Russia said Wednesday that its forces were fighting off a Ukrainian ground incursion into Russia’s Kursk Oblast, an attack President Vladimir Putin called a “large-scale provocation.”
So far, Ukrainian officials have been quiet about the cross-border attack, which was launched from Ukraine’s Sumy Oblast.
According to RT, the Russian military estimates up to 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers with dozens of armored vehicles entered Kursk. Drone attacks were also reported, and Kursk Acting Governor Alexey Smirnov said one hit an ambulance, killing two paramedics.
In a meeting with his top officials, Putin said Ukrainian forces attacking Kursk were “firing indiscriminately from different types of weapons, including rockets, at civilian buildings, residential houses, ambulances.”

The Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday that the fighting in Kursk was ongoing and said it thwarted a breakthrough. The ministry said five residents of Kursk had been killed in the Ukrainian attack and claimed that it inflicted 260 casualties on the invading Ukrainian force.
Ukraine has supported cross-border raids into Russia launched by militias, including the neo-Nazi Russian Volunteer Corps, but the fighting in Kursk appears to be its biggest ground attack into Russian territory of the war.
Meanwhile, fighting continues across the frontlines, and Russian forces continue to make gains in Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast. The Kursk attack could be an attempt to stretch Russia’s lines, but Ukraine has also been struggling with manpower issues and could end up losing more territory as a result.

They're going to pay for that . . .
Simplicius, one of the more reliable commentators on the war, says that the initial 300 troops appear to be the scouts, and that an entire battalion (well, as much of a battalion as Ukraine can muster any more) of about 3000 followed.
They're attacking civilian apartment buildings, he includes video, and they deliberately destroyed an ambulance killing its crew of 2. It's suspected that the goal is to get within range of the Kursk nuclear power plant and cause a Chernobyl-type disaster, but there's no official word one way or another. Drones have been shot down only two kilometers from the plant, though. The Ukrainians have lost a couple of tanks and a bunch of armored personnel carriers in this, and are pinned down a few kilometers inside the border of Russia.
If the nuclear plant isn't the target no one can figure out what the point of this attack is, there's nothing else strategically important except a pipeline that I think is shut down.
Yes, to capture or seriously damage the nuclear station would be a great success but it is good enough for them if they could capture a minor town Sudja (about 10 km from the border) and make some video with Ukrainian flag over Sudja administrative building.
"It's suspected that the goal is to get within range of the Kursk nuclear power plant and cause a Chernobyl-type disaster…."
To quote Connery's character from Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade, those "goose-stepping morons should try READING books instead of BURNING them."
If it is the case that Ukraine's SS militae are after a Chernobyl-type nuclear disaster, they're complete idiots to think that radiation / airborne isotopes respect Human national boundaries.
You make the mistake of thinking that when all this is over the “leadership” is still going to be in Ukraine. They’re almost certainly going to have migrated to Miami or London with Zelinsky and their stolen billions well before the final bell rings. They don’t give a flying flip what happens to the rabble, which is abundantly demonstrated by how freely they’re throwing lives away by the thousands for no other reason than to look good to the foreign press.
Agreed. We have been playing by the rules but after this, the globes are of.
The last time Nazis launched an attack on Kursk, it didn't go so well for them. History may not repeat, but I have a feeling it will rhyme.
Ukraine badly needs a success story. Since last October they are only losing territories. Not much but practically every day. Particularly dangerous situation for Ukrainian army is developing in direction of Pokrovsk, not a big town (about 60 000) but strategically very much important. If it falls, Ukrainian army south could be cut from the north.
Ukrainian forces succeeded in capturing some near border villages in Kursk oblast. Yesterday their progress was stopped, and it looks they can't keep this captured territory for a long time. Obviously, Ukrainian leadership hoped for a deeper penetration into Russia. They concentrated substantial forces near Russian border for this purpose exposing them to Russian air force and artillery attacks. Most of their armored vehicles are destroyed already.
My tankies are agitated today!
On the face of it, this makes absolutely no sense; diverting troops, but more importantly, critical fire support, logistics and ADA assets from the Donbas to launch an attack to nowhere.
It is revealing that this was launched by the interior security forces of Budanov, not the actual Ukrainian military commanded by Syrsky; and almost certainly as a 1) PR stunt, and 2) a power grab within the Ukrainian government.
This is reminiscent of their insane, pointless and costly effort to occupy a mud flat near Krynky, that cost the Ukrainians the equivalent of two Brigades of their Marines for no purpose; and their recent (failed) attempt to land troops on a sand spit off Crimea.
