CIA Director William Burns and Richard Moore, the head of the UK’s MI6 foreign intelligence agency, spoke at an unprecedented joint public event in London on Saturday, where they praised Ukraine’s invasion of Russia’s Kursk Oblast.
Moore said the Kursk invasion was “typically audacious and bold on the part of the Ukrainians, to try and change the game” and said it had “brought the war home to ordinary Russians.”
Burns said the operation in Kursk was a “significant tactical achievement” that boosted morale in Ukraine. While the fighting continues in Kursk, Russian forces have been making more rapid gains in Ukraine’s Donbas region since the invasion was launched.
The US and its allies claim they weren’t involved in the planning of the Kursk invasion, but a Ukrainian soldier said Western intelligence was crucial for the attack. Ukrainian forces have been using US and British weapons in the assault, marking a significant escalation of the proxy war.

At the event, which was hosted by the Financial Times, Burns downplayed concerns about potential Russian escalations in response to the Western support for Ukraine.
“I think there was a moment in the fall of 2022 when there was a genuine risk of the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons. I have never thought, however, and this is the view of my agency, that we should be unnecessarily intimidated by that. Putin’s a bully and he is going to continue to saber-rattle from time to time,” Burns said.
The event marked the first time the heads of the CIA and MI6 had appeared in public together. Both spy agencies have been deeply involved with Ukraine’s intelligence agencies following the 2014 coup in Kyiv that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.
Now you see who is running the show.
The good news,: They are no longer hiding or pretending.
The bad news: They no longer have any fucks to give about the pretense of democracy.
What the hell, our "democracy" died years ago.
I said the “pretense”.
This was an 'all NATO' invasion of Russia with NATO planning, communications, weapons, and Western soldiers 'sheep dipped' to appear as mercenaries. Their D day+6 goal was to take control of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and use it as nuclear hostage to make demands of Putin. On day seven, AFU commanders were already complaining of lack of progress because it wasn't even close. Other than that, there is no military nor political reason for AFU troops to be in Kursk and the people behind the failed mission are making up straw-man victories. Russia had been worried how to engage the reserve troops being kept out of the fight in Donbas but the CIA/MI6 have served them on a plate in Kursk where Russian Gen. Opty and his Spec. Forces are killing more than a thousand Ukrainians a day. The West lost the war for Ukraine but they don't want the MIC gravy train to stop.
There is information that the number of foreign "mercenaries" increased sharply. NATO is not going to give up so easily.
Sen. Lindsay Graham let the ‘cat out of the bag’ today by stating that Ukraine was sitting on a trillion dollars of mineral wealth. The GAE (Globalist American Empire) has plotted to take Russia’s natural wealth and industry since 1992 but may have to settle for the carcass of the Ukraine. In the meantime, NATO is being propped up, populations are borrowing money to pay the West’s war machines, and the Ukraine’s population is being decimated. It will be a perfect place to send the world’s refugees to be exploited.
As long as no American boots are on the ground it is fine with the neocons in power.
So plausible, it makes sense.
A slam dunk, no doubt.
These people are morons. All they're doing is bringing about the fall, not of Ukraine alone, but of NATO and eventually the US. If things continue as they are, the US – and its population – are doomed.
The neocons intended to destroy the EU and NATO after they used them, they can't think that the US will go down with NATO and the EU, the power has moved to China and Russia and BRICS.
Putin said some time ago: "There will be no world without Russia."
President Harry S. Truman created the C.I.A. in 1947. Its mission was very limited, i.e. informing the president of developments around the world that could impact American policy.
However, in 1963, former President Truman wrote an Op-ed piece in many newspapers titled « Limit CIA to Intelligence », in which he said that “for some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assign.“
Indeed, the CIA has become sort of a secret American government with a budget of close to 100 billion$, going around the world covertly overthrowing unfriendly governments.
Sometimes, it looks that the CIA is the organization truly running American foreign policy.
The CIA is pure evil.
The CIA will give you no mercy
xaxaxa im sorry
Because CIA is serving to the oligarchy. Oligarchy is the dominance of anti-Christian forces. We are plunged in a world religious war. Christianity vs Satanism.
Sorry, religion is another way to control, divide and subjugate people. I am more of a buddhist, where you do not appease or worship a judgmental god, yet live by noble truths.
Ah, Buddhists who won't harm a fly or step on an ant, yet look at the atrocities they committed in Sri Lanka.
