The Democratic Party has refused to allow a Palestinian American to speak at the Democratic National Convention despite pressure from delegates.
The request for a Palestinian to speak at the DNC was made by members of the Uncommitted National Movement, who represent hundreds of thousands of people who voted “Uncommitted” in Democratic primaries to protest President Biden’s support for the genocidal war in Gaza.
Uncommitted delegates proposed several speakers, including Palestinian Americans and Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, who volunteered at a hospital in Gaza and shared the horrors that she witnessed at an event on the sidelines of the DNC.
Abbas Alawieh, leader of the Uncommitted movement, said Democratic Party leadership said “no” to the speaking request. Uncommitted delegates staged a sit-in on Wednesday to protest the decision, and are still pushing for a speaker for Thursday, which is the final day of the DNC.

Ryan Grim, a reporter for Drop Site News, wrote on X that the DNC had told “Uncommitted delegates that no Palestinian will be allowed to speak from the stage, even with a vetted speech.”
The parents of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli American being held hostage in Gaza, spoke at the DNC on Wednesday, which was supported by the Uncommitted movement. They called for a ceasefire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas.
Despite the pressure the Democratic Party is facing to alter policy toward Israel, its new platform makes an “ironclad” commitment to continue providing military aid to Israel.
President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris both claim they’re working for a ceasefire, but there’s no sign the administration is willing to put real pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a deal. In the meantime, the genocidal slaughter continues, and dozens of Palestinians, including many children, are being killed by Israeli strikes every day.
How very democratic is our heroine.
Two months before the election she suddenly realizes the imperative of a Gaza ceasefire and "not going back". Who the hell does she think has been Vice-President for the past 3 and a half years?
She was and she did a good job as the VP. She will even do a better job as a President. She will not get impeach, twice, or become a convicted felon.
Newsom and party insiders mocking the Harris ascent:
Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
The Party of Democracy sits around guffawing at how anti-democratic and vote-free and secret was their process for choosing and then imposing the new Democratic presidential nominee on the country.
Go sit in the back of the bus where you belong.
That is a racist comment.
Then you completely misunderstood his comment. Or I did.
I think you are being way too charitable. There is no need to take false accusations of racism by an avid believer in and adherent to Apartheid very serious anyway, but this is too stupid to merit a reply.
Humor me. Explain to me how that comment by Warren was not racist?
You may have. Harris is black and sitting in the back of the bus was required for black people in the deep south in the old days. So how else would you intrepid it?
Think hard. Read the headline. Now read his comment. Get it yet? Hint: He's not talking about Harris.
Are you sure he not talking about Harris? His love for Trump is well known. Wanting Palestinian Americans to go to the back of bus is also a comment that racists would make.
I'm quite sure. He's mocking the democrats for not allowing a Palestinian American to speak at their convention. And he isn't wanting Palestinian Americans to go to the back of the bus. Again, he's mocking the democrats and rightfully so.
Palestinian Lives (Don't) Matter!
Good. I’m not sure how they could be for her to begin with.
Muslim Women for Harris disbands and withdraws support for candidate
Group says Harris campaign denying a Palestinian speaker at the Democratic convention is a 'terrible message’
The Israel lobby had firm control of the convention.
IDF female prison guard breaking her silence:
Israeli prison guard reveals she
“took part in ritual, violent abuse”
“We didn’t see them as people”
“I can’t even admit what I did”
We now know r*pe is part of it. We know it.
Ritual, so they get in the habit and don’t question it. Nightmare.
The banality of evil, part deux.
Mein Kampf in reverse. So sad that a society has descended to what it is now.
K will definitely get the prison guards union's endorsement.
"Censorship is always a cause for celebration. It is always an opportunity because it reveals fear of reform. It means the power position is so weak that you have got to care what people think." – Julian Assange.
I miss Assange.
They assassinated him. I don't expect he would be able to carry on with his good work anymore.
I know. At least he has some time with family though.
Yeah, except his wife will be his jailer from now on.
He'll be back…! He needs at least one year vacation…!
Netman, did he have to promise not to continue for his release?
He'll break it…! It wasn't written, was it…?!
Don’t know, I was legitimately asking. But threats are sometimes unspoken.
Move to Russia, Vietnam, Greenland or somewhere? Where there’s a will there’s a foreign government willing to host him maybe.
I would do that if I were him…! unless there is a restriction on that as part of his release…!
I doubt it. They would kill him.
I believe he would prefer that than dying in the prison…!
How is he declawed? Did they damage his mind at all?
They assassinated him. I don't expect he would be able to carry on with his good work anymore.
Damnit Nancy, would you let me finish.
Red flag #6 appears to be smoking gun proof the US and Israel (both Zionist and both Globalist) were the primary culprits behind the 9/11 attacks. The term Zionism should be permanently cleaved from Judaism:
He needs to be converted to the dark side, nationalism. I hate that you leftists have him. Assange is a genius. He’s probably not the greatest thinker or whatever, but he’s a truly great man and a hero.