I agree with you.
The Ukrainian expedition is being played up in the US media, but it's really a horrific waste of manpower and material. The AFU got only 5km into Russian territory, and it was stopped by local Russian reserve troops. Ukrainian forces will no doubt be mopped up and/or eliminated in short order, leaving their lines even less able to resist Russian pressure. And for what? The possibility of causing a Chernobyl-esque disaster at the Kursk nuclear plant? Gaining control of a pipeline that isn't in use? In short, General Budanov sacrificed his troops for nothing- unless, of course, the whole point was to deliberately weaken AFU forces in order to beg the US for more money.
Copium, my friend.
Hard to tell for sure, but it seems to be a propaganda operation aimed at the Russian public with the same message as previous such smaller operations:
“Stalin promised you that future wars would not be fought on Russian soil. Putin hasn’t kept that promise.”
Stalin's promise. Not Putin's.
If Medvedev's comments are an indication of a broad swathe of Russian opinion, a lot of Russians are now anxious to "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war". Take the gloves off and get "medieval" on the Zelensky regime.
Of course, this could be the beginning of the Russians slinking home. Victory for the American Empire should please some, eh Knapp?
As we know now, there are much more Ukr troops involved in this operation than it was assumed earlier. Three Ukr brigades are already on Russian territory (or rather what is left of them), and three brigades more are ready to support them. It looks, the Russian problem now is to lure them all into the action and use this opportunity to destroy the best Ukr reserves while they got in a vulnerable situation.
There will have to come a point when the Russian Federation tires of holding back. When they issue an ultimatum, warning Ukraine to empty Kiev of civilians in, say, two weeks. Then as the deadline approaches, extend by three to five more days out of humanitarian concern.
THEN start up the best and heaviest bombers they have, and carpet-bomb Kiev into absolute ruin. I mean old-school WW2 or B-52 Vietnam / Laos / Cambodia runs, just constantly pounding that city until it legally isn't a city any more. Tell what's left of Zelenskiyy's cabal that the next-biggest city has two weeks to vacate.
I detest Neo-Nazis and I'm tired of the Russian Federation soft-playing the ones running Ukraine. Those Aryan-supremacist dipwads want "purity", let's start with cleansing our world of THEM.
Patience my brother.
the Ukraine will pay a heavy price for this stunt.
this is beyond a provocation and the nazis will finally get exterimated. The can not expect to kill innocent civilians and destroy our cities then get away with that.
We gave them the opportunity to surrender and keep some territornow we’ll take it all.
Victory is near.
I very much hope so.
HAHAHA. I love that you idiots think Russia can stop this incursion!
Fact is: the Russians are overstretched and this is a master move by Ukraine to bring the war TO Russian soil. Putin can’t do s**t about it right now.
Putin is now under a lot of pressure. He has allowed this madness to go on for too long.
Putin should stop it from continuing IMMEDIATELY!
What will you say if he doesn’t?
I’ll wait for your answer…
So you want more war and death. Now you want Russia to switch to a plan that some on this site would call genocide.
Dang it, Timothy, at times you'll look at words without reading them.
In my scenario, the RF gives Ukraine ample, ample warning to empty Kiev of civilians. The intent is to destroy the CITY, not it's occupants.
And if you think a major city can't be emptied of everyone with 2-3 weeks' notice, then EVERY city on Earth near a flood plain, volcano, tsunami zone, or hurricane path projection, is dead already ?
You was right the first time. Now you are back to soft and weak.
Dont be afraid to express yourself.
Russia need to be ruthless to finish this war soon.
Ruthless, RUTHLESS I tell you!
What’s stopping them?
The first time, I did mean only the city and not its inhabitants. I don't know of a good reason to attack unarmed civilians and I have no interest in justifying one into existence.
The Russian Federation has held a moral high-ground in this war and I'd rather they not cut corners.
There are no need for Russia to be ruthless. The war will be finished in due course and a lot of Ukrainians get Russian citizenship. They'll remember that Russia treated them kindly.
Yes, exactly.
Seriously – are there two "Mikhailovich" 's on here, spelled slightly different or something? How am I getting this one who is focused and rational; and elsewhere it's a version who thinks that it's the 11th Century right now & the Crusades never happened ?
Will the real Slim Mikhailoshady PLEASE stand up (please stand up) ?