I am fully aware 'Christians' have shown just as much barbarity throughout history, but not through following Jesus.
The world has stepped away from God, and thinks they don't need such an outmoded concept – and we see the Woke, perverted, child-abusing and sacrificing hell-hole the world has become. The organised hordes of illegal migrants pouring across borders of most Western states (notice it doesn't happen in Israel!) is the death-knell for Nation States, as a pre-NWO One World Gulag, to be announced after WWIII (which has already started), and when the Globalists will announce that Lucifer is 'God', and anyone who doesn't worship the Beast will not be allowed to live.
I have always been interested in other cultures, religions, and philosophies. I am an open minded person and I entertain many thoughts and ideas. I am also a spiritual person and an agnostic, as I really don't know if there is a god or not or who this god or gods may be.
Reading a lot and practicing meditation and exercises like yoga for years (although I have had difficulty with meditation past couple years); Buddhism resonates with me. I feel the religion many people practice is a fear of hell, where I am impressed more with people who live ethically and try to live their lives where no harm comes to anyone. (This is a very important part of Buddhism).
I would hope that nothing or any government would stifle a religion or religious group, but I feel religion should be kept out of government so as not to become another cudgel and oppressive tool of the state.
One example I have is the intolerance with which some religions have towards gay people. By using religion, you can oppress groups of people. Another example is how badly women are treated in many parts of the world. Your religious opinion may be different from mine, and this is why it is wise when governments don't become theocracies.
You do not need to believe in a god to live an ethical life. The focus should be on not harming another person because you do not want to- because you recognize they are another soul or person just like you, not because you are just afraid of the punishment of hell.
Things probably will get worse. Too many people want to keep power and control and their expensive lives. They divide and control us and religion is another way they do so. People will have to come together to fight the ones in power, but that probably won't happen as everyone has been manipulated and subconsciously controlled.
And who knows, maybe there are aliens controlling us all?
When the Luciferians announce their NWO and Global Luciferian Religion. all will comply or die, like the CCP treat the Falun Gong in China.
Religion should be based on faith, not on indoctrination and coercion.
James 'Jesus' Angleton even admitted they were all going to hell!
This is very old news.
JFK was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963. And still we don't know who did it, the CIA ?
They were in charge of it, but there were many actors, including the 'usual suspects'. JFK was intent on stopping Israel getting nukes, and he had also started printing US government dollars (which HUGELY upset the Fed and it's Puppetmasters!!). LBJ immediately quashed that project after JFK's assassination.
It was a a diplomatic compromise, the US removed American missiles from Turkey and the Soviets did not station missiles in Cuba. And the Russians did not make political hay, they did not make the removal of the American missiles public as was agreed with President Kennedy. Where there is a will there is a way. JFK was a statesman, he believed to respect the opponent and diplomacy considering legitimate needs of the other. He had the potential to become a great president and he was assassinated.
Most likely the Dulles brothers had their fingers in the pie big time.
I read about Operation Condor and the coup in Iran and I can see eye to eye with this.
No wonder so many Middle Eastern and South American countires hate us.
Spreading freedom and democracy is OK, but please, watch how you do it..!
It never is and never was about freedom and democracy, it was always about control of resources, economics, and power.
It has become an epic battle of neoliberal economics, capitalism v socialism.
I didn't know Middle Eastern and South American countries hated Ukraine.
I meant USA not us
i forgot the a
I think the shenanigans of the 2020 'Election' steal give the lie to the US allegations of spreading 'Democracy'. There has always been rigging of elections, but now the gloves are off and they don't care who knows it, as long as they don't talk about it. Just like the 'boys can be girls' claptrap.
I disagree with your election over there being stolen. Trump and his Maga-religion were just sad that they lost and needed to “cope” harder.
I think Амеріка could be a real force of good but it needs to apply itself
Although I live in the UK, most of my family live in the States, and I keep up to date on important US news. The evidence is unmistakable, and would be exposed for all to see if the US Judges, like every other US Institution, are corrupt to the core. Like virtually everybody else in any position of power, they have been infiltrated, corrupted, bribed and/or blackmailed. It is not a tribal thing – Democrats and Republicans form the Globalist Uniparty (with a few dissident elements).
