In a speech released today US Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Glyn Davies warned it was “urgent and essential” that Syria agree to more IAEA visits to the Dair Alzour site, threatening IAEA action if they refused.
Dair Alzour was the site of a building attacked and destroyed in 2007 by Israeli warplanes, which officials later claimed was a secretly under-construction gas-graphite nuclear reactor. Syria allowed an inspection and the removal of soil samples from the site, though only trace amounts of uranium were found, not the kind which would be used in a gas-graphite reactor and which IAEA inspectors later conceded they may have tracked into the site themselves.
Then-IAEA Chief Mohamed ElBaradei had chastized Israel for the destruction of the site, and for only telling the IAEA of their suspicions months after they’d bombed the site to the ground and Syria had paved over it. The IAEA has insufficient evidence to conclude what was there, and has continued to request further visits, but Syria has called them a waste of time and so far declined.
President Bush confirmed in his new memoirs that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had told him to attack the site in 2007, but Bush thought better of the attack and its threat to start yet another major war. It does not appear, however, that Bush considered telling the IAEA about the site either, which is supposed to be standard operating procedure for any suspected non-safeguarded site.
All this while Israel, the only nuclear power in the region, gets to play hop-scotch in the sun.
Exactly. They have hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Nuclear bombs pointing at rome and moscow, meanwhile they're all trying to drum up fear for non-existent Iranian bombs. Besides, the US doesn't own the IAEA. It's international. Syria is only criticized because they stand in the way of israel stealing more land that isn't theirs.
And you advocate genocide against israel.
"When the jews are erased, there will be no IDF, no schalitt, no Israel…"
You even said you wanted Schalitt killed so we wouldn't talk about him any more.
Why are you so oriented towards war and violence? Can't we all just live in peace?
Yeah, once they assimilate like HG wells Predicted we can live inpeace. I'm tired of israel constantly causing war and violence.
But Israel isn't the one who should change. They don't force female genital mutilation on their women. They don't use suicide belts and for the most part they try avoiding civilian casualties.
The other side should assimilate to our western values. The value of all human life. The value of a peaceful life, working together to build and enjoy our resources. Growing old with family in harmony with nature and the people around us.
I don't see enough of that in the terrorist controlled areas under islam.
Israel is a racist, apartheid state that mutialtes its young boys andillegally holds hundreds of nuclear weapons. They are the biggestpartner in the white slave trade and kill innocent civilians in theland they illegally occupy. The christians don't value life becausethey are terrorists just like the Israelis. Once the jews assimilatethe terrorism will stop.
No, egypt is for the way they treat the copts.Christians value life enough they don't use suicide belts.We don't stone rape victims.Wouldn't you really like to hear more about the love and respect my Bible teaches?
Take it up with the theologians. They will educate you on things.
I know more about theology then you could guess.
Take it up with the theologians. Maybe they know things that you haveoverlooked?
We agree on a lot of things.
Including the intelligent design theory.
But you are changing the subject. Nothing you have said excuses the violence in islam when muslims kill other muslims.
Don't you want peace for the world? Isn't that what this site is about?
Maybe they can shed some light on some things you missed.
I have not missed much, a lot less than you evidently.
Take it up with them.
I did.
You talked to a cleric?
Why would I? I don't glorify violence and my values have gone beyond the 7th century.Besides, I would rather go with the God powerful enough to create the universe, and caring enough to defend His people.
You are obsessed with Islam it seems to me. It controls you. Anythingthat consumes your time as much as Islam has controlled yours, wouldbe worthy enough to learn from professionals.
Christianity controls me.And evil is a very real thing. It wants to either control the world or blow it up so the lost imman can come out of the dry old well.
You don't obsess about Christianity. All you do is consume yourselfwith Islam. You are obsessed with Islam. It takes up all your time.You're not obsessed with Christianity. You're not blowing up Abortionclinics or killing innocent people in Foreign countries. Take it upwith an Imam. Tell jesus about your theories.
Christianity is simple. Trust and love Him. Islam, now it's another story. Another 50 blown today in Iraq. Muslims killing muslims. That's treachery in action.
You obsess about Islam. You never mention Christianity. You ALWAYStalk about Islam. I don't care what your biases or theories are aboutIslam
I have mentioned Christianity several times. And the ALmighty God who defends Israel.
You have rarely even mentioned Christianity. You only obsess aboutIslam. Talk to theology majors about your theories.