I know, people are brainwashed very well in what does concern History. I don't worry about that. It is normal. There are no secret that all European education and science were a couple of centuries under strict control of Catholic totalitarian regime. Hardly we should expect a different result. Particularly that this version of History is profitable for the western elites.
"…all European education and science were a couple of centuries under strict control of Catholic totalitarian regime."
Impressive Catholics, these. They even got the Muslims, Chinese, Indians, Meso-Americans, Ottomans, even Carbon-12/14 ratios to go along with their whole "several centuries never happened" scam.
"Particularly that this version of History is profitable for the western elites."
Again I have to ask, why haven't you become the modern Darwin ? Write up your hypothesis with supporting evidence and sources, get it peer-reviewed then published, and upend this so-called deception that holds the non-elites back somehow.
I'll believe what is true, and what is true is that which is supported by the evidence that best correlates to observed reality.
Do you have that evidence?
If you yourself so far found no evidence, it makes no point to talk about that.
II have a perfectly viable model of history, which tracks with the demonstrable, verifiable evidence agreed upon by a consensus of experts in several overlapping fields of study and science.
You forget, Mikhailovich, that the Burden of Proof lies entirely on the person making the claim. YOU claim the consensus view on history is wrong. Therefore it is on YOU to prove that YOUR claim is correct.
I am in the position of making no truth claim. I'm not saying "you are wrong", I am saying, "Based on what facts I hold in evidence, I DO NOT BELIEVE (aka hold any confidence in) your claim."
Either you prove your claim to me, OR, I'll continue to disbelieve you and remain convinced by the evidence already presented which supports the record of history that tracks with observable reality.
If you have good evidence, share it ! Why would you withhold that which would lead someone to truth ?
Learn first about arguments of Fomenko, Morozov, Isaak Newton. There you will also find the links to others who knew that Scaliger-Petavius version of History is fake. Then you may try to check everything yourself. By the way, I don't agree with the reconstruction of History by Fomenko; there are also a lot of blunders, but his Chronology, at least, unlike the one fabricated by Scaliger, is based on scientific data.
So your sources are three people, one of which (Newton) died 297 years ago, a Soviet "boy hero" from 1932, and a math nerd about whom is said, "Most Russian scientists and worldwide historians consider Fomenko's historical works to be either pseudoscientific or antiscientific." ??
Color me entirely unconvinced.
Why do you believe this fringe theory, Mikhailovich? How do you benefit by willfully ignoring reliable evidence to imagine it's not 2024 CE and "maybe perhaps" some things happened 1000 years ago instead of 2000 years ago ?
Yes, Newton died a long time ago. Scaliger died even longer time ago, so what?
Who is "boy hero"? Morozov?
It looks you unaware of the fact that "traditional" chronology was created by great mathematician of the time Scaliger. Of course only mathematicians are able to check it properly. That's exactly what a great mathematician of our times Fomenko has done. Isaak Newton also did it for the same reason. And Morozov too.
It would be much cleverer if you instead of repeating silly labels, just try to learn and to think.
The boy-hero Morozov is the only of that name that Google search returns.
Yes, when it comes to historical facts, trust a fringe math guy. Hey, you get a toothache, Mikhailovich, just stop in at a nail salon, that's where the REAL experts in dentistry ACTUALLY are.
You've bought into bullsh*t and I think you know it. Or else you'd have presented your "sources' " facts instead of just implying "believe it, then go looking for evidence to support your conclusion."
Not a rational way to conduct onesself.
It looks you never heard about great man of science Nikolai Morozov (1854-1946). Just google the name and read a bit about him.
Try to use your own brain. Don't follow blindly the way of lies.
Google should be the same in all countries. Just now I googled the name and it gave me an article about scientist Nikolai Morozov. Also you may read Fomenko about role of Morozov in his effort to recalculate the old dates of astronomical events.
I did Google the name. Only got the kid what ratted out his Pops to the Soviet Gov't. He obviously never heard the spook stories 'bout how Kaiser Soze will come get him.
It's said it's wise to be open-minded, but not so much that your brain falls out.
It may not be too late for you.
How can I help you if you even can't use Google? I don't talk to you about libraries, it is definitely beyond your interests. I knew, there are no sense in talking about History with this kind of people.
I'm not in the habit of going looking for information I don't need. Especially when the hypothesis seems exceedingly unlikely to be true.
I happen to like exploring alternate theories of history, but I’m just not finding much in the way of evidence for Mikhailovich’s.
Look for a cattle ranch nearby. That's where you'll find the variety of s**t he's convinced himself to believe.
