Two candidates from last year’s Iranian Presidential Election, Mehdi Karroubi and Mir-Hossein Moussavi issued a joint letter today warning that the various sanctions against Iran, from the UN sanctions passed in June to the unilateral US and EU sanctions passed since, are actually helping President Ahmadinejad consolidate power.
The Obama Administration had insisted that a public offer to talk made by the Iranian government ealrier this month proved that the sanctions were “working.” At the same time, US officials angrily rejected the offer to talk.
But the joint letter reported that in actuality the sanctions are primarily harming Iran’s poor, while sparking resentment against both the international community and opposition figures like themselves, who are increasingly linked with the Obama Administration.
Despite requests from the opposition that the US keep their distance, the State Department has bragged about efforts to support them, giving the Iranian government excuses to crack down on them for being tied with an enemy state constantly threatening invasion.
Well, mine's this long.
1) the Green Coup almost certainly IS tied to US covert operations. That almost certainly isn't just an excuse.
2) don't think for a moment that the US High Command cares about discrediting real reform in Iran. Real democratizing reform is the LAST thing they want. What we want, what we always want, is a puppet government we can control.
Evil Empire's help is only welcomed by mainstream Americans, Israel and their Vassals around the world. Ahmadinejad was elected by majority of Persians and has their support as well as respect by others for standing up to the Anglo-American alliance of terror.
When Reagan quipped "I'm from the USG and I'm here to help" he meant the USG with respect to the rest of the world. The world knowx when the USG makes this declaration that nation is in trouble and will likely be destroyed by the USG.
Iran opposition, it was on Book TV this weekend. It is fashioned after the Iraqi opposition to Sadaam Hussein, replacing the q with and n, Iraq, Iran. The Iran opposition knows that the USG and American public are suckers which like to be lied to and they want to enrich themselves and the Iraqi opposition provided them with a blue print of how to do so., They are playing the USG for our tax monies. It was so obviously insulting to the American people and it shows foreign interests that if you treat the American public with arrogance, disdain, hubris and abuses it works because this is how the USG treats the American public.
Not only that, an overwhelming majority iranians (non-Gucci-ren-a-crowd) that voted for him & the current government in the last referendum, STILL does so. By larger numbers.
The western regimes on israels behalf, may wont "regime change" but any more colour coded "revolution" attempt will backfire immediatly.
It's a well known fact that in 2006 Bush established a 400 million Dollar fund to finance the opposition to the Iran election of 2008. That money is still floating around and is probably in some of the opposition bank accounts. It has backfired and the opposition, many of them, have paid a heavy price. U.S. money, estimated at 64 million went into the Orange election of the Ukraine of 2005, likewise the Tulip election of Kyrgyzstan. They also backfired. U.S. always has lots of money to throw around. Just add it to the national debt, currently 13 trillion. A few million here, a few billion there, pretty soon it adds up to a little bit of money. Of course, here in the good old U.S.A. we have always insisted and advocated the idea of a election governed by fair election laws. Do as I say not as I do.