Yes, I did.I explained that Christianity is not about being perfect. That Christ (Jesus of Nazareth) lived a life perfect enough to cover for our sins.That our job is to accept Him, and then let the Almighty send His spirit into our lives to change them.It is so simple, so easy I don't have to repeat any mantra. I don't have to preach any lengthy propaganda speeches or cut and paste comments over it.If only you could learn about it outside the influence of your clerics you would be so 'liberated' by Christianity. It's the total opposite of 'submission' as demanded by Islam.
I think someone like him prefers the sheer violence and xenophobia that Islam teaches as opposed to the Bible
This is your other alias roger? The bible is not my cup of tea. I don't believe in religion. I don't think there ever was a thing as religion. Just history.
This is not an alias for me.
MS is someone else, speaks for themselves and while I often agree we have two different backgrounds most likely.
But, both being reasonable people think the same thing about the violence of islam.
Well you should take it up with a cleric. Perhaps he knows something you don't
And learn about suicide bombs?I am not that violent by nature. I better stick with the more noble religion.
How are you expect to learn if you are not even willing to hear whatIslam preachers have to say. Go talk to one. You'll never know thetruth until you hear both sides.
I did listen and they had a theory that didn't fit the facts.
Take it up with them. I don't care. Imams are creationists just asmuch as Christians are. They have to. As far as I can tell, they comefrom the same area.
But only One Almighty wins every single time. And it's not the pretender allah.
Take it up with them. Tell them what your beliefs are. I don't care.
I don't have to. They aren't interested and would only try levying a jizya tax on me.
I don't care. Talk to a cleric. You are obsessed with Islam
I talk to my Christian pastors. They have plenty of information from the sciences to convince me I was right.
Christian pastors will not be able to teach you about Islam. They willnot be able to teach you about natural selection and evolution becausethey are creationists. You need to talk to secular unbiased scientistsif you want to fill in the gaps that your god gives, and with yourobsession with Islam. Talk to a psychiatrist or talk to an Imam. Youmight feel better.
And why don't you think I have read the koran?9:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.
You don't comprehend it. You need to converse with someone who spendsall their time interpreting teaching and understanding it. That wouldbe a cleric or an imam or some elder. Go tell them about your biasesand theories. I don't care.
I comprehend it enough you can't fool me.
talk to an imam about it. They are not supposed to lie last I heard.Discuss it with them.
Your religion speaks so loudly with it's actions I don't care what the words are.
A cleric would be more than happy to take your questions and prejudices.
And then move close enough to set off a suicide belt.I love the restoration in Christianity.I despise the death goals of islam.
You are not willing to understand the religion of Islam. This isproven on the fact that you won't talk to an Imam or realize all theMuslim teachers and doctors in the world. You are biased andprejudiced.
I do understand islam, that's why I reject it.I am a realist, and islam if forced submission. Ask a rape victim.
You wont talk to an Imam who knows much more about it than you do, soyeah, you don't understand Islam, but more than that, you don't WANTto understand Islam.
Why would I talk to am Omam who is well versed in Al Taqiyya and can't be believed?Would he say that no bombs are going off in pakistan, or that the muslim majority isn't suppressing the original Copts in Egypt? I know better.
You should ask him. You should get to know the thing you are obsessed about.
If I want a lying low down muslims who advocates genocide to us Al Taqiyya on me, I have you.Why would I subject myself to more of that doctine?
You should talk to an Imam or a cleric. Until then you will neverunderstand what Islam really is. You are only speculating. You arebiased and a bigot and only believe things that fit your warped viewof society. There are thousand of muslims in America who are whiteblack asian semitic etc. of all races and they work hard, curediseases, and invent things that make our lives better.You are just a bigot and a sorry excuse for a christian.
I understand what islam is.Forced submission.What they do speaks much louder than what they might say.And if half the muslims working on bombs and jihad focused on medicine, they would know women in burkas have a vitamin D deficiency.
I don't see muslims doing any forced submissions when I walk outsidemy door. I see a lot of Christians riding their bikes trying to coerceme into THEIR religion though. I see no tangible evidence of anythingyou say. You should talk to an expert on Islam because Clearly you arenot an expert. Are you a muslim? If you aren't then how do you expectto learn from their religion? They wont bite. Go talk to one.
Then you aren't looking.Ask Neda.