“globalist uniparty” is fake
just cope harder that Trump didn’t win and UKIP is a bad party
and the 'Protocols' are fake, and Israel mistook the USS Liberty for an Egyptian horse carrier. Oh, and Israel had nothing to do with planting nanothermate in the Twin Towers…
And, of course, the US and it's NATO War Criminal Cronies had nothing to do with the violent coup that overthrew the legal (if corrupy, but which governments aren't?) government of Ukraine, setting the region on fire. That's just a myth…
Yes all of that is a myth
“and the ‘Protocols’ are fake”
Almost certainly, although Baigent & Co. did suggest that they might have been an actual secret document describing an actual Christian conspiracy (the early editions included “the year of Our Lord” (Jesus) in their dating).
The CIA has become a full-fledged undercover government, more powerful than congress.
They are still under orders, just not US 'government' orders…
The CIA was rotten from the outset – no matter what nice tales were spun for it's setting-up, the idea behind it was always to be what JFK claimed it was shortly before his assassination (overseen by a CIA Colonel), and he promised to abolish it and replace it with an 'accountable Intelligence Agency'.
It's Putin's fault. I wonder if he had ever watched The Lion King? …Except when Scar was the hero and Mufasa was the villain. …I know. It don't matter since we're all going to be dead soon.
Lion King is an overrated movie & story with actually a pretty terrible message. Cause a huge problem, f**k off & goof around with friends for years while your homeland falls ATS, then come back, manage to win a fight, and assume leadership you didn't earn.
Really, it kind of describes most "leaders in exile" – especially those who weren't ever elected, aren't popular with "their people", and are really just a puppet of a Major Power.
😂 so true! You’re correct the hyenas are also prettier than the Torias.
HUMANITY: “We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us”
How crazy the leading elite is, is remarkable. The war criminal mass-killer Netanyahu stood in congress telling one lie after another while the IDF killed women and children in Gaza. The members of congress jumped off their seats and applauded the lies with one standing ovation after another.
Reminds me of the days of the Soviet Union, but still our Congress, only more embarrassing.
Yes, their indifference to the mass murder is remarkable. It is a shame to have such political elite.
They are bought and paid for traitors. 'The Globalists' control other nations through control of the Banking System, bribery, compromising, blackmail and selective murder.
it was quite ususual
its like of Putin came into the Verkhovna Rada and we applauded him 50 something times
Humanity is it's own worse enemy, I concur.
A 21st century Charge of the Light Brigade.
heyyyyy we're better armed that that
ukraine has lost 10,000 plus troops and over 80 tanks, several rader system and rocket launchers in a very short time. ukraine is fighting in an open area. The Russians now have ukraine troops locked down and another day or two will be cut off from supplies. Yep, sound winning to me/sn
another day or 2? This's been goin for a month now. Would be shocked if that happened.
ah your source is SPUTNIK? my god ok now I know that its DEFINITELY a lie
Moore said the Kursk invasion was “typically audacious and bold on the part of the Ukrainians, to try and change the game” and said it had “brought the war home to ordinary Russians.”
How is that a good thing? I would think ordinary Russians would now think the threat is very real and would want their government to eliminate the possibility of anything similar happening in the future.
That's true. When the ukraine started this over 100,000 signed up for the Russian Army. There even those that didn't like war but saw that mother Russia was under attack Amerika, EU.
100k? Source? Thats like all of downtown Mariupol decided ot join the Ukrainian army (before it was occupied). Thats a ridiculously large number
And of course, unlike the West, who believes whatever gobbledegook 'Double Speak' narrative their Luciferian Globalist Puppet governments, MSM and Big Tech spout, they had a bellyfull of the Nazis in WWII.
And the Russians are the last bastion of believers defending the Christian Faith, against the hordes of Woke, perverted, soul-sold child-abusing West. Hopefully, Mother Russia will hold the line till the Second Coming.
yes, realistically speaking the Russian populace have shown not much war fatigue
CIA and MI6 should be pleased – Kursk shows that the Ukrainians know how to follow their instructions.
CIA and MI6 should be shitcanned.
That’d be ideal. Just not sure how to destroy agencies whose sole purpose is to detect and eliminate their enemies before they can do so.
You forgot make enemies, so that we all have people to hate.
Our so-called "intelligence chiefs" somehow took over foreign policy.
I agree with you but object to the use of the term foreign "policy", something which requires understanding, intelligence, and a pledge to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States – at least when it comes to the USA.
I wonder what they'll have to say when the Russians bring that war to the taxpayers in the United Sates…
Intelligence chiefs, an insult to Native Americans and a contradiction in terms.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock……….
This headline pales in comparison to Nordstream 2 years ago.
