Yemen’s Houthis are expected to stop their attacks on Israel and Red Sea shipping if Israel upholds its end of the Gaza ceasefire deal it has reached with Hamas.
The Houthis, officially known as Ansar Allah, began their attacks in 2023 in response to the US-backed Israeli onslaught in Gaza. The US began a bombing campaign against the Yemeni group in January 2024, but it has only escalated the situation.
President Biden’s special envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, has previously acknowledged that the Houthis would likely stop their attacks if there were a ceasefire in Gaza.
On Thursday, Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi said Ansar Allah would monitor the ceasefire, which is expected to take effect on Sunday, and warned there would be more attacks if Israel didn’t follow the deal.

“We will continue to monitor developments in Palestine during the three days prior to the entry into force of the Gaza agreement. If the Israeli massacres continue, we will continue our operations,” al-Houthi said.
“At any stage in which the aggression retreats from the agreement, we will be ready to provide military support to our Palestinian brothers,” al-Houthi added.
Al-Houthis comments signaled that Yemeni attacks on Israel could continue until the ceasefire is implemented since Israel has continued to bomb Gaza. In recent weeks, the Houthis have stepped up missile attacks on Israel, with some making it past air defenses. Israel has responded with heavy airstrikes on Yemen, which have only hit civilian targets.
Al-Houthi vowed Yemen would not back in the face of further attacks. He said Ansar Allah will “confront any aggression, whether by the Israelis, the Americans, or their allies, or any attempts to divert our country from its liberated jihadist path.”
I wonder if the Houthis leader realizes that he on Israel hit list. And history shows the Israel is very patience and determined to get their targets.
Those resisting Zionism are more patient
Sure, Yahya Sinwar bravely hid behind women and children for months before showing his face. He was really able to "stick" with the fight!
And don't forget the six hostages he had murdered that he also hid behind.
Maybe Houthis are strong enough to stop Zionist criminals. Let's hope they are.
And maybe I’m a Chinese pilot.
The Houthi motto is "Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse be upon the Jews." (See the sign behind their leader). They attack world shipping, plus Israel and Saudi Arabia.
They are criminals that work with Al-Qaeda. Israeli and Saudi Arabia are US allies. Why root for a gang of criminals?
The worst criminal gang at the moment is Zionist one. Before them, the worst was Nazi Germany. By the way, Germans got from Zionists the idea of superior race. The root of the evil is the evil ideology, not people. People, if properly educated and brought up in Christian tradition are good, doesn't matter to what ethos they belong.
Nazi ideology was based on the racial eugenics movement,which had absolutely nothing todo with Zionism. Are you saying that only Christian traditions produce good people?-not clear on what you meant.
A lot of historical facts were twisted in order to justify Zionism and undermine Christianity.
Sometimes Christianity was undermined without evil intention, just because of the ignorance. For example, when in 19th century Europeans began study Buddhism and other Asian religions, they discovered the similarity with Christianity, and because of fake chronology, they decided it were Christians who copied Asian religions. It damaged Christianity quite a lot. However, the fact is that all other great religions started from Christianity in time of so called Tatar-Mongol Empire (which actually had nothing to do with Mongols). I know, most people learned the fake history, so it makes not much sense to argue with you. It is the same as argue with religious fanatics.
"is that all other great religions started from Christianity" And Christianity was started from Judaism.
Judaism was created about five hundred years ago. Jesus Christ was executed more than eight hundred years ago. First religious crisis which divided Christians, and which also divided Great Tatar Empire, happened about 650 years ago.
Did Fomenko receive a statue commemorating his Абзац award? If so, does he proudly display it on his desk?
If you don't like (maybe for Russophobic reasons) one of the best world mathematicians academician Fomenko, you may read something from Isaac Newton, Jean Hardouin, De Arcilla or Robert Baldauf. All of them denounced Scalegerian chronology as fake.
Indeed, one needn't to be a great man of science to see that the man who "calculated" the date of creation of The World (about six thousand years ago) can't be trustworthy. At least, it makes sense to check all his other calculations. Why not?
Newton’s calculations contracted the periods of Greek and Egyptian times considerably, but they bear far more resemblance to the six thousand year calculations than to Fomenko.
“Russophobia” has nothing to do with it. I’d mock Fomenko if he was from Lubbock or Lima, too.
Mentioned men of science had different reasons and different calculations but all of them denounced Scaligerian chronology despite it was rubberstamped by Vatican because it looked wrong to them. It can't look correct to anyone who dares to question it. On the other hand, those who bothered to check chronology created by Fomenko, agreed that it is correct. His reconstruction of the history is wrong but his chronology is only a really scientific chronology we have at the moment.
