On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $500 million in new military aid for the Philippines while they were in Manila. Their visit comes amid soaring tensions with China in the region.
According to a joint statement released by Austin, Blinken, and their Philippine counterparts, the $500 million is coming from the 2024 Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, which was tucked into the $95 billion foreign military aid bill President Biden signed into law in April.
Blinken said at a press conference that the military aid will help “modernize the Filipino armed forces and coast guard.” The aid is being provided in the form of Foreign Military Financing, a State Department program that gives foreign governments money to buy US weapons.
The US and the Philippines also announced other steps to boost military ties, including a pledge to conclude a new intelligence-sharing agreement by the end of the year and more US investment in military bases in the country. Last year, Washington and Manila signed a deal that gives the US access to four more bases in the Philippines, bringing the total number of US facilities in the country to nine.
Blinken and Austin’s visit to the Philippines came after Manila and Beijing said they agreed to a deal to ease tensions in the South China Sea around Second Thomas Shoal, a Philippine-occupied reef that’s also claimed by China, Vietnam, and Taiwan. China and the Philippines have disputed the details of the agreement, signaling it may not last, and new US support could embolden Manila to push harder against Beijing’s claims.

The South China Sea has turned into a potential flashpoint for a war between the US and China since Washington has vowed the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty applies to attacks on Philippine vessels in the waters. Blinken and Austin repeated that pledge during their visit.
“We stand by our ironclad defense commitment to the Philippines under the Mutual Defense Treaty. That extends to armed attacks on Filipino armed forces, public vessels or aircraft – including the coast guard – anywhere in the Pacific, including the South China Sea,” Blinken said.
Blinken and Austin also met with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and, according to the State Department, “Underscored the United States’ ironclad commitments to the Philippines under our Mutual Defense Treaty.”
The two US officials traveled to the Philippines after visiting Japan, where they announced measures to boost the US-Japan military alliance, including a revamping of the US military command center in the country. The US is also pushing for Japan and the Philippines to increase joint military cooperation as alliance building is key to the US strategy to prepare for a future war with China in the region.
"The $500 million is coming from the $95 billion foreign military aid bill President Biden signed into law in April." No, it's being mortgaged to America's grandchildren.
You may not be able to afford your medication, but at least we'll have our arms manufacturers operating in full stride. What a collection of psychopathic morons
runningruining this country.I like where you're going with this. A friendly suggestion: …ruining this world*
Half a billion here, half a billion there, it's all good. Just put it on the card, assholes.
When you have a little spare change, uncle Joe, there are a number of us taxpayers here in Northern Cal who could use some help with this frigging fire.
We know it's sexier to play king of the mountain, Joe, but we're, you know, Americans – in America. Can you remember where that is? Can you remember anything these days?
He doesn't remember the Constitution, that's a fact. But then that's de rigueur for dc dilettantes.
I have a feeling that $500 million went directly into Marcos' deep pocket.
They heard about a fledgling agreement. They arrived with a suitcase full of cash just in time to kill it. They did.
Like his parents Ferdinand and Imelda siphoning off "aid" from the US, the boy and his relatives will live a littler higher off the hog now.
There's that word "ironclad" again. Not quite to the Israeli level of ironclad AND unwavering but keep working at it and someday we might bump you up with the big boys.
On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $500 million in new military aid for the Philippines while they were in Manila. Their visit comes amid soaring tensions with China in the region.
That made me laugh. Adding to the soaring tensions that you yourself have created. And talking about it like there was another reason for the visit. You know, "while they were in Manilla", they just happened to have a suitcase with half a billion dollars in it. I can't get this kind of entertainment on Comedy Central.
We have the best bought and paid for allies on the planet, bar none. And Israel has the best bought and paid for military on the planet, bar none (?).
Into the toilet we go. Civilization was a pretty cool idea, but it's an idea that has come and gone. Now we're ruled by thugs whose only tools of political persuasion are money and threats.
At least in Mafia neighborhoods, you were safer than under local government as long as you paid up. Who's to say that that system was worse than one where a foreign government can buy our legislature on the cheap.
One tall stupid person to the left of him. One slightly shorter stupid person to his right. Together they equal massive stupidity.
Thanksgiving in summer…! Can I get some too…?! I only ask for $1 million…!
Now little Marcos can buy a lots of designer shoes for his wife and relatives..