Come over to the dark side!
A quote from a convict felon.
For speaking more truth than they could bear.
Or for writing checks that were not legal.
Any American who votes for a democrat or republican ia a vicious genocidal monster.
Not to mention ignorance…! Brainwashing would not be much of the factor as in the past since alternative media is live and available…!
Many study to be masters of brainwashing in top US universities. Yes, alternate media is available, yet, even so, it is difficult for Americans to believe they are the bad guys… That's where brainwashing starts.
You're completely right…back to ignorance and perhaps arrogance…!
What garbage. There will be over 150 millions votes cast between Harris and Trump. It is an important vote to determine the direction of country for the next 4 years. Of all the issues facing America, Gaza is not even in the top 10. There are much more important things than the war in Gaza.
There is nothing more important than ceasing support for genocide.
Moral depravity is for weak bad guys to wallow in. The high road is for those with a strong character.
So what on earth do you think is more important than ensuring that our government isn't involved in genocide? Really, I'd love to know. I can't think of anything.
It used to be that genocide was the worst thing that a government could do, now you can dismiss it as unimportant. My, how times change.
Still waiting to hear what you think is more important than stopping our support for a genocide.
That's easy Brian.
My friends and family here who are queer, POC, and women. All of whom you'd watch burn while you cry about one genocide and make excuses for another one.
What's more important is protecting the people I love from trash like you who would see them be martyrs to your cause after you make sure they have no choice in that martyrdom. No amount of suffering they will be subjected to would be enough for you. They're not real people to you.
You don't give a shit about Palestinians in any case. You don't give a shit if they're dying. You only care that they can be a bloody shirt you can wave around while pretending to have principles. Your only principle is if it might make the US look bad, it's a good thing. Which is why you've been jumping through hoops to downplay the imperialistic invasion of Ukraine and attempt at genocide the Russians have been engaging in. If Ukraine loses the US might look bad, so that actual imperialism is alright by you and there has been no attempt at genocide.
You're a clown.
well said
you lie too much brian
Analysis: KH is another MIC candidate. The irony is that she, the self-proclaimed fighter against price-gouging, will have to go into bed with the greatest and most ruthless price-gougers of our history.
JFK wanted to become the referee of the world. KH wants to become the attorney-general and prosecutor of the world. A UN with an army and the World-Court all wrapped into one.
That will not go well.
There is a lot to be said of the "uncommitted" from whatever direction they come. RFK Jr's expected "withdrawal" leaves even less room for those disgusted by both major party candidates. Woe is us, our major party candidates slip below the threshold of our own intelligence. That of Most of us, anyway.
Voting for Jill Stein is a roll call against genocide. She can’t win, I don’t agree with all of her platform, but she does have ballots and talks about arms embargos.
Otherwise just staying home means they’ve successfully killed the will of dissent and then all that is left are zombie voters for the uniparty.
RFK Jr. wants a job in Trump's world. Even if he gets a job, he will be fired in six months as soon as Trump thinks RFK has upstaged him.
DAVE! I love it! You COINED IT in your Youtube clip! Behold: "THE GENOCIDE DEMOCRATS!!!" Mic Drop!
BreakThrough News @
DNC attendees cover their ears as the names of dead
Palestinian children are read as they leave the convention
See no evil, hear no ….
Harris & Co. are "working" all right. TO STALL UNTIL PALESTINIANS ARE EXTERMINATED OR MOVED TO THE SINAI DESERT. Period. End of story.
Silly statement.
Of course they were not allowed to talk. The Democrats are in a serious fight to win this election. These protestors play right into Trump's hand. But they are not smart enough to know that. What do they think will happen if Trump wins? There will be no two state solutions and more of the West Bank will become part of Israel proper. That is what will happen with a Trump win.
Have you lost your mind?
Nothing will change, Biden, Trump, and Harris, they are serving the same interests.
Netanyahu is as deranged as Biden and Netanyahu is in control and gives the orders, and congress pays the bill.
Since 1948 the USA kept its embassy in Tel-Aviv area. Trump moved it. I guess you lost your mind as you have forgot that fact.
Did Biden move it back, Einstein?
Biden was an early proponent of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a move that finally took place in 2020 under the Trump administration. In 1995, Biden helped pass a Senate resolution demanding that the embassy be moved by May of that year. Despite objections that it would harm ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace talks by deciding a key issue by fiat, Biden said the move would send a positive signal to the region. “To do less would play into the hands of those who would do their hardest to deny Israel the full attributes of statehood,” Biden said.
Hillary tried too, but the conditions were not ripe for it, the same is true for the Golan Heights.
The Zionists prefer Harris, she is easier to handle and predictable, compare Biden and Trump, now it is Harris and Trump. She is more malleable.