But this is all part of
Zelensky'sthe Empire's victory plan where victory is based on ceding more territory to Russia and sustaining widespread bombing and casualties. Genius indeed!Rest assured there will be a forthcoming narrative on how it was always the original plan to allow Russia to reclaim southern and eastern Ukraine because this will lead to Russia's economic demise projected to occur ~ 2124. No later than 2130 for sure.
Also breaking, Canada is preparing for it's counteroffensive of the USA that it has been in the planning stages since 1812. Sources state that Mexico is also involved, but its level of cooperation with Canada is still unknown as of the date of this report.
Canada, along with Mexico in the south, have essentially surrounded the USA. It has been reported that unarmed Mexican civilians have already spearheaded their invasion and have met little resistance. The massive defensive wall installed by the USA has proven largely ineffective to the Mexican invasion.
American intelligence sources, along with CNN/WP/NYT, dismiss these reports, but one leak shows blurry drone footage revealing a large convoy of yellow school buses making their way from the nations' capitol towards the US/Mexican border.
Worth noting, is that large numbers of American nationals have already embraced the Mexican occupiers and readily accept their culture, language and cuisine. It's reported that tactical outposts identified as 'Taco Bell' are now nationwide.
Mexico's official press release is reserved and to-the-point. They claim that they, "have brought the war home to ordinary Americans."
Stay tuned for more breaking news…….
you're funny
I would like to have a serious discussion about your non-support for Ukraine with this question: Why do you support Palestine?
Note: I support palestine. I hate Netanyahu, to hell with Israeli expansionism, but its for argumentative purpose
The Russian speaking Ukrainians were oppressed by Ukrainians after the US funded regime change of the elected government in 2014. With the regime change and de facto NATO MEMBERSHIP came the civil war and the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty. There were continuing NATO exercises, 10 more were scheduled for 2022 according to Army Times, in the non member Ukraine. The US stopped diplomatic negotiations for neutrality and prosperity in return for non NATO membership and autonomy for Russian speaking Ukrainians.
The USA destroyed Ukraine, not Russia.
Israelis is the illegal, most brutal occupier of the Palestinian people, most of the massacred people were more than 60% women and children killed by IDF terrorists. Almost all of us here support the BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS of the Palestinian people, including Hamas, the only resistance the Palestinian people have. Hamas are their children fighting and dying for them.
It is a basic HUMAN RIGHTS QUESTION for people who have been brutalized by the Zionist Israelis supported by the oh so honorable Human Rights defenders like the rich moral values so-called USA.
I speak for myself, I am deeply ashamed I voted for the war criminals in office. It wont happen again, I will not vote again.
OK I have just a few things that you won’t ent up agreeing to but would like to say.
1. The “oppression” of Russians in Ukraine is greatly overblown. Just because we hadn’t made Russian a national language doesn’t mean it had no respect. It was a state language of Luhans’k and Don’etsk, if I’m not mistaken. Russian could be taught in education, and it was actually one of the thingss for our membership in the EU. The EU has made several decisions regarding the treatment of regional languages or dialectal languages within a country. That was one of the reasons we actually lifted the status of Russian.
2. The civil war was because we revolted against a bad government. I don’t have enough time to explain why on Disqus of all places, but it was genuinly us. The Yanukovych Government, in turn, violently suppressed the (at 1st) mostly peaceful protests. As Fidel Castro said, “The people do not want armed struggle [to achieve goals,] armed struggle is brought upon them.” We asked very simple demands of Yanukovych to respect the wishes of the people who elected him. He chose not to, we rioted, and he fled to Russia.
3. The only reason America stopped “negotiations” is because Russia, who claims to uphold international law, would never engage in good-faith negotiations with us. Zelenskyy’s 10 point peace plan, which Russia has said they’ll never take seriously, upholds international law. China’s 6 points also us dubitiful in its regard for international law. Thats why we need a country who wants peace but will not use “peace” as a land grab.
3a. That extends to people who want peace in America as well. If I ask you, “what will be the terms of the peace,” your argument will fall apart because your peace deal involves Ukraine giving up occupied lands to Russia. The EU and NATO have both repeatedly said that if that happens then Russia will just prepare for the next invasion.
4. Ukrainians have basic human rights as well. Russia bombs our city squares and hospitals and homes. Remember the Mariupol bombing where they bombed a theatre being used as a shelter that clearly said “Children” on all sides? Russia has also summarily executed war crimes against POW’s and regular Ukrainian soldiers. We have not indiscriminately bombed Russian civillians.
