A key round of negotiations last week, ending with both Iran and the West confirming significant progress toward a negotiated settlement of their long-standing row, appears all but forgotten this weekend, as AIPAC holds its annual Police Conference with an eye squarely on a US attack on Iran.
The conference opened with former top Obama aide Dennis Ross lashing the negotiations, insisting that the only sort of deal that should even be considered is an immediate acquiescence on all issues by Iran, and that “step-by-step” negotiations are unacceptable.
Former Bush aide Elliott Abrams sought to take that line one step further, insisting Iran would never agree to a deal no matter what and that sanctions are a failed system. Both agreed that 2013 would be the “decisive year” for the Iran situation.
The hope among conference-goers is that Vice President Joe Biden, the highest ranking official scheduled to speak this year, is going to answer “concerns” about a sudden and unwelcome (among them at least) outbreak of peace with Iran, and will lay the groundwork for more administration bellicosity toward Iran with a promise to reiterate America’s seriousness about the “military option.”
Nothing new at AIPAC. Thay should be called IFPAC – Israel First PAC. They are disconnected from reality as much as Israeli top leaders, Warmongering is their specialty. Warmongering with no proofs strengthening the case for war should not be a free speech. It creates way too many problems as we saw it in case of Iraq war. Elliot Abrams once already pleaded guilty to misleading Congress, now he wants to do it again with whole nation. Some people never change.
People who want to kill Americans and spend American tax dollars in an effort that boosts another nation. There's a word for that. Its traitors.
Traitors in US, satanic organization…what else to comment on bunch of criminals ready to sell their mothers to please "truly rogue place" in Patestine province called Israel….
They should all end up like Mussolini……quick verdict, no Solicitors, no Baristers….on the spot …and US could quickly recover. peter czech
The enemies of functioning democracy are at war with entire world and AIPAC is the foundation of the idea.., using USA to create and start wars.., that is not because of AIPAC but rather is because USA wanting to be what it is…, a militarism regime with imperialistic ambition hand in hand with Zionism, fascism and every imaginable non democratic system out there.
The Israel lobby is very affluent. It's loyalty is to a foreign country whose foreign policy is to get their fifth column to pressure the US from the inside to fight Israel's wars. America's infrastructure is crumbling, roads, bridges, levees, electrical and water systems. Our schools are laying off thousands of teachers. My daughters grade school has no nurse, no librarian, and a janitor 3 days a week. Yet this fifth column wants americans to pony up billions for jews only roads, jews only towns, jews only buses, jews only laws. They want americans to sacrifice their own children's education and future prosperity for that of a racist, apartheid country which holds their loyalty. They ask us to supply our american children to fight Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. They subvert and corrupt our very willingly corruptable politicians. How long can Americans afford to allow this disasterous situation to continue?
Dont they know america is broke and cannot pay its bills cannot borrow from China any more almost all its bases worldwide will have to be closed and have no taste for war after the humilating loss in Vietnam/Iraq/Afganistan.
They really don't care…as long as they get their cut first – which our Congress will make sure happens.
At least Ross and Abrams didn't wear Purim costumes.
I think Ross and Abrams were in their 'Purim' costumes. You know, warmonger costumes?
Does anyone notice that switching from a President that had Abrams as an adviser to a President that had Ross as an adviser meant no change at all in America's direction and policy. There were candidates that would have changed the policy, but in the general elections they get a combined 2% of the vote.
Just think what would happen if Iran had meetings like this on a regular basis trying to drum up support with a foreign power to attack Israel!
We would never hear the end of it!
Israel's and Aipacs problem is the paranoia and Hypocracy they both have, the reality is Israel talks more of attacking Iran than Iran does of Israel.
By what international law have the Israelites the right to attack whoever they want,wherever? If they were diagnosed as an individual under intensive psychological care the two traits that would be most dominnant would be: Antisocial behaviors: are disruptive acts characterized by covert and overt hostility and intentional aggression toward others.
an·ti·so·cial per·son·al·i·ty dis·or·der
condition of emotional and social indifference: a psychological condition in which the affected person appears indifferent to social norms or to the feelings of others
Antisocial personality disorder: A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others and inability or unwillingness to conform to what are considered to be the norms of society.
