Secretary of State Tony Blinken said all options are on the table against Iran, giving a clear nod to threats to attack militarily. This is exactly the sort of threat Israel has wanted, and Israeli officials are congratulating one another in getting that out of the US.
“All options” was a catch-all term for the US in threatening anyone, but Israeli officials felt the US wasn’t saying it nearly enough against Iran, presenting this as a split between Israel and the Democrats, a rift they now see as healing.
Israeli officials saw limited threats against Iran as a sign that the US realistically hadn’t kept some options on the table. It isn’t clear that the US is any closer to attacking Iran now, however.
The US is resisting key aspects of a deal, and warning time is running out for Iran. This, and the threats to attack, are part of the bargaining effort, not serious signs an attack is imminent.
Apart from Israel, the US would likely face major international opposition for a unilateral attack. The US stated goal is to return to the JCPOA and see Iran returned to it as well. Iran seems wholly prepared for that, on the condition that the US actually honors the deal and that they get some sort of assurance that the US won’t back out again like they did last time.
The assurance will likely be difficult, as Iran is such a political hot button in the US that many candidates will run specifically on dishonoring any deal reached with them.
What is surprising? One Zionist giving “permission” to another to attack Iran. It has nothing to do with U S of America. It is a wholly Zionist affair.
Its a more complex dance than that. Its like dropping nagging hints that you want a present.
Israel has given the U.S. permission to attack Iran for Israel, but Israel cannot openly demand the U.S. attack Iran for Israel.
It has to be otherwise a spontaneous and freely given ‘gift’ that leaves Zionism technically blameless, just in case there is a God.
And, the bash when thrown will be paid for by all of us first, while elite Zionists are protected by money and posh bunkers.
I am truly curious what will happen. It looks like it is too risky for US to expose any more of its weaknesses. Afghanistan must be forgotten first. And economy needs to get out of crisis mode. And Iran is much too dangerous target. Any small ones to put against the wall?
America has no option. If Israel demands that Iran be bombed, it will have to do.Slaves have no choice but to obey masters
When the Seiks start singing this tune, one wonders if any one will be in darkness on this one. Is it Modi’s romance with fellow supremacist Bibi that turned on the lights…????
And what are “elite Zionists”? Who are they?
Being concerned about bullying determined threats from Iran is just common sense.
As compared to with actual actions like murdering scientists, sabotaging nuclear facilities, attacking ships transporting oil or just your daily bombing of invited Iranian militias in Syria? Not to mention being concerned about the little parasite’s ownership of the superpower’s congress and them OPENLY threatening military action.
“All options” Why? Hypocrisy and bs is all the usa is anymore and its disgusting
Disgusting & dangerous too when declining regimes begin to display weakness, they invite attack from those they are pressuring. Maybe Biden think’s the U.S. is strong as ever, but Afghanistan called him and he parried. And there is the comical hypersonic missile fiasco with Austraila, making anyone wonder how they would do in a match with a couple of peer thermonuclear adversaries let alone two plus Iran & N. Korea. Sad to see the weak becoming more and belligerent. It only let’s the weakness show more and more. AND I didn’t even mention the Neland Clinton loss of Crimea!! It’s quite a string of losses
How could we “loose Crimea”? IT was never part of the US or its allies?
Democrats are wrong to think that making Israel happy by dragging us into a colossal war can help them win elections. Trump gave Israel more than it can imagine and he was voted out by the American people. Since we don’t have much reliable political analysis, we don’t know how it affected him in the elections. I feel many of his supporters abandoned him when they saw him turn into a warmonger, just like the swamp he promised to drain.
The elections were cheated… and there were defections from the Trumpian camp.
Hardy anyone who mattered disagreed with the outcome except to highlight it.
Who know what it is… The Super power that got called in The Grave of Empiers, and snuck away in the night & left billion’s worth of toys behind. Let’s have a quasi public auction…!!! Numbers only, no names please. “Who just bid $130K for that Abrahams tank. Sounds like they are speaking Spanish, was it Venezuela, maybe Cuba…???