As we say around Israel and Gaza, “Collective punishment is a crime.”
It remains a crime
I’m not trying to convince, but to educate.
You repeat the government narrative which is the government propaganda line. Yanukovych was gone when the civil war started. The Russian language was not about making it the state language, it was the use in the Russian speaking eastern provinces as well as the freedom to practice their Russian orthodox catholic religion, not to make Russia the state language at all. Americans picked the new government, there is the Nuland/Ambassador phone call, never denied.
Why would a sovereign nation allow another government thousands of miles away to appoint the government?? Biden promised the sky just not American boots on the ground, the Ukrainians can kill and get killed for American interests as there are, a regime change of a popular president and weakening another nuclear superpower. Was Russia going to invade the USA? Do the Americans or Europeans want a war with Russia to benefit Ukraine? You do know, the Europeans are opposed to NATO membership of the Ukraine. The Biden war is breaking the back of the Ukraine, at best it will end up another failed state, like Libya. And to think, Ukraine could have been neutral and prosper like Austria, but Biden said no way supported by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and now see what you got. There will be no NATO left to join, listen what Stoltenberg says one day and what he says the day after.
One more thing, the Europeans did not and do not want the Ukraine in the EU. The US is using Ukraine and the people as they do with the EU and NATO for AMERICAN INTERESTS only and F*** the EU, and she did not say it but in her mind was the Ukraine can go to hell when they are done with the last man standing. Wake up, they will walk over the dead body called Ukraine.
I have 3/4 of a degree on studying Europe I think I have the educaitonak upper hand regarding this stuff and stuff about Europe
Well, you may be right, it depends a lot on the teachers and what the administrators allow. At the present time political science and history are highly questionable and so is main steam media, print and electronic, now more than ever. The first WW is in the process of revisionist history, as you know the victor writes the history, and lies and propaganda were bad then and even worse now. A century distance and access to new documents is helpful. The UK to my knowledge is still sitting on documents.
Yeah that’s really mostly true actuall.y
ESPECIALLY about my OWN government
You are a student and students must question and check the facts and logic, they must learn to be skeptical, an open mind is most important.
you are an american and americans must check fact and logic aswell.
I am skeptical of everything, thats why I’m socialist in the 1st place
I try to be open minded, but I love my country and what its done for me. I owe my amazing life to it and it cannot be ruined.
I have a European Education. I think to be fair I should tell you.
Ok Thanks
In Dec. 2021 Ukraine had the option to avoid the war if they had accepted neutrality and prosperity if they had agreed to not join NATO and implement the Minsk agreement with autonomy for Russian speaking Ukrainians. But the Biden gang said no.
Economics Prof. Jeffery Sachs who worked out economics with the leaders in Gov. in Russia with Yeltsin and in Poland called the Biden officials warning them and telling them to talk with the Russians but they did not respond, he knew Russia and the people in power. They turned him down and did nothing.
The neocons wanted regime change and the break up of the RF, and use the Ukraine for their own purpose, at the expense of the Ukrainian and Russian people.
Look it up, the facts are easy to find and prove.
Straight from Kremlin narratives.
Glory to Ukraine
Glory to Palestine
Resist oppression
The Volyn Massacres were glorious for Ukraine, weren't they? Glory to the Heroes who perpetrated the killings.
Resisting oppression was what inspired the people of the Donbass to rise up against the Maidan regime. Resist oppression!
Why aren't you in the Ukrainian army?
I will in a year right now I’m finishing college
For consideration:
Stay in school & do more school. Do whatever you can to seek employment outside of Ukraine and help you family and loved ones that way.
Your mother and father will thank you.
What RU majoring in…?
I’m minoring in English and majoring in European Studies
Do you speak Russian…?
He is pretending he is Ukrainian but he is not.
You need to get home, they need you now not next year. They are short of cannonfodder, the police arrests young men who do not want to get killed. You are privilidged not to fight and die with honor for your country.
I will did I not say that
You said next year, that is too late, you are needed now. My advise, stay in college, you can only get killed and changing nothing. Ukraine lost and common sense tells them to accept that before it is UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. USE YOUR BRAIN FOR A CHANGE. You can only get yourself killed for nothing, stay in college, the longer the better, your parents can afford it.
I’d rather die on the last day of ww2 for the allies than never die at all for the allies
After WW III there will be no on left to care for what you died and you will never know what you died for either.
