Following clashes in the Bala Baluk district of the Farah Province, US aircraft bombed the area. Afghan officials are now confirming that the attack hit civilian homes, killing women and children, and some officials say the final toll could easily rise into the dozens.
Provincial council member Abdul Basir Khan confirms that villagers brought the mutilated bodies of roughly 30 people killed in the air strike, and that many of them were women and children. It was not immediately clear if all the bodies were civilians or if militants were also killed in the attacks. One former district official who also confirms seeing dozens of bodies said it was too early to tell how many civilians were killed, but predicted that there were “more than 100 civilians dead” in the attacks, and many other civilians badly burned.
It seems likely now that the final civilian toll will at least be the highest so far in 2009, though it remains to be seen if it will ultimately rival August 2008’s US airstrike on Herat, which killed at least 90 civilians. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly demanded explanations for the killings, but the official US policy is to apologize, insist that “mistakes happen,” and move on to the next incident.
Someone in the U.S. Government has to wake the f'*** up. This is creating more enemies (obviously their goal, as they apparently are not doing it for military reasons) every time one of these drones fires another Hellfire missile into another home full of innocent civilians.
I can just see it now, some jerk wad will post beneath me here; "how'd you know they wuz innocent civilians?"
you know what? How'd you like it if this all powerful drone force suddenly began operating here in the U.S., firing Hellfire missiles into homes of 'suspected insurgents' in the not so distant future?
Would you all be willing to see American women and children's dead bodies be dug out of the rubble of homes in Chicago or East L.A. suburbs?
I don't think so.
this garbage must end. The Obombaton must be told to 'cease and desist' and if he truly is in charge of the C.I.A., which I sincerely doubt, then these strikes need to come to a screeching halt right the f*** now. My guess is that Obombaton is about as much in charge of the C.I.A. as you or I are. He is powerless to stop them.
this is murder. no trial, no evidence, just executions of innocents who've not been found guilty of any crime except they are Afghani's or Pakistani's.
You are 100% correct.
These butchers are going to be returning to the US in the near future. It's a stretch to think given the same circumstances they would not do the same here.
i agree above manufactured perpetuation super evil at "it's ugly real self ,,,thair it is Y? ,,,mass group psykosis at buaracratyic leveled realm or just sick crimanalized mass murder for sadistic glee should we shall take it to the HQ sourced ,,stay tuned and watch em slither away outta this one,watch for diseases about the crimanalized mass brained
"Where ever the USI goes, death, destruction and corruption follow."
The USI is determined to fracture what is left of Pakistan, as it has Iraq.
The USI is waging war on Islam. If Obama flinches, the American senior partner may remove him, one way or another. Even now a 'little drummer girl/boy' Muslim is being groomed and will be guided by more "art students."
["Chosen World – our war on Islam and our own freedoms"]
I'm sure Obama will pull through and pull one out for the War Party. He doesn't want to disappoint War Street or his Interdimensional Chess Club Handlers.…
What can one say? U.S foreign policy has been the same since the first ships came to my ancestors shores. They kill anyone they even suspect of getting in the way of their goals. Peace is their enemy and those that disagree with this policy, better find some other place to live.
Obama, Bush, Clinton, LBJ, Nixon, Ike, Truman, and the in betweens, I've seen them all and their all the same.
Murder is murder and you can't make a law to to make it not so. The sooner that the idea that whatever Americans do is just peachy dies, is the day we might just get a little more peace in the world.
Guess I'll be in Gittmo tomorrow for voicing my view.