The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan docked in Da Nang, Vietnam, on Sunday for a six-day visit to the country amid rising tensions between the US and China in the region