Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reportedly suggested that he would accept a Palestinian state with temporary borders as a conciliatory move to the Palestinian Authority.
Israel has been under pressure to make some sort of move to help restart the peace process after killing the indirect peace talks with a massive settlement expansion in occupied East Jerusalem last month.
But exactly how much of an “offer” this is remains to be seen. Netanyahu seems to be offering up the temporary borders idea as a way to continue the settlement expansions with impunity, and as a way to defer the issue of East Jerusalem until his government has more time to build more settlements in the city.
The proposal is hardly a new one, and it is one that Mahmoud Abbas has rejected repeatedly. Though it is certainly a better deal than the Likud government has offered before, it still seems well short of the Palestinian calls for a settlement freeze and an actual independent state.
Ah, is that sort of like an eruv string from bulldozer to bulldozer, armored vehicle to armored vehicle?
corr "strung"
instead of calling it a temporary "state (just what they always wanted) transistional,transient,see also tramp,OO,,,why not call it an experimental state, exspiereinces in & of altered states,of which I'm sure they have the exprnsc. to speak,ya go exprmnt on yer own _SS will ya zion team leader,thats' right drink the kool-aid and jump in the reactor collider accelerator messiah 5000 and we'll tell ya if thairs any difference
This is better than what? Come on, wake up. This proposal is nothing but an attempt to get Palestine to agree to the 'facts on the ground'. It's like when you are beating someone up and you offer them a peace deal where you keep beating them up and they stop resisting and thank you. But these days, I guess alternapundits are just eager to label any old thing "progress", because apparently they just can't face up to the brutal reality that the oppressors are bound and determined to have their way and no one anywhere that has any leverage is taking a stand against that.
"Transitional, transient, tramp"–spiff.
The Judaic Republic of Palestine, then–the "Wandering State"?
What an example of the disdain Netanyahu holds for the rest of the world. He must believe we are stupid enough to take such nonsense seriously.
At any rate he knows that all AIPAC has to do is dangle dollars in front of our sitting Congress members and they will leap for their pens to sign another letter in support of their "best friend."
Our Supremes declared it so – money is speech – so our representatives won't remain speechless while this "bull in a china shop" stalls for time.