Trump did nothing the others would not do. Biden put the cherry on the cake, Kamala or Trump will continue.
The democratic conference just confirmed it, expect the same from the Republicans.
No difference between Democrats and Republicans there. If there is any difference it is that the Republicans are unapologetically honest about it and the Democrats just lie more.
The Republicans have some outcasts they let talk because they make no difference anyway.
Yeah, one could draw the conclusion from having Trump as their frontman that it's hard case to make that Republicans are being overly critical about who they let speak for them.
The democratic party, a true bastion of free speech and freedom of assembly.
The Democratic Party CANNOT assume its membership will vote in lockstep for Harris in November; they have to earn every vote they can, and take nothing for granted.
They are hopeless, they lost their minds a long time ago. What is the point to replace the deranged old man with a younger woman who has nothing to say and is not really interested in the issues that come with the job, why bother to vote?
I will not vote again, what for? It makes no sense to vote, there is nothing to vote for.
I can understand your frustration and hopelessness. An election slate can seem like all garbage, all the time.
A failing of our North American democracies is lack of a "None of the Above" option. One that, if it wins a majority of the vote, triggers a re-do with all the previous candidates banned from seeking (re)election for 5 years, and forcing a whole new set of candidates.
The Canadian system sees the parties select a leader, you vote for your local MP, and the party with the most MP's elected becomes the governing party. So you can have a terrible party leader but a great local candidate of that party; a good leader but lousy local candidate; or a case where you strategic-vote to swing a riding away for a candidate for a party you don't like.
That, and five major parties, plus 2-5 oddball parties or Independents per riding, it's generally possible here to find SOMEONE that aligns with my values.
And for me, it's about that. Some vote for the party they expect will win. Some vote against a party. I vote for the party whose values and intentions match mine. I'll lose every time, and I have, but it's how I can best live with how I vote.
Your "None of the Above" systems has fatal flaw. What happens if the second round of voting produce's no winner? And the third? etc. Our current system, which I don't like, will produce a winner one way or another.
That’s a bug, not a feature.
Then by the third round or more you've winnowed out the truly dreadful candidates that the party leaderships insist on foisting on us, and may have drilled down to someone actually worth voting FOR, rather than against. It would be nice to see that happen actually, I haven't ever had that opportunity in the 44 years that I've been voting.
The idea that the PTB would just hand over the empire to people who won ranked choice elections is absurd. They would coup them just like they couped Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.
Our system has fatal flaws, it is undemocratic that is the biggest flaw.
The electoral college winner take all and two Senators per state regardless of the number of population. Add the power of the corporate and private institutions lobbies. They own and control the government.
We have a corporate owned and controlled one party system. One could call it corporate fascism, capitalism.
I'll be voting for Jill Stein, yes, I know she'll lose, but as the leading anti-genocide candidate she has my protest vote.
Getting elected by repetition of lies is now the norm in US politics for both major parties…!
Who is putting pressure on Hamas?
It does no good, because Netanyahu is the problem.
He needs to be removed. Drone him, like an Iranian.
"Everybody" Like who? Are the South Africans putting pressure on them?
You must not watch the lying media. When there is an impasse in the "negotiations" due to Netanyahu putting more conditions on any proposal, it is always Hamas' fault. "Israel has the right to defend itself" , but the Palestinians do not have the right of self-determination, freedom. Media, spoon fed by the Zionist Israeli administration, does not dare to tell the story of the first Nakbha, the prior "operations; Protective Edge, Cast Lead. The brutal blockade of 17 years, restricting food, medicines, potable water, travel. The constant raids by the IDF, meant to terrorize. Also is this fact: from 2000 until 7Oct the IDF killed 2300 Palestinian children. Media will never report that. Ever.
It really doesn't matter…! Three things are well known now worldwide:
1) Israel intentional mass murdering, genocide and massacre of the unarmed civilians Palestinians in Gaza…!
2) The Palestinian Cause… That there is a need for a Palestinian state…!
3) The total failure of Israeli intelligence apparatus before 10/7… and the chaotic response of IDF in the aftermath…! even if they knew something about it beforehand…!
4) They understand something else that is taboo to say here in the Fourth Reich. The idea that the empire doesn't want this genocide is a ridiculous psyop,
When we shun one
we damn ourselves
from our hypocritical
double standards
window washed
swept under the rug
war crimes-crimes against humanity
call it what you will
what it is
all those unequal isms
that makes it rigged
How can you talk of ceasefire when you keep murdering their reps? Bombing schools? Attacking Hospitals? Destroying Water treatment plants? Obliterating Markets? Every piece of Unbroken glass?
What is to ve expected? We all should have long ago abandoned hope that political parties will act in national interest, and put its population first. We are Zionified, barbarians celebrating Zeus with all of his wives and murders, kudnaoings
and rapes. Here we are, this is who we are.
An important message from our vice-President and Border Czar "Momala" Harris: