Three US Troops Suffer Non-Combat Injuries During Gaza Pier Operation

Two injuries were minor but one was injured enough to require evacuation to an Israeli hospital

The US military said on Thursday that three US troops suffered non-combat related injuries while working on the US pier operation off the coast of the Gaza Strip.

According to Military Times, Vice Adm. Bradley Cooper, the deputy commander of US Central Command, said two of the troops suffered “minor” injuries, with one rolling an ankle and the other hurting their back.

The third service member had a severe enough injury to require medical evacuation to an Israeli hospital, but Cooper did not elaborate on what the injury was. “From a privacy perspective, I would just leave it at we had two minor injuries, and one, as I mentioned, was medivac,” he said.

While the Pentagon says the injuries were non-combat, the incident highlights the danger of the deployment. About 1,000 US troops are working just off the coast of Gaza, putting them in range of Hamas rockets.

Hamas and other Palestinian militants view the US as a party to the conflict since it provides most of the bombs Israel has been dropping on Gaza. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has acknowledged that there’s a risk of the US troops deployed for the pier mission coming under attack and said they would be able to shoot back.

The news of the injuries comes as aid deliveries through the pier resumed after the operation got off to a chaotic start. Aid deliveries started last Friday but were halted on Saturday after hungry Palestinians intercepted some of the shipments that were supposed to go to a World Food Program warehouse.

President Biden ordered the construction of the pier, which cost $320 million, instead of pressuring Israel to open more border crossings, which is by far the more efficient way to get aid into Gaza.

Author: Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.