Three US troops were killed by an overnight drone attack in northeastern Jordan, the first Americans to die by enemy fire in the region since President Biden threw the US’s weight behind the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.
According to CNN, one-way attack drones hit Tower 22, a small US outpost in Jordan near the Syrian border. Over 30 troops were also wounded in the attack.
Since mid-October, US bases in Iraq and Syria have come under attack over 150 times in response to US support for the Israeli slaughter in Gaza. The overnight drone attack in Jordan appears to be the first time Tower 22 was targeted.

President Biden released a statement blaming the attack on “Iran-backed militant groups,” referring to Shia militias that operate in Iraq and Syria. Later in the day, Biden said the US “shall respond” but didn’t specify how.
A spokesman for the Jordanian government initially said the attack happened in Syria, not in Jordanian territory. But later, Jordan appeared to confirm it happened on its side of the border.
“Jordan condemned the terrorist attack that targeted an outpost on the border with Syria, killing three US soldiers and injuring two others from the US forces that are cooperating with Jordan in countering terrorism and securing the border,” Jordan News Agency reported.
The New York Times reported last week that President Biden and his top aides thought it was just a matter of time before an American soldier was killed in one of the attacks on US bases. The report said that if an American were killed, the US would likely attack Iran directly, which could escalate the situation into a major war.
The Pentagon has previously said it has no evidence that Iran has been directing attacks on US forces in the region, and Tehran has repeatedly denied that it’s been involved in the operations.
A US official told CNN back in October that how willing the Shia militias were to act independently was always a “persistent intelligence gap,” meaning the US doesn’t know if Iran is directing their actions. Regardless, US officials have continued to blame Iran for the attacks in Iraq and Syria as well as for Houthi operations in the Red Sea.
Cue the neocon demands for an escalation. The neocons have been maneuvering for a war against Iran for decades; they may finally get their wish.
Yes, and I don’t think it’s going to turn out the way they anticipate, those old unintended consequences always seem to surprise people.
I don’t think they care about those consequences, because they’re not affected by them. They want to expand U.S. empire and make money for the military/intelligence/industrial complex. All else is secondary to them, if they even think about it.
Was killing 3 GIs the trigger for an all out attack on Iran? I don’t think so. It will have to be some horrible false-flag event like a “new Pearl Harbor.” Hey, where have I heard that one before?
“Was killing 3 GIs the trigger for an all out attack on Iran? I don’t think so.”
Probably not a trigger for an all-out attack. But fairly likely a trigger for an escalation that will lead further along the path to that.
Oddly, no one has taken responsibility for this attack…
If the many militant attacks ever killed anything other than jack-rabbits out in the desert, there would have been a lot of dead US troops already..
“Oct. 7”. The Zionazis intend a regional war. The Genocide applies only to the Palestinians, achieving Eretz Israel. Their Thousand Year Reich signifies all SW Asia. Then it’s the Arabs turn. Then Iran.
Spot on! Much to my shagrine.
We know how reliable are their sources of information.
They got what they wished in Ukraine. We may say, they are quite successful.
Some of these people are so psychopathic that I think they wish for WWIII. That’s the direction all this is going, with their propaganda trying to convince us that nuclear war would be OK. They think they can live in their underground bunkers forever; good luck with that while they turn into Morlocks.
What is the purpose of Tower 22?
Clearly it is aimed at Syria, support for insurgents I assume
Yes, the site is just over the border from a US base in Syria where US and “local forces” are engaged in fighting the “Islamic State” — or something our noble leaders insist on referring to as the Islamic State.
They also engage in trapping Syrians behind the lines in something approximating Gaza in miniture.
There is no resistance to U.S. wars of empire inside the U.S. People who were supposedly progressive now obsess on woke/PC and anti-Trump BS, and are apathetic to far more important issues like this one.
US troops have no business being anywhere but in the US. The problem is that if the US cuts off aid to Israel, we’ll have another 911.
If the US continues supporting Israel in its genocidal frenzy, we will very likely have another 9-11.
Having another 9/11 is the precursor to US support for genocidal Israel – and that makes it a sure thing.
Precisely. Prior to 9/11, Chalmers Johnson’s book, “Blowback” received scant notice. After 9/11, it picked up quite a bit of notice. Basically, the read was a warning that there was a price to be paid for our activities in other countries, that price revenge for out activities.
Same goes to Russia, right?
How do you figure that? The article to which you linked doesn’t say anything of the sort. As Dissident points out below, you’ve got it backward.