Besides it coincide with other serious calculations and scientific tests. As, for example the test of The Shroud which was made in three different trustworthy laboratories. Though they didn't gave the same date, their average is very close to Fomenko's version which is 1185
The part you’re leaving out about the Shroud is that there’s precisely zero evidence of any kind that it’s related, in any way whatsoever, to Jesus.
Vatican has no other shroud. This one, even after the tests showed different dates of what it should be according to Scaligerian chronology, never was denounced by Vatican as fake.
It looks, Vatican got The Shroud after the change of the dynasty in Moscow. Probably Romanovs gave it to Vatican as reward for the help.
When Romanovs came to power, The Shroud, which was regularly demonstrated to the public in previous years, disappeared, and no one ever has seen it again. Then it appeared in Vatican.
By the way, the image on The Shroud, which in older times was called Miraculous Image (Нерукотворный Образ), because it wasn't made by humans, later disappeared. Only when the photography was invented, and when they made photo of it, they discovered that one can see the image on photo negative.
"far more resemblance to the six thousand year"
They didn't questioned the date of creation of the world. That's why.
Scaliger did it very simple. First he "calculated" the date of creation of the world, and then he filled those five + thousand years with biblical events and "ancient" kingdoms according Vatican's political preferences. He worked for Vatican.
Scaliger was a Calvinist rebel against the Vatican.
At the time rebels were burnt alive. All Scaliger's works were published without any problems. His chronology became official Vatican's chronology. At the time, all education, all publications and science in controlled by Vatican area were under strict control of Vatican.
Judaism was not "created" about 500 years ago. Clearly the Bible describes Jesus as a Jew who interacts with the Jewish kingdom. Jesus was raised according to Jewish customs, and was circumsized. The famous "Last Supper" was a Passover Seder. Mark 14:12 says that Jesus prepared for the Last Supper on the “first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb.”
Other evidence is overwhelming. 500 years? Better check your facts, hombre.
Anyone who blindly supports an apartheid genocidal state is a LOSER!
However, the fact is that all other great religions started from Christianity
There are no "great" religions. All religions are equal. They all suck.
Only Christians are good?
It's not clear who you mean by "Zionists," but if you mean the government of Israel, then you have things backwards.
Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was inspired by, and supported by, the actual Nazi government in the 1930s-1940s. Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Nazis all shared a clearly stated view that Jews are inherently evil. Read the Hamas charter, which explicitly states this. Instead of peace, Hamas chose extermination. Fighting against extermination is the right of any human being.
By the way, the sign above the Houthi man in this article says "Death to America! Death to Israel! A curse upon the Jews!" That's the Sarkha (the Scream). No mention of "Zionists".
It's right in front of you.
Open your eyes and take a look at the WHOLE history of Israel/Palestine! If someone attacked your family and violated your human rights, you might want to fight back too!
The view of Hamas and the Houthis is that the only thing that matters is the Muslim conquest of the area.
– The Jewish defeat of the Canaanites doesn't matter.
– The Roman defeat of the Jews doesn't mater.
– The Crusaders defeat of the Muslims doesn't matter.
– The Ottoman empire conquest doesn't matter.
– The British empire conquest doesn't matter.
– And the Israeli defeat of Arab armies in 1948 doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters is the Muslim defeat of Crusaders, making every inch of the land Muslim land forever.
By the way, this also applies to other territories, such as those in Spain, which was under Muslim rule for 400 years.
The point? The Arabs lost the war in 1948. When you lose a war, you don't get to decide what happens. The winners do.
That is why millions of Germans were displaced after Germany lost WWII; millions were displaced in India and Pakistan after their wars; and so on.
The difference is that Hamas says they make the rules ,which they enforce by extreme violence, as on Oct. 7.
That is the whole history.
We need a true and lasting peace!… Not a peace in pices!…!…!
Hezbollah stopped attacking, Iran stopped attacking, Hamas stopped attacking, and now the Houthis will stop attacking.
For the Middle East, that's peace.
When does the IDF stop attacking? THAT would be real peace.
The end of a war requires all parties to stop the violence. Currently, the Houthis and Iranians are firing missiles at Israeli population centers. Both Iran and the Houthis support the sarkha ("The Scream"), which states:
""God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse be upon the Jews, Victory to Islam."
Tell me why I should support a group that screams "death to America," which is attacking and seeking to destroy a US ally?
As for Hamas, read their charter, which is not openly anti-Semitic, but also declares that all Muslims have an obligation to God to destroy Israel, and that all negotiations are pointless – only jihad is allowed.
