Congressional war votes are usually secured by support from both parties’ leadership and their ability to coax the rank-and-file to go along with them. This time, that seems set to fail, as the leadership has jumped on the war bandwagon but failed to get much of anything in the way of support.
It’s not coincidental that the failure of the war rhetoric is happening in both parties, but rather reflects a growing unity among Progressive Democrats and the Tea Party Republicans, each of which is more than willing to stand up to the party’s leadership, and stand with an American public that polls show is also opposed to war.
On the Democrat side, Rep. Alan Grayson (D – FL) has led what he is calling an “ad hoc whip operation,” pushing the large undecided contingent in his party toward “no” votes. With Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D – CA) admitting that she might not be able to get her party’s support on the war, he’s looking pretty successful.
The Tea Party has been at least as successful in the House, if not moreso, and is also fueling opposition to the war in the Senate, usually more sensitive to the demands of party leadership and less to the American voters.
They even managed to convince Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R – KY) away from supporting the war, warning him that he could face a dangerous primary battle in 2014 if he supports the war against the public’s wishes.
Efforts to unite the left and right on opposition to military adventurism have been a long-standing project for many, and seems to finally be paying dividends as the administration pushes for a war in Syria and finds, unexpectedly, serious opposition in the public is extending into the halls of Congress too.
Anyone intent on stopping Congressional authorization of the proposed US War against Syria, and All that will follow in its wake, should send the following simple message (by local picture postcard; not by e-mail or Tweetter, etc) to their Senators and Congressional Representative.
This War must be stopped. This War can be stopped. This War will be stopped.
May all be well with All that You love.
Jeff Moebus
Master Sergeant
US Army (Retired)
Sitka Platoon
message follows:
Memo to Senators ______ and ______, and Congresswoman/man ______:
As you prepare to decide how to vote on Congressional authorization of the proposed US War against Syria, and All that will follow in its wake, please bear the following in mind:
A Vote For War is a Vote Against Your Re-election. Ever again. And please understand: this is not a threat; this is a promise.
Contact Info:
As a progressive, I have had my issues with the Tea Party. However, I welcome their support if it will prevent an attack on Syria. We have to let the Obozo administration and its flunkies in the corporate media know that they cannot shove another bogus war down our throat.
Behaving like the worst terrorists in the world with an expensive and compliant corporate media greasing the skids…I still never thought I would see the day we became Big Brother…and it's going on almost 12 years.
I voted for Obama twice as the least bad alternative to warmongering Republicans. But Obama has been co-opted by DC's permanent foreign policy elite in the think-tanks and the media, who are all owned by the Israel lobby. This seems to be the fate of all Presidents now – remember G. W. Bush's apparently sincere wish to see a "humbler" foreign policy? Presidents get into the White House, and then it's just like that old BBC series, "Yes, Prime Minister" – the unchanging ruling class of courtiers graciously allows the so-called head of state to believe that he leads the country, while the courtiers make sure that things are done as they ought to be done – and in the case of foreign policy, that means that things are done according to what Israel wants.
"Obama has been co-opted by DC's permanent foreign policy elite in the think-tanks and the media"
Has been? You mean in, what, 1985?
I swear it's as if no Obama voter ever actually listened to anything the guy ever said or anyone who backed him. It's been all AIPAC all the way forever. AIPAC, Wall St, intervention, war famine pestilence and death.