Bring your Russian soldiers home too.
They’ll be coming to yours soon enough.
They won’t find him. hiding under the bed..
Bring your Russian soldiers home too.
They’re already home — in Ukraine. Get used to it.
For the US military, home is elsewhere..
“. . . meaning the US doesn’t know if Iran is directing their actions.”
The Iranian leaders have been successfully navigating an implacably-hostile and threatening world for decades. They know very well that war with the US would be devastating for their country and nothing suggests they have any interest in provoking one.
It is the US and Israel who may be reckless and stupid enough to provoke, or simply launch, a war that might easily devastate more of the region than anyone can foresee — or worse.
Israel has been running amok in Iran, killing their scientists, assisting us in the assassination of the Iranian general who was in Iraq at the time of his death.
They can only kill Iranians outside the country. No longer inside
As god in the form of the Three Stooges put it, that’s OK then. 🙂
The US and Israel are the only ones that want a war with Iran.
Consider how evil the U.S. and Israel have to be in order to be worse than a religious fanatic country like Iran. And even that is the fault of the U.S., first by deposing Mosaddegh, then by quashing the very popular socialist movement that would have taken over after the U.S. puppet Shah was removed from power. Unfortunately, the religious fanatics filled the power vacuum.
Will Biden employ the standard “solution” and bomb Jordan?
No. Jordan’s King Abdullah and his government are totally under the American thumb.
Jordan has to be treading very carefully. Much of the population is Palestinian and virtually all of it is pro-Palestinian. The Jordanian elites have a very narrow path to walk between their own people and the US-Israel.
It is all genocide Joe knows.
They died for Bibi’s cigars. More will probably die for Lindsey’s cigars.
Who truly could be responsible for this?
There’s a long list of possibilities. The Middle East is full of people and organizations that are furious with the US, both for longstanding reasons and specifically for supporting and arming the genocide. The only friends the US has in the region are the Israelis and the bought, paid for and intimidated autocrats riding herd on Arab populations.
The U.S. U.S. troops shouldn’t be there in the first place.
The default answer always used to be Putin.. Whatever happened to that theory?
It wasn’t a “theory,” it was a lie. Maybe that lie has worn thin, though I see that Pelosi just used it again. Hey, Putin’s hiding under your bed, be very scared!
Cui Bono? Same old question. The US wants a war with Iran. They are supporting every terrorist in the region, except the terrorists the US supports, so the Americans claim, as always, with no evidence.
There is a lot of difference between 30 and 2…!
Being in Jordan, sounds like a False Flag…!
That is crazy talk.
Might not be Tim.
Sure it is Donna. Think it out.
Jordanians said it did not happen on their soil.
“Biden is blaming ‘Iran-backed militants …”
I blame Biden and the U.S. for even having troops there to begin with. Period, end of story, nothing else about this matters. Down with the U.S. empire!!!
Occupied since 2003. Told to leave when Trump killed 20 odd Iraqi bystanders (ignored by most US commentators) in order to kill one general. Told to leave again over the most recent attacks (the Americans’ merely being there is inherently dangerous to Iraqis).
If US troops are literally everywhere, how can this be avoided?
The problem is that they think that they have the right to be everywhere, when in fact they have no business being outside the U.S. What happens outside the U.S. is too bad for them, they shouldn’t be there in the first place.
“the U.S. is too bad for them” One may disagree with US foreign policy. But to not care about the welfare of US troops is disgusting to say the least. Do think these guys had a choice of assignments? Or do you just think everyone who joins the US military is some type of fool?
Yes, some type of fool…! First, they brainwashed you to join and then they promised you of a career in US military…! They send you to wars, and at the end of several defeated wars (if you’re still alive) you come back to US and end up as homeless on the streets of large US cities…!
Right on!
Donna do you think that people in the military are some type of fools like netman claims? I hope not.
I hear you Tim, I do. You make a valid point. I do not think they are fools at all. They are proud and brave, without a doubt. I just do not want to see any of them in harms way, on any side. I hope that offers some clarity and I apologize for anything being misconstrued.
Not all people are born with a silver-spoon in their mouth.
Not all are West Point cadets, the majority in the military are enlisted people with less privilidged backgrounds.
You should be very thankful that people are willing to join the military. They are not brainwashed. The vast majority of service woman and men come back to very successful lives. The next time you get on an airplane your life will likely be in hands of a pilot or copilot who was train by the miliary. They don’t look homeless to me.
