After two days of long-winded speeches, NATO and the Arab League finally appear to have noticed that Russia isn’t going to capitulate on the Syria resolution at the UN, and now say they are dropping all calls for sanctions or Bashar Assad’s ouster and are looking for negotiations.
Indeed, Arab League leader Nabil ElAraby is backpedaling so quickly that he’s revising history, insisting now that the Arab League’s “Yemen solution” for Assad to step down in favor of his Vice President never really meant for Assad to step down but instead of delegate certain powers.
A new compromise resolution is reportedly in the works, and it will finally answer long-standing Russian demands for a resolution “without foreign military intervention” and expressly including a clause warning nations not to “resort to the use of force or the threat of force.”
But while the “Yemen solution” appears dead so far as Syria’s government is concerned, and the UN Security Council resolution is not going to force the issue, US and European governments are hard at work looking for a potential exile locale for Assad, should he eventually decide to step down. His choices appear limited – reportedly no European nation will take him, and the Saudis, the default exile hosts for most Arab dictators, do not particularly like Assad either. The United Arab Emirates is reportedly “open” to the idea, but this seems far from a solid deal, presenting one more obstacle to a negotiated solution.
The west's attempt to turn Syria into a Libya style sack of shit isn't progressing quite as they expected, eh?
So, Russia is the voice of reason while the US and NATO serfs rampage around the middle east creating chaos where they can.
The struggle is to keep the mid east nations from becoming coherent, independent political forces – the wish of the west is to keep the middle east in a perpetual state of chaotic warring tribes.
Power to Assad.
I am sure that Russia has noticed the large Israel force now stationed in Georgia. The hebrew speaking president of Georgia clearly would be a concern to Russia especially with what appears to be too close a relationship with Israel. Russia also noticed that NATO has been building military bases which circle Russia. NATO aka old colonial powers has gained power since George Bush noticed that he could not start wars in the United Nations while NATO had no checks on aggression. The world is a much worse place with NATO who recent attack on Libya is nothing short of a disgraceful military aggression and stealing of the wealth of the people of Libya. Russia clearly understand that every nation that falls to empire NATO is a nail in Russia coffin.
BTW there is no reason for NATO to exist. It was not a good idea at the end of the world war two and clearly it is a monster today.
Putin dors bussiness with a handshake…the west (usa) does with a gun…who will win…Well I rather have a friend than an enemy…PLEASE MOM, PRAY FOR PEACE!
Ya your MR. Putin bombed the hell out Chechnya
With a hand shake…..didn't he?, give me a break.
if we need make Syria be red line like Muangthai,is more wise,this country can be border for Arab to Europe and and Russia to Arab;if we open this gate politic Geo Asia will play ,can't be open,if we play with NATO plan to make Arab be they part is more difficult,because NATO must faced Syria plan country and Israel plan for Solomon Kingdom 2014 will roll;and Brzezinky plan more simple ,create Arab be A part and make 2 holy city sacred area;and Arab can for sale;it's just choice but all is under plan running by time to time;USA with Carter Doctrine 1980 with permit by King Feisal,to errase all liga Arab,ring 7 in 5 years,and all they legs Africa,absolut under Arab rule.teh EU is more can be control by US like the plan to Conqueror all EU(NWO plan)by Globalitation Practice by name CANVAS all just Makro Economic side,have much fredom house NED,NDI,IRI
West Rapidly Backpedals on Syria Resolution, Seeks Russia Deal — News from – just great!