is to the fascist coup military of this fascist coup government, surely unless the EU and NATO plus Empire USA start supplying military manpower and funds — such a street riot democracy is doomed.
As for the Western Special Forces involved, I figure Russia is matching them man-for-man and that aspect is a stalemate. Three helicopters packed full of Western Special Forces, blown out of the sky, enough said.
Good. March all the way to Kiev and arrest this entire murderous regime.
I doubt if martial law would change anything. The rebellion is petering out. Without a foreign backer, their cause is hopeless.
enforcing martial law will be a bit difficult while running away