When they fly for the airlines they are nickle and dimed into buying their own pilot’s uniforms.
Big deal. When I worked, I wore nice suits which I paid for.
Oh, I’m soooooo thankful that the U.S. military protects my cowardly ass. NOT!!!! Grow a pair and stop believing the lies about supposed threats, which in fact don’t exist. The biggest threat to anyone on this planet is the U.S., wake up and see reality for a change. And stop flying, it’s very environmentally harmful.
Three types. See my response to war r u.s. below.
I care about their welfare. But they are, in a way brainwashed to think that our “freedom” is in Iraq or Syria or wherever the empire directs them. I also realize that many people join the military because they don’t have many options for jobs, education, training, etc. So, I feel the best way to care about American troops is to stop sending them to places to die or get maimed for American hegemony.
And it’s true that many come home broken in body and/or spirit and have a rough time adjusting to civilian life where money is all that is important. Many really do end up on the streets. Bring them home. Stop this sacrifice of people for oil and power and corporate power! They deserve better than that!
A thousand “Amens.’
I agree with you on keeping the troops out of harms way. Iraq, Syria and two of the most useless countries going. Why waste a single American life for those countries?
Tim, correction,” wasting a single American life” for big American corporations, MIC, MINERAL CORP. and Banking.
Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, Ukrainians, the people pay the real price with blood, sweat and tears and scorched earth. They lose their children sons and daughters and parents. The people pay the price for American money interests.
Tim is a typical Ugly American. His comments here amount to no more than, USA, USA!
It’s not FOR those countries. Their lives were sacrificed so the rich could stay rich. They were sacrificed for the petrodollar, oil, and business/geopolitical interests. The government could care less about their lives or the lives of the syrians/Iraqis/etc.
The young people are being exploited in the most brutal way, they are being used as contractors or mercenaries by private employers. They can’t know the emotional costs they pay doing a job that brutalizes them mentally and physically.
In Vietnam the draftees had the highest casualty rates. Virtual cannon fodder.
“But to not care about the welfare of US troops is disgusting to say the least.”
Therein lies the problem. Separating the troops from our foreign policy is why we have our foreign policy. This started in the made for TV war of 1991 and the beginning of the “support the troops” propaganda blitz. It’s blasphemous now to say anything negative about the troops making war acceptable even when it shouldn’t be. I got out of the Army in 1976. After 1991 whenever anyone found out I was in the military, they started thanking me “for my service”. They didn’t have a clue what I did while I was in, but they felt the need to thank me anyway. So, in reality, our wonderful government found a way to be able to conduct wars across the planet and if you don’t agree with them, you’re labeled as someone who doesn’t support our lovable, huggable, red, white and blue troops.
Wars, you nailed it right on the head!!!
Right on! I remember talking about this while marching in a demonstration against Iraq War I. My friend’s response was, “well, I don’t support the troops.” Some of us aren’t brainwashed by this BS, but unfortunately most are. Mentally competent adults are responsible for their actions, and if someone fights for the U.S. in one of its many wars of empire, they’re doing evil and I certainly don’t support them.
There are only three choices if one joins the military voluntarily:
1. You support what the U.S. military does, which was explained quite well about 100 years ago by General Smedley Butler;
2. You have no idea what the U.S. military really does or why it does it; or
3. You know what the military does and why, you don’t support it, but you think it’s a way to get a good job after you get out, maybe by going to college in the GI Bill or whatever it’s called now.
I take issue with all 3 types.
4. You’ve spent the first 18 years of your life being brainwashed daily to believe that the military does good things for a moral country, and haven’t figured out otherwise yet.
That would be No. 2.
That’s where the “brainwashed for 18 years” comes into play.
I get it, but Thomas’s category is actually No. 2. He just stated the reason for the category, not a new category.
As far as I know, there is not much left of the GI bill.
Pretty sure you can still go to college for free if you stay in the military for your full term of service and are honorably discharged.
I recall some years ago the GI bill was changed to savings accounts with government contributions.
Well fortunately a lot of young men and woman unlike you understand the vital role played by our troops. Who do you think keeps a watchful eye on the skies while we sleep at night? Who do you think keeps the GPS running? Who think runs the Atlantic and Pacific sonar net to prevented an unwanted visitor to our shores. I could go and go. What you don’t understand is without the military the US would be a “sitting duck”.
You may not like the US polices and that is OK. I don’t like them all, But I would never wish harm to an individual who in the military protecting my life and freedom, just because they were put in a certain position by the leaders,
Oh please! Do you also support the poor guards in the Nazi death camps?