I see muslims every day at my work and they are just working tosupport their families. They're no different than the black friends Isee, the christian friends I see, or the hispanic friends I see.
You see people forced into a religion they have no choice about.And I frankly don't care what you ignore about the world you live in.
I think everybody is forced into a religion by their parents. Whenyou're a baby, whatever your parents are chances are that's what youare. If YOU were born in the middle east chances are you would be amuslim right now. If you were born in india chances are you would be ahindu. As you grow up you grow out of the nonsense religion yourparents brain-washed you into.
Nope, in my church the pastor sat me down alone and we had a talk about what I felt was important in my life.The things I valued, the things I thought the Bible valued and could I explain my answer? I had to walk him from belief to belief and why I thought that way, why I thought the Bible taught what I believed and only after I convinced him of my sincerety did he agree to Baptize me.At any point I could have changed my mind, and given up hope for a better life. That's what Christianity is for me, a relationship with the Almighty where He gives me the strength to change and become more like Him, even in spite of my failings.Islam doesn't have that. It's forced submission or a bomb, or a stoning.
Why were you in a church and not in a mosque or a temple? Is there anychance that your parents were christian? You come from a christianbackground and a christian family. If you came from a muslim family ora muslim background chances are you were sitting in a mosque one day.Not a church. If you were a buddhist chances are you were sitting in atemple one day. Your parents were raised christian hence you wereraised christian. You are whatever your parents brainwash you with. Asyou get older, hopefully, you grow out of it. I had asthma as a kid, Igrew out of it.
I was in a church because I decided I wanted to experience the love of my God, as shown by His Son.My parents raised me as a Christian, but after leaving home I wanted to find out for myself what I believed and did a lot of studying. Of course muslims are not given that opportunity.
“My parents raised me as a Christian”Ah, so you proved me right. That means your parents are/werechristian. You are just a result of conditioning. If your parents werebuddhists you would have been in a temple studying buddhism. If yourparents were Muslims you would have ended up in a mosque reading thekoran and studying Islam and the koran.
No, I am a result of my own choices. No one wanted to kill me if I changed churches either.Had I been born a muslim I would be a two faced liar just like you, believing in Al Taqiyya just like you, wanting to stone rape victims, just like you. And lying about it, just like you.Not. I probably would have fled the country and gone someplace with freedoms enough to decide on my own, as I did here.
You are a product of conditioning. You're like a computer program. Youwere programmed into your belief systems. You weren't born aintolerant ignorant bigot. Somebody had to teach that to you, it hadto be instilled in you. You are a ignorant intolerant bigot, but youweren't born that way.
No, that's how your culture works.Not how mine works. Most kids drop out of religion when they become adults then wander back as they find the things they want.Most don't attend the same church they grew up in, some, but not a lot. And it depends on them. No car bombings, no suicide belts, no fatwas.
“No car bombings, no suicide belts, no fatwas.”You are judging people and I thought that was left for god? You haveto turn the other cheek. It's in the new testament.”No, that's how your culture works.”It's not culture. It's conditioning. We are all products ofconditioning and programming. You are proof.
I am merely reporting the facts.You have a problem with facts, don't you? Al Taqiyya does that to you.
Your facts don;t hold any weight to the muslims I have met. I haveworked them, they are doctors and technicians and they are hardworking decent people and there are a billion of them and for you togeneralize and judge the way you do and stereotype a billion peoplejust on what a few muslims do to defend themselves is dishonest.
My facts hold up just fine.How many planes have been blown up over Iran with Christian underwear bombs?
None. Christians have just burned people at the stake and committedgenocide in Iraq and committed genocide to natives.
No, we haven't. Not in the last 500 years.
Here they go again. This made up story was concocted only weeks after the mysterious mission over Syria. Remembering well the details that came out from the neighboring countries and Syria immediately after the incident, it was mighty clear that whatever it was, it had nothing to do with Syria or any suspected nuclear facility. All sorts of Wag the Dog scenario showed up much later, and the story is being embellished even now. Syria reported a large armada of Israeli airforce, that was intercepted by Syrian airforce. Some Israeli planes dumped ammunition over Syria and Turkey. Turkey protested. In Syria, a warehouse was damaged as a result. Only the roof, that was then repaired. Whatever was dumped, it was to lighten the load of planes to go to higher altitude and leave. Many observers at the time believed that it was a botched attack on Iran, as Syria detected and intercepted the squadron. Rather then engage in air to air combat, the armada lighten the load and left. It would be usefull to test other dumping sites to see if there are traces of radiation there as well. I am sure this was done, but not everybody is talking — yet. Israel would be better off not to scratch this scab.
