Despite what had been months of boundless US optimism at the prospect of reviving their own failed peace effort, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton today rejected the notion of a French-brokered series of talks out of hand, saying neither side was “ready” to engage in talks.
And while the US has been unable to restart the talks since their unceremonious collapse in September, the Palestinian Authority has already agreed to the French proposal in principle. But then there’s Israel.
And Israeli officials say that they are inclined to reject the talks entirely, saying that they are focusing on the US-led negotiations, focusing on the ones that haven’t actually involved any talking since Israel began expanding settlements anew in September.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry lambasted the French effort, but it is unclear if the rejection is based on a perceived lack of pro-Israel bias on the part of France, or if it is the US rejection, seemingly based purely on concern that France might steal their thunder, has Israel convinced that blocking them would be a good conciliatory move in the recently tense relations with the Obama Administration.
Neither the French or the US should be involved in the peace talks. Israel and the Arabs should be allowed to work it out between themselves and only by themselves.
It is strange that Israel rejected the French plan which expresses the principal desire of Israel :to get a pure Jewish state (a ghetto,how much i can understand)(.The formula presented by Alain Juppe ,and so is already the formula adopted by "the free world",is "two states for two population and the necessity that Palestinians will recognize Israel as a Jewish state".The necessity,although is a "necessity,didn't exist in the previous "peace discussions".But the easy change of the principle means that the Palestinian population who live in Israel will be transfered to Palestine and Israel will annex or ,briefly,will be implemented Lieberman "solution" .
The only time that either side will be ready is when US and EU willing to boycott Israel totally, the only time that either side is ready is when US give up on AIPAC where the US government is slaved to.., otherwise any time is a good time for peace, otherwise any time is a good time for peace if US wanting to have peace in Middle East and elsewhere in this world, unless the idea is rejected by generals in US militarism regime or China is not willing to come up with the costs.
a slight correction. it will happen when US voters give up on AIPAC.
If politically in America, an association with AIPAC and taking AIPAC money became the kiss of death to a political campaign, then you'd quickly see the US government give up on AIPAC.
AIPAC is effective because politicians believe that AIPAC helps them win, or can cause their defeat if opposing them. Change that if you want AIPAC's influence to change. American voters have to learn that its suicidal to vote for leaders and representatives who put another nation's interests above the interests of citizens of this nation.
Teach people not to vote for candidates that support AIPAC positions or take AIPAC money.
Evidently, the French initiative does not have AIPAC's blessing. Successive US administrations have long been beholden to AIPAC and Hillary has emerged as little more than its spokesperson. Remember her description of the temporary halt to an expansion of the illegal Israeli settlements as "unprecedented"? Remember the resounding slap Biden had to swallow during his Israel visit and Obama's climbdown from his stand on 1967 borders. Actually, it's time to acknowledge the zionist state for what it is: the tail that wags the American dog. Peace does not become zionism, which makes no pretense to being based on anything but apartheid. The zionist experiment rests on dispossession of Palestinians from their land – and agreeing to any set principle for drawing borders is anathema to its resolve of retaining all of Palestine (and beyond!). It's no longer citizens of Israel who fet to decide whether their "state" should be secular or Jewish: it's got to be Palestinians. It's akin to asking Palestine to legitimize their dispossession. Nothing surprises anymore: and doesn't Hillary sound exactly like Lieberman sans the crassness?
I am sure Hillary consulted with the highest authorities (AIPAC) and her orthodox jewish daughter before making the decision that we cannot have peace in the middle east. How is our budget problems going to be solved if we stop giving $104,000,000 stealth fighter jets to attack nations using old soviet korean war surplus jets. HOw can we get full employment if we stop Israel from starting wars. Can you imagine how big the arab population will get if Israel is not allow to thin the arab population? Hillary is a woman who could not control her husband and clearly is not man enough for her present job.
The only lasting solution will be the breakup of the internal Empire. That, or the Second Coming.
Maybe the Rapturists are on to something after all. Ah well, let us cultivate our gardens……
From my observations over the years, Israel seems to play the 'peace game' according America's presidential timelines. Currently, it's in a stall mode where they will try to wait out the 2012 election while in the meantime building more settlements and continuing to pummel the Palestinians. I've seen this B-movie too many times…it always ends painfully for the Palestinians and humiliatingly for America.
Hilary is a disgusting person along with Bill but she is supposed to act like a womon not a beast.Unless Ron Paul is elected we will have the US government get worse and worse untill the American people fight for there constitution and against all the murder witch will sooner than later be at their door step.Christian nation I don't recall Jesus permoting killing and corruption.War should be used only if attacked and not by a fauls flag followed by what they do best is lie.Lie peoples kids right to there deaths and turning them into murders before the die.
And she is a beast see the video were she farts during a debate you would think she would hold it but the beast she is just let it RIP.Bill deals with that every night in bed when he's home anyway.Don't mean to gross people out but facts are facts and it's way better than sending people to kill and die for money or black gold.
Hillary Clinton needs to move to Israel – she represents ONLY Israel's interests.
Anyone need more proof that Israel (and therefore the USG) is really not interested in any type of peace talks? At least until the rest of the Palestinians have been removed (by whatever means necessary) from the land Israel wants as their own (all of it).
what is this about peace talks, is israel at war?
When is this fat, old, ugly bitch going to shut up already? Every time she opens her pie hole nothing but lies and bullshit comes out of it.