As to all of the supposed positive things that people in the military do, I agree that because humans are grossly overpopulated and have formed these disgusting nation-states, if you don’t have a military you’ll get invaded. All animals have to defend their territory.
But that’s not mainly what the U.S. military does. General Smedley Butler pointed out almost 100 years ago that the U.S. military is just the enforcement arm of what is equivalent to the Mafia but is called the U.S. Same with the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Furthermore, the only real threats to the U.S. are due to U.S. actions abroad by the military. So you’re using military deterrence to justify problems caused by the military. Do you work in military intelligence? Sounds like a sophisticated propaganda technique that they’d use. The U.S. is only bordered by 2 oceans and 2 friendly countries, and we would need a tiny fraction of the military we now have if we weren’t busy making enemies all over the world.
We don’t have a draft anymore, war has been privatized, the establishment is not held accountable for the butchery all for profit.
As expected a mercenary army was attractive for less fortunate young people. The draft ended when the college exemptions ended because the average families lost their sons and held the establishment accountable for the Vietnam war.
At that time we still had a free press and we could see the horror of war on TV. Now we have a sanitized press and journalists who give us the government narrative. We do have the internet.
Exactly! My biggest mistake politically in my life was opposing the draft during the Vietnam war. I now realize that a draft would create some real and substantial resistance to all these U.S. wars of empire. I get a lot of arguments about this, but those people just won’t accept the fact that for the large majority of people, if they don’t have something at risk, like being drafted, they won’t care about U.S. wars of empire.
A draft and no college deferments. That would mobilize the entire middle class to pay attention. Journalists would think about credibility, their children would get drafted too.
That was one big reason to eliminate the draft when college deferments ended and there was the birthdate lottery. W. Bush was hiding in the NG and went AWOL never finished his pilots training and became a big time war criminal getting others killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They sure like to play the Field Marshal see Biden and his Russo phobic neocons.
Bush finished his pilot training. He didn’t desert until later.
He was trained as a pilot and lost his authority to fly when he missed his medical.
Much of his military record is murky to put it mildly, dads position helped to cover up.
His license is murky, if he had made it there would be a record.
Anyway, it is water under the bridge, one thing, he did not fight for freedom and democracy. Trump would say, he was not a sucker like the HS kids who were drafted.
Nothing especially murky about his record. He was commissioned in the Texas Air National Guard in 1968,. with a two-year active duty commitment for pilot training (which he completed) and a four-year commitment to National Guard drills. He deserted in the middle of that four-year commitment after he was refused a transfer to Alabama, during which time he didn’t show up for duty and missed the required flight physical. Because his last name was “Bush,” he wasn’t charged for his desertion and was able to wangle an honorable discharge.
He was in the club, so he got over.
You are right, his last name was “Bush” he got an honorable discharge when any draftee would have had a dishonorable discharge, and more. A weight around his/her neck until the day they died. Bush’s personal records went missing too. He was admitted in a top rated college based on dads patronage. But good old W. became president, thanks to his dad, and he went on to destroy Iraq and the people and in Afghanistan. Iraq was a military cake work after his dad had destroyed the retreating Iraqi army inside Iraq on the HYWY of death, a war crime. Honor and “thank you for your service” as corny as it is, is for the little guy, the little suckers. OIL wealth and MIC wealth is not for little suckers, they must die for it even their women and babies while the profiteers enjoy their time on the beach.
The two years Bush went AWOL are a blank sheet in his biography.
Thank God we have internet and social media…! But the empire my cut the internet and social media in order to accomplish their evil atrocities…!
They already censor it pretty heavily, they just do it more indirectly. Their algorithms favor content that supports the empire and its establishment, while disfavoring content to the contrary. The result is that most people just get the pro-empire propaganda. They’ve also outright banned and removed people from platforms, Alex Jones being the first of them.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the only acceptable solution to this kind of thing (i.e., empires and their rulers) is to greatly lower human population and return to living in naturally small groups where we all know each other. This will take hundreds to thousands of years to accomplish, but large groups of people are evil per se, and we’re never going to get a democratic society with a truly informed electorate with anywhere near this many people. In modern society, elections are about who can buy them and who can brainwash people with lies & propaganda the best.
They never took really care of the Veterans who most needed it.