I need to serve for my 2 years
Note: 2 years is not what most people have to serve, but im REALLY good at barganing so after the 2 years I will go back to university for a few months and then get a high paying job
Note: I didn’t bribe anyone lol
Note: Man, I hope I don’t die.
I wonder if Burns and Moore praised Ukraine with a shot of Russian vodka…!
"Bring war to ordinary Russians" — he means like the ordinary Russians in the Donbas?? Like the ordinary Russians in the Donbas who've had war brought to them by their own government for the past 10 years?
Over 8,900 KIA Ukrainians in Kursk and 19,000 Ukrainians have deserted and surrendered to Russia in the past 6 months.
Isn’t it a war crime to specifically target civilians?
”brought the war home to ordinary Russians.”
Yes, it is a war crime to specifically target civilians.
But I’m not sure that what “brought the war home to ordinary Russians” is supposed to mean.
More likely it means something like “convey to ordinary Russians that the war need not occur only in someone else’s front yard; Russian territory isn’t any more sacrosanct than Ukrainian territory when there’s a war on.”
I wouldn’t guarantee that that was what was meant.
Oh, I wouldn’t guarantee it either. But it’s plausible, anyway.
Russians are fighting a preemptive war and the Russian people know it, they do know wars fought on Russian soil, it is the the people in US and UK who need to learn what it is like.
Russians are fighting a war to serve their masters’ interests, just like Ukrainians are. And no amount of shucking and jiving will magically make one of the murder cults involved any more moral than the other.
It is the job of any government to secure the nation’s borders, for the US that is justified not for others? It is the US invading other nations thousands of miles away with sanctions followed by bloody regime changes and military attacks. Watch your double standard. NATO threatened Russia starting with NATO expansion for no other reason than to control Russia and its resources. During the Clinton/ Yeltsin years the western powers were robbing Russia blind, the Russian people were starving. You are serving the American MIC and big corporate interests, think about it. What is in it for you other than inflation, a devaluation of your assets. We have lots of money to bomb nations and no money to build anything in the US, it has a dilapidated infrastructure, expensive health care and underfunded schools among other issues, the highest number of incarcerated people not counting the homeless including families with young children. We need a regime change too.
When was the last time they build a Golden Gate Bridge or a Hoover Dam or an Empire State Building? All they build along the HIGW are fast food shacks and strip malls, look how ugly it is, we have no public squares, life is along highways not pedestrian areas, and along acres upon acres of parking lots and layers of highways.
It is the job of any government to pretend that its “borders” are something more grand and moral than the gang turf lines they actually are.
There is no “double standard” coming from me. I oppose the US “securing its borders.” I oppose the US regime just as much as any other regime, and have zero respect for its “borders.”
Thomas you have easy talk, there is Canada in the north and Mexico down south. The USA robbed the Mexicans of the SW and the West coast all the way to Canada and there is an ocean on the East coast there is the Atlantic. And all the land used to belong to the Indian tribes, they too were massacred and what was left pushed on reservations and the US BROKE every treaty they signed with Indian tribes.
That is not so for European nations, Germany shares borders with about 12 nations and the same is true for other nations. In Switzerland they speak three languages with no problems. Kennedy did solve the missile crisis with diplomacy, but there was a statesman on each side. We don’t have anyone even close to being a statesman/woman.
Can you explain why the neocons in Gods name are pushing for war in the Pacific hemisphere? Biden and his neocon rabbis monster dogs are wreaking havoc, they leave blood, tears and rubble behind. And Kamala, as stupid and without substance the woman is, she promises to continue the mess Biden leaves behind. It appears that never did it cross her mind to think of the burden a consciences president has to deal with in order to promote the general welfare of the people. Did she ever read the Preamble of the constitution? And there is Trump, still a conman he too has nothing coherent to say. He has the charisma of a conman, he knows how to sell for the MIC.
From Reuters: the NATO intelligence agencies are encouraging war crimes…
War Criminal Cronies Burns & Moore (or is it 'Laurel & Hardy'?) seem determined to bring the 'realiity' Ukraine fiasco that was instigated by the West against Russia to the average US and UK (indeed, the world's) doorstep.
The West is Top Dog when it comes to bombing the heck out of Third World, lightly defended mud huts, marriage ceremenonies, funerals, hospitals, schools, housing complexes. A huge long string of 'murderous Crimes Against Peace, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes'.
They are in for a big surprise, or to use an Americanism, they're 'Cruising for a bruising'.