As far as all options are on the table, it could mean that Iran can enrich to 95% if they promise to snuf Maduro!! They have made that threat oh so many times more than anything significant happins. Talk Tough and Carry an unequaled & humiliating record of losses….. So Many Wars, So few Wins…. How do they do it with a straight face. All those antique naval assets they flaunt are easy pray for todays missiles. I’m not very sure what would happen if they had to fight a peer power like China, of Iran & Russia. The tough talk is easy, but the tough it out against one of the big boys is not so much a win win pushover. So Joe might get a big lesson in “Warch Out 4 the True Believers”
Amerikkka was a very big winner in creating human suffering, starving and displacing millions around the world.
Don’t it make you proud?
“The US stated goal is to return to the JCPOA and see Iran returned to it as well.”
This in not quite accurate. US has stated many times its insistence Iran not only give up all its support for fellow shia in the area, all missile development and even all human sciencetific capital, …. That’s not just circumcision, but, as in the original Abrahamic bargain, prove its faith by self-castration.
Or decapitation!!!!!!!!!
The Plan D is on the Table too…!
I like plan D 😉
As the US economy continues to tank, inflation to soar, scarcities to proliferate, etc. etc., what better solution for Americans than the tried-and-
true-false: another major war? Maybe just in time forChristmasHanukkah 2021.OMG! We HAVE to attack Iran, in pure self defense. Their missiles are on their way!!! G-d help us!!! AAAAAGGHH!
We lost to Afghanistan – if we lose to Iran (which is even more likely) – we will truly deserve getting our ass kicked – because we will have truly crossed a busy street to kick a dog.
“all options” NEVER include cooperation, peace, discussions allowing the other side to put its point of view, or any action except what “we” have decided suits us.
It’s just another of the empires obfuscations. Like Bush saying that military action would be his last resort, and then telling the UN the inspectors wont be safe, thereby pulling the inspectors. The empire runs on deception and coercion. Just ask Julian Assange.
If Amerikkka had lived up to its end of the bargain, there’d be no issues of Iran attempting “to develop nuclear weapons”, which it is not. The uranium enrichment program for civil uses has whipped the Zionazis into a frenzy, who maintain that “global powers need to deal with Iran” (translation: Amerikkka needs to attack Iran FOR us!)
And some people thought that addle-brained Old Joe and his Blinkin’ Idiot were done with war in the Middle East. Hahahahaha!
Before and during WW2, the american left convinced themselves thast Stalin was Good.
No they didn’t. They thought Stalin was less evil than Hitler. But of course your analogy was just another ridiculous attempt to equate Iran with a madman from the past. You’ve used Hitler before so why not Stalin. Mao should be next.
Wrong again. My comment was to highlight the naivete and twistyness of the American left. People idolize the demon of their choice. Haman is much more patient that the aforementioned demons.
By the way, during the Hitler Stalin1939 pact-this was supported by the left,who felt that the WW2. was all a US corporate plot. As soon as Hitler invaded the USSR, their song immediately changed, The US press covered up the Holodomor and other Stalinist evils until after WW2 ended.
Life is complicated;neither villanization or romanticization bring truth.
Your comment was to put Iran on the same plane as Stalin’s USSR. Nothing more. Just like your previous comments comparing Iran to Hitler’s Germany. It doesn’t matter if Iran doesn’t have even a fraction of the military capabilities as either the USSR or Germany, nor the economy, you just keep repeating the same nonsense. So when are you going to compare them to China’s Mao? Still waiting.
So did all your Zionist idols you support today.
I will state who I support and who my idols are-not you. By the way, I have no idols.
Usually, as it is in this case, “all options are on the table” always means ” we do not have a f___g clue as to what to do next.”
Very inclined to wholeheartedly agree with Taras77. And all the tough talk pays big dividends in campaign bribes. All the chicken- hawks will be gushing on one venue or another how great we are….. . and no one in view will vomit. Great at losing Crimea, Afghanistan… What was that.. ???
I thought ‘all options’ were ALREADY on the table. What has changed?
Iran like China doesn’t respond well to threats.