First thanks for serving. I truly mean that. I respect people who served our country. There are policy I agree with and ones that I don’t. But I never want to downgrade the sacrifices made my our troops. Jeff argument that it is “is too bad for them”, I totally disagree with. One of my high school friends (John) went to Vietnam, he came back missing his foot. His life was never the same after that and he died in his 40s. I oppose that war but I will never blame John for his decision to join the US army.
Your position makes no sense and is totally self-contradictory. If you oppose a war, how can you possibly support those fighting it? This issue is more complicated for the Vietnam war, because most of the U.S. troops there were drafted. While those people still had a choice of going to Vietnam and fighting for the evil empire (that’s actually what the first Star Wars movie was about according to George Lucas, BTW), going to prison, or leaving the U.S., that choice was exponentially harder than the simple choice of whether to join the U.S. military.
Do you not think that mentally competent adults are responsible for their actions to at least some extent? If you do, then how are people who volunteer to do evil on the part of U.S. empire not also responsible, albeit to a lesser degree than those with money & power who run things?
First thanks for serving. I truly mean that.
In real life, I’d be giving you the finger right now.
That thanks business is really sooo corny, cheap propaganda.
They all volunteered, of course they had a choice. Volunteering for an evil force like the U.S. military is evil itself.
Your hatred for the troops is truly sad. Would you be happy if the draft came back?
If WE ALL are not careful, this will potentially turn into a possible World War. Which truthfully, scares the hell out of me. Things can still be talked down a bit…
The best way to avert War or potential war, is by utilizing peace.
Plain and simple.
Do not forget what I have been saying…Utilizing Peace for the region is our duty and obligation. Get the Peace done and see where we go from there?… Once we truly have Peace, we can figure out the rest from there…
Yeah, yeah. Way to go Houthis!!!!
Way to go Houthis!!!!
Absolutely. Someone has to put the putrid American government in its place. Someone has to take direct action to pressure criminal Israel to stop its genocide.
Wow, it’s almost as if our great president and his brilliant team can see the future. One week ago today:
Biden Thinks It’s Just a Matter of Time Before US Troops Are Killed in Iraq or Syria
No choice. Of course. How could there possibly be any option other than attacking Iran? What else could possibly be done?
Time to buy more stock in arms and munitions.
In our birdbrain president’s mind: attack Iran, that will solve everything………………………
It’s like an abusive husband: look what she “made” me do!
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
Biden statement, no responsible party for this attack, and the fact this happened in Jordan put this well positioned as a possible Israel or US False Flag…!
Stop making shit up.
Looks like the NEOCON insane un-elected subhumans have their Gulf of Tonkin moment.
Genocide Joe trying his hardest to drag us into another Middle East War…..
Just go home.
These are freedom fighters, not terrorists. The terrorists are the U.S. and their lackey puppet governments in the Middle East like the government of Jordan.
The US illegally invaded Syria to illegally overthrow its president, and it illegally set up an illegal military base at Al-Tanf, where three US soldiers were recently killed and many more injured. Biden is trying to decide how to respond. But the US is, in fact, an occupying power in Syria, and as the ICJ has reminded us, occupying powers have no right to “self-defense.” If Biden bombs Iran, it will be another war crime, and the biggest mistake yet of his inept and clownish administration.
Right on!
It won’t be a “mistake.” People constantly say this about evil acts, but it’s not true. A “mistake” is something done accidentally or with an incorrect prediction of the outcome. These psychopaths are trying to expand U.S. empire, and they don’t care about the consequences of doing that.
The troops that were murdered were in Jordan, not in Al-Tarf which is in Syria.
Additionally, please show me where ICJ ruled that an “occupying powers have no right to “self-defense””.
Possibly referring to this:
Reprisals against protected persons or their property are prohibited.
You should read this. It’s amazing, impressive even, how many of these rules the Israelis have broken in Gaza and the West Bank.
Utilizing a true, long lasting Peace, is our only solution. Let’s just get it done already!
Says the phony peace activist that hates the US and supports all belligerent adversaries to US.
What a bloody crock of sh-t! I love my country, very much! The only thing I truly want is total GLOBAL PEACE! And just to set it straight, Bucko, I bloody well declare War on YOU! Go straight to bloody hell! In peace.
The US , The Kurds are trying to squat on NE Syria.
It is reported that they are selling Syrian Oil to Israel.
At a deep discount since they are stealing it from Syria
I used to support the Kurds in their struggle against Turkey, but I’ve changed my mind on this. The Kurds have become U.S. lackeys in the region and no longer deserve our support. And while I have a lot of issues with Turkey, going all the way back to the Armenian genocide and including Midnight Express, Turkey has been substantially better in trying to rein in NATO BS in the Ukraine situation.