Amazing how American hypocrisy can twist realaties to appease Israel.While opposing any resolution that may pressure Israe into accepting IAEA membership,the US is dicarding the core principle of the IAEA proclemation as a nuclear safeguard.No wonder why the US is losing credebility among world nations for its subservience to israel.
You were the one who said I wasn't ever bringing up my faith.I can discuss it, and since you brought it up I could only conclude unhappy you were with your forced religion.
You have brought up your interpretation of your faith. Go tell atheology professor.
Yes, you certainly reject personal freedoms.
American troops were there. Some may have been Christians. But they were under the orders of the military, not their pastors.You living in a sharia country don't understand just how different our militaries are. We don't have religious wars. In fact, religion can't be involved in decisions.No Christian pastor sits down with the allowed candidates laying down limits and goals before they get on the ballot.And islam is evil. When was the last time you had a stoning in your little village?
Christians killed people in Iraq and indirectly kill people all overthe world with their tax dollars. Christians should object to thismurder, but once you see that Christians have murdered since theirinception you see that their one of the biggest killers in the world.
No, they defended their country.Christians want their women and children defended.Our God of Abraham has this thing about unneeded death. Murder is wrong, you know that sort of thing. So fighting the religion of death is a good fit for Christians.
No, they defended their country.> Christians want their women and children defended.”Oh so now christians are launching these illegal wars? I though it wascongress? Make up your mind. Quit contradicting yourself.Christians want their women and children defended from what? Makebelieve boogie men you make up in your head?Our God of Abraham has this thing about unneeded death. Murder is wrong, you> know that sort of thing.No he doesn't. The god of abraham demands that people kill and murderand rape and enslave all in his name. The god of Abraham jehova is anevil devil. He is the biggest murderer of all time. He says kill thebest gentiles, kill all the ones that don't worship the one and onlygod. He is a racist, jealous murdering, genocidal god.
You learn about the government of the US and then ask me again.I have no responsibility to educate you on such everyday facts. Didn't your cleric educate you?And the God of Abraham sent His son so death would be ended for all time. You can make up all the things you want, but some day if you're an Iranian attacking Israel do you really want to keep poking their Almighty God in the eye with these lies? He may take the chance to get even with you.
“You learn about the government of the US and then ask me again.”I know more about than you will ever know.”And the God of Abraham sent His son so death would be ended for all time. You can make up all the things you want, but some day if you're an Iranian attacking Israel do you really want to keep poking their Almighty God in the eye with these lies? He may take the chance to get even with you “I don't believe in that stuff. I find it evil and responsible for allthe worlds problems. The god or abraham is responsible for all thepain and murder and destruction that is in the world. I find jehova tobe the epitome of evil. The devil. The murderer of Iraqi Children andPalestinian children. The evil god that is racist, genocidal,irrational and full of hatred. That is no god of mine. That is an evilgod made up by evil people. Jehova doesn't exist. Neither does jesus.”And the God of Abraham sent His son so death would be ended for all time.”yet people are still dying. Are you gonna deny that to? Go ahead anddeny it. I wont think any less of you than I already do. You are thelowest of the low. Pure scum.
Yeah right, from the drink pink dancing unicorns in your head?Even Muslims admit Jesus of Nazareth lived. You know Roman historians chronicled that He lived.You just refuse to admit the rest.And even a iranian muslim has to admit that no islamic force has ever been able to triumph over the God of Abraham with all the tanks and missiles that you want to try it with.
“Even Muslims admit Jesus of Nazareth lived. “Yes they do. But they are wrong. They also believe that all theprophets were muslims. You would know that if you talked to a musliminstead of hating them for no reason at all. Muslims also believe thatthe earth is flat.”You know Roman historians chronicled that He lived. “There are far more roman historians that do not chronicle him. Thereare no busts of him and there are no writing salvaged that areattributed to him.”And even a iranian muslim has to admit that no islamic force has ever been able to triumph over the God of Abraham with all the tanks and missiles that you want to try it with.”I don't know about that but I DO know the romans trashed those scumbags. The romans WILL be the Americans of 2012. I can smell it.