Blinken is simply showing how subservient he is to Israel’s lobby.
In remembrance of the situation leading to WWI let’s attack Iran which has a mutual defense pact with Russia, which has a mutual defense pact with China, who has a commercial relationship with half of the rest of the planet, because Israel wants to see the US, UK, France, Japan, Taiwan and Australia being annihilated. The US no longer has the reserves to fight a sustained war, so it’s bound to be nuclear after the first five minutes. Welcome to hell, because Israel wants to see you burn! Suckers!
They also invented Covid and V.D.
Pull up a chair and enjoy the mushrooms clouds, boys and girls!
All options means all options including business as usual.
U.S. to Iran : “Surrender or die!”
Iran to U.S.: ” What’s option three again, O Great Satan?”
Iran to US: GFY.
It is funny. Everybody knows that war is not an option, and has not ben for a while.
The fact that countries of Middle East are fleeing the Western embrace ought to be telling.
Who is interested in fighting Iran? Nobody. Saudi Arabia and Iran are talking. As they are required to. Iran a permanent member if SCO. Saudi Arabia applied for SCO membership a year ago — a number of chapters signed. This summer accepted into SCO on partner level. Turkey member since 2013. Egypt as of this summer. Jordan opened borders with Syria. Iraq or Kuwait will not participate in any anti-Iran action. Ditto Qatar.
What makes US think it can go on Iran — knowing that it has Russia-China guarantees?
Any surprise attack would result in retaliation. We can bet targets are already picked.
Any such confrontation would not remain limited. We may see degradation in our ability to keep naval assets roaming as they do today. If it also looses traction on Taiwan or Ukraine, it will be catastrophic for global posture.
The way Japan and Korea are acting — they seem to be betting on Chinese economy.
Why start anything at all, risking other positions? Risking further our economy?
But then, with empty shelves, there is always a temptation to divert attention to a foreign boogie man.
Unfortunately US politicians are dumb and they can start any war to serve the MIC…!
Iran ‘Won’t Be Alone’ If U.S. or Israel Attacks, Russian Official Says
“If the Americans attack Iran, the world will change. They will not dare to make such a mistake.”
~ Akbar Rafsanjani, former President of Iran
To be clear, he was alluding to the closure of the Strait of Hormuz, an immediate 20% hit to the world’s oil supply
Doesn’t matter; the oil derivatives game went bust over COVID.
That is nice and all I guess but financial instruments tied to oil are obviously utterly irrelevant to what I am talking about so I will be needing you to stay on topic.
20% of the world oil supply objectively matters, and that is not debatable. And Iran can close the strait without issue. Any attempt to reopen it will result in the destruction of the Fifth Fleet (see the Millennium Challenge 2002
It is a hopeless situation.
Love it!
Want it. Zionists to blame
No doubt you will be happy when Europe runs to a halt,freezes, and starves.
Bet Iran is glad it invested resources over the decades designing and building missiles.
So starve your people so your leaders can have new playthings and toy with the apocalypse. Very wise.
You talking about the USA?
Is this the US’ method to deflect from an imminent financial collapse and the US government mandated COVID death shot?
Once the collapse hits, little to no oil will flow from the Middle East and Russia to Amerika. Biden’s recent plea for the aforementioned nations to step up oil production ignores the relative ease for which the US imports Canadian tar sands oil, however expensive it’s refining methods.
With the US out of Iraq, Muslims are doing a good job of killing each other.
Ignoring the rape of Nanking and enslavement of Korea.
We did this ‘giving the nod’ thing to Saddam Hussein with regard to invading Kuwait, and in doing so we ended up having to play the ‘plausible deniability’ game when he went ahead and did it, with disastrous results. We’ve become good at the ‘I dint say nothin’, man’ game. Israel will attack Iran, and say they were given the green-light by the US, the US will say we didn’t do that, and sooner or later it will all be swept under the carpet- except for the dead Iranians and wrecked property left behind. I can just imagine the howls of indignation if, say, China or Russia were to issue the same comments on Iran’s behalf.