Our whole involvement in Syria is as bad as anything any so called Dictators have ever done…
There are around 45 million Kurds. Do you really think they’re all US agents? Do you also think all members of some other ethnic group are big fans of fried chicken and watermelon, and that members of yet another ethnic group are all money-grubbing bankers?
The fact that there are exceptions is irrelevant. I’m talking about the Kurds’ support of the U.S., and what I said is generally true. I didn’t make an overly general statement about all Kurds. Additionally, the racist examples you used are false, so there’s a big difference.
” I didn’t make an overly general statement about all Kurds”
Well, if you meant some particular subset of Kurds instead of all Kurds, why did you say “the Kurds?”
Yes, yes, and yes seeing you asked, but i’ll qualify my comment with “not all” but “many”
US transports the stolen Syrian Oil and Food across the border to Iraq’s Kurdistan region…! The Iraqi Kurds keep the food and most likely sell the oil cheap to Israel via Turkey route…!
Yeah, I used to think that the Kurds were cool, standing up to Turkey. Now I just see them as U.S. puppets in the region.
You assholes are walking us right into a potential World War, just like in bloody prophecy?! Are we always destined to potentially fulfill it?!
Donna, they need a bigger war before next election.
The baby killer makes a big to-do when three mercenaries get killed. That is just a normal professional hazard.
The US are a terrorist nation, war is the nations business.
Correct, but Donna is right: all this crap, starting with the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, continuing to threatening China, and now with overt threats against Iran, are all leading up to WWIII. Most people don’t get that world leaders are psychopaths with greatly oversized egos, and U.S. leaders are the worst of them by far. This is an extremely dangerous situation, and the people in charge in the U.S. are prioritizing expansion of U.S. empire over life on Earth, either because they won’t acknowledge that nuclear war is a real possibility, or because they think they can just live out their lives in their underground bunkers while the surface of the Earth becomes uninhabitable.
They are buying their tickets already to settle on the moon. They must be sure the moon is made of French cheese just for them.
The troops that died were not mercenaries. If you don’t understand the term look it up.
We do have a privatized military, we have no draft that is true of other NATO member states also. You do know about Eric Prince and Blackwater, military contractors.
What were they, draftees? Consultants maybe, please explain what they are.
A terrorist nation like the USA declares all organizations terrorists to justify their breaking of international laws. They use sanctions, military actions and fund and organize civil uprisings for regime changes and state organized assassinations of government officials, diplomats. Meddling in other nations election is routine too. For them to come out and talk about military retaliation because three mercenaries KIA where they should not have been in the first place is really hilarious.
Not hilarious… rather preposterous…!
Something can be outrageous and hilarious at the same time. Everything can be funny from some point of view.
Don’t forget the other terrorist nation, Russia, you sick Fluffer.
Are you alright?
Watching too much porn.
You are just ignorant, to put it mildly. Nothing constructive coming from you, nothing but ad hominem responses.
I hear all the warmongering Neocons like Lady Lindsey Graham shouting for the U.S. to attack Iran because three U.S. Troops were killed meanwhile we’re supplying Israel with all kinds of killing weapons to use in Gaza. What hypocrisy you get from the U.S. government, we can supply weapons to countries around the world to fight wars that they approve of, but a few U.S. Troops are killed, and they’re ready to unleash the dogs of wars. Sick.
Lady Lindsey should go six feet under asap!
and fall deeper, all the way to hell.
He should take the other mass killers right with him, if there is enough room in hell for all of them.
Hamas is retaliating for all the babies Israelis have killed and they call them terrorists.
Hamas is a terrorist group, and you as expected, support them.
Every militia group which does not serve American interests are called terrorists, how could it be otherwise. Terrorists like the contras in Nicaragua armed by Americans are freedom fighters.
Hamas are legal resistance against a brutal illegal occupier. It is a crime to support the IDF terrorists, all of us know of the war crimes Israelis commit, funded and supported by the criminal Biden gang in DC.
Don, you are complicit, there is no way you don’t know of the massacres and war crimes Israelis are committing on unarmed Palestinians, the brutality against women and children and then people like you cry because three soldiers were killed in a place where they should not have been in the first place. Who send them there, thousands of miles away from home?
Now the senile president is working to get his war against Iran to win an election, he needs to annihilate another country, continuing the trail of scorched earth to win. Have you no shame?
People need to get their heads out of their bloody arses! Get with it, already!