So, is this "just talk" or posturing, and will Hamas live in peace? That is what many Israelis believed on Oct. 6, when they allowed billions of dollars in aid to reach Gaza. However, instead of helping Gazans, Hamas put that money toward war and toward killing as many Israelis as they possibly could, with a deliberate emphasis on extreme violence, cruelty, and brutality.
At the time, many Americans said, don't make the mistake we made after 9/11. However, the Israeli response is the logical response to such violence. Even this presumed pause may only lead to more violence from Hamas.
If you want a true and lasting peace, you should take MIC under control of honest and democratically elected people. Unfortunately, it is impossible in U.S. because the private property is too sacred.
MK Bhadrakumar
So, the attacks will restart. Just a matter of when.
… Which would be the case… More attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa…!
Cease fire and "peace talks" is one thing, but what happens to thePalestinaisn still left in Gaza, the West bank and elsewhere. Will the go back to be slaves to the Israelis and have to obey and do what Israel wants or be punished or killed?
The Palestinians in Gaza were not "slaves to the Israelis". Israel left Gaza in 2006 and – when not attacked – left them alone.
It was Hamas that staged a violent coup and that illegally occupies Gaza. There is no democracy or freedom there, and they torture and execute people at will.
Plus, Israel left Hamas along and allowed billions of dollars in aid to flow into the territory. All Hamas had to do was not try to kill Israelis, but they spent their billions on war rather than their people.
Read the Hamas charter. It is clear who they are. They support violence and the complete destruction of their neighbor and its people. All land must be conquered and put under Islamic control. This is the will of God and no negotiations or compromise is allowed, only violence and death.
Some people in Israel were naive enough to believe that this was just talk, or that they would compromise, like the PLO. Some Israelis living near Gaza even tried to make friends and help the people of Gaza, with medical care and other help. The result was Oct. 7, when thousands of Gazans poured into Israel and joyfully butchered more than a thousand Israelis (and others) and took 250 men, women, children, and babies hostage.
So – this is the real Hamas, and there is no compromise with people whose purpose in life is to exterminate you.
Israel is destroying an enemy, so whatever "punishment" you fantasize about is nothing compared to the evil they face and that they are destroying.
You can sit smug and protected in your home because of the wars fought by your people, but somehow, that same protection does not extend to others. So be it. This is why Israelis have so little concern about "world opinion" or the protection from others.
No one protected their grandparents from Germany and no one protected their toddlers or babies from Oct. 7. You are free to live in your fantasy world but it doesn't matter.
Over 10,000 people Gaza had day jobs in Israel before Oct 7. They lost those jobs plus 50,000 dead just for joy of a one day killing spree.
Yes, when you have the brain of a gnat, simplifying like that is easy.
The Israelis thought (naively) that they could bring peace to the region by making friends with the people of Gaza, and they provided jobs and helped them get healthcare. But it didn't matter to Hamas, which hoped for a wider war that would include Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran attacking simultaneously, so that they could exterminate the Israelis and retake the land. There charter is very clear about this.
Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has direct ties to Nazi Germany. Both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazis believed that Jews were inherently evil, and that they must be exterminated. It is no accident that the same desire to kill Jews is found in both organizations. The Hamas charter directly refers to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to promote hatred of Jews – not based on the conflicted over land, but aimed that removing an entire group of people from the planet.
So, the attack on Oct. 7 was not some aberration, not some desperate move by an "oppressed" people, but the clear expression of the "philosophy" of Hamas, which is nothing short of genocide. That is their openly stated goal, and they have no regrets about the slaughter of Oct. 7, except that it stopped.
"but what happens to thePalestinaisn still left in Gaza, the West bank and elsewhere" That depends on them. The Palestinians can decide it is time for peace or they can continue their dream of destroying Israel. The first might lead to a better life, the second certainly will not lead to a better life.
Or they can continue living under Apartheid. But that's entirely up to them, right? Second class citizens with no right to self-determination. Now who would want to give THAT up?
I can’t imagine much will be rebuilt. So, they’ll be expelled at some point.
OK, Houthis. Hold your fire, but keep your powder dry.
The Houthis appreciate the existential necessity to produce and acquire significantly more hypersonic missiles.
The Russians may supply them with S-400 and S-500 AD systems.
This makes for a funny gag. Peace in the MiddleEast.
I hope Yemen has plenty of S.C.U.B.A. gear, 42 days is a long time to hold one's breath.
You don't have to understand Arabic to love this 30 second drum musical delight! Enjoy!