Antisocial personality disorder, also known as psychopathic personality or sociopath personality often brings a person into conflict with society as a consequence of a pattern of behavior that is amoral and unethical.
AIPAC should be dissolved in america, treated as an international pandemic and buried where it belongs in a deep grave…
Keep in mind that any attack must be preceded by:
–Warning the UN inspectors to leave, as Bush did in Iraq.
–Removing the US Navy warships from the Gulf, as they are sitting ducks for cruise missiles.
which would give Iran enough time to fine-tune their ballistic missiles firing data.
Why? Since when have these people been concerned about the life of Americans or their allies? (The USS Liberty being a prime example)
That they can even get this far with their cowardly warmongering is a feat in itself.
The pro-Israel fanatics are sure to come out on this thread.
And remember those Purim costumes?
Ross is one of the founders of AIPAC. Abrams advised the contras. What a pair!
Ross was a founder of AIPAC. Abrams advised the contras. What a pair!
The iran talks are a farce. As long as the west is "negotiating" ONLY with the nuclear program they are not serious. They need to do have negotiations detailed in mearsheimer and walts book. They describe how Khatami, Irans former president offered a grand bargain. They need to have talks over US-Iran relations, you know, real talks?
They need to discuss Afghanistan with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Egypt etc. Like Eric Margolis said a while back, Iran should be a major US ally. That's a fact. They should be talking about a grand bargain. As long as they trot this non-issue of the "Iranian Nuclear program" they just lead the world to world war 3
You are right patriot. But we do not know, what exactly is their agenda – except pleasing Israeli sick leaders. It almost looks like Israeli leaders blackmail all the others; something like if we do not get what we want we use our Sampson option doctrine. That is why there are talks about Iranian nuclear program and nothing else – just to appease Netenyahu and other psychos in Israel. Basically it is two-for-one negotiations. Iran negotiations are just part of the tougher negotiations with Israel – that's actually my feeling.
The iran talks are a farce. As long as the west is "negotiating" ONLY with the nuclear program they are not serious. They need to do have negotiations detailed in mearsheimer and walts book. They describe how Khatami, Irans former president offered a grand bargain. They need to have talks over US-Iran relations, you know, real talks?
They need to discuss Afghanistan with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Egypt etc. Like Eric Margolis said a while back, Iran should be a major US ally. That's a fact. They should be talking about a grand bargain. As long as they trot this non-issue of the "Iranian Nuclear program" they just lead the world to world war 3
AIPAC is a terrorist organization, because they insight terror against non-threatening countries who refuse to bend to both Israeli, and US hegemony. The sheer craven behavior of Biden, and the Congress/Senate towards AIPAC leads one to believe that a new governing body is needed if the US is to survive. One can see the gradual disdain that Americans are taking towards Israel, AIPAC and those those who are robbing the American people at gunpoint to prop up the worlds leading pariah being Israel.
According to the late Ariel Sharon:- Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/ariel…
According to the late Ariel Sharon:- Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/ariel…
The U.S. Cash cow udders are shredded, festering, knotted, full of blowflies, and parasites. There is one drop of untainted milk available, and the Zionists want it. They want it right now. No questions ! Fire up a jet, and fly it over. Pardon me if I do not genuflect.
AIPAC should be called IPAC. It has no concern whatsoever for America, other than ensuring the continuing of the massive subsidy they receive from US. Time to drop the A. Call it what it is – IPAC – the Israel Political Action Committee.
Both paid actors in above picture were today beating their war drums at Iran and the IAEA came out with a warning that unless they are allowed unlimited inspection of Parchin, they have no way of knowing if Iran is or is not making nukes.
Israel has a huge military. Why does Aipac desire our kids blood? If Iran needs to be attacked thousands of Aipac members are available for front line duty
Uh, 'scuse me. Anyone wonder why, ever since Walt and Mearsheimer published their paper, AIPAC has gone out of its way to flaunt its "power"? Why it has been aggressively obnoxious in strutting its Ashkenzi influence and open contempt for Americans who do not idolize the Jewish democratic state?
Why it has done everything it can to incite disgust among the lowly goyim?
Because if you think AIPAC, the "lobby," is the problem, you wont fix on the real problem–that the culture of Washington DC is infected with Zionism.