The OTHER problem is that you seem to have come across this notion of "fake history", you liked the idea a lot (for some reason), then you went about finding anything and anyone that supports your presupposed conclusion. You're cherry-picking what "is" or "isn't" true or reliable based on whether it fits the conclusion you've already decided to believe.
That's at least a couple logical fallacies, AND is irrational on your part.
How long have you been saying that?
This war will not be finished if we are soft snd polite.
They dont play by rules.
Why should we play by rules?
Putin is great but too polite.
Medvedev would have finished this war long time ago.
Did you forgot how Medvedev did his job in 08.08.08? Until Putin came from China, everyone was sitting and waiting.
Destruction of Libya also happened on his watch. He gave green light to NATO.
I have a feeling that this Nazi attack on Kursk will end up going about as well as the one they launched 80+ years ago. . .
Wait. What!?! (I was told they’d all be shot down by now.)
Wrong blog my friend. Look around.
No. Correct place for this. Y’all have been saying the same s**t, over-and-over, but I provide evidence of the opposite and you continue to avoid reality.
Z the poison Pygmy pushes deep into Siberia, chasing that elusive gold mine in the sky..
They are encouraging Russia to level Kiev.
It has been a day approximately, any news now?
Looks like 21st century tactics are creating chaos within 20th century Russia.
Moon of Alabama and Andrei Martyanov covered this yesterday. The attack was stopped with heavy Ukrainian losses. No villages were captured.
"The Kursk attack could be an attempt to stretch Russia’s lines,"
They're trying to copy Russia's successful effort around Kharkiv to stretch Ukraine's lines. As Bernhard at MoA said yesterday, what this actually does is give Russia the perfect excuse to do at Sumy what it did at Kharkiv: move a bunch of troops into the area simulating an offensive, force the Ukrainians to divert more resources there, then dig in with defensive positions and force the Ukrainians to attack the Russians, thus destroying more of the Ukrainians.
Ukrainians – and their Western advisors – never learn.
This will last for 15 days (with extra luck)…
By the amount of videos I've seen of vehicles being destroyed Ukrainistan will perform even worse than it did during the magical Summer Offensive (by the way Rabotine is already in Russian hands…).
If the NATO's NEO-NAZIS think that they can capture and maintain those lands… It just shows the level of Western dementia is reaching Biden's one.
"this will last for 15 days" – it would be much better for Russia if it lasts longer and more Ukrainian troops go into this new meatgrinder. It is much easier for Russians to kill them while they are attacking or while they are sitting together in huge numbers without any air support. Ukrainians have also problem with anti-air defense.
That’s true… But I say that since the level of weapons and meatpower won’t last that long!
One of the nice things about this US sponsored proxy War is that no "people of color" are dying here. Only hundreds of thousands of young white supremacists are being sacrificed. And let's face it, Europe already has far too many of them anyway.
That's true. Small hats should be happy.
What would you estimate, 0.001% of casualties? If that?
I have no need to estimate. Your claim was that "no" — that is, zero — "people of color" are dying there. The number is non-zero, QED the claim was false.
My understanding is that both the Russian and Ukrainian forces have been using African mercenaries to at least SOME degree, though.
What rules were you using?
Nazis launching an attack on Kursk? I seem to remember seeing this movie before. . .
This isn't difficult. Israel has been getting all the attention and Zelensky is an attention Whor.
When you think about it, it would now make perfect sense for Russia to fully arm and/or back Iran in the event of any potential conflict with the US. Of course the whole point of instigating a war between Russia and Ukraine might have been to keep the Russians out of the Middle East in the first place. We all know it was Putin who stopped the neocons from doing a "regime change" in Syria. That was about the time Putin suddenly became the new "Hitler".
How is Russia supposed to “fully arm” Iran when it’s already relying on Iran, North Korea, et al. to try to “fully arm” itself?
Russia is a nuclear superpower.
There are those who would find a nuclear armed Iran "problematic". To say the least.
Russia has plenty of nice not nuclear weapons which Iran has not, like S-400 etc.
Personally, if there are going to be nuclear weapons (and there are whether I like it or not), I'd like to see Iran have a nuclear deterrent. That would probably cut back on a great deal of Israel's perception that it can get away with anything it wants to get away with.
But that's the thing about nukes — they're not arms in any traditional sense. Their only use is as a deterrent against the potential for attack. Their owners know that they can only be used once, and that any use of them will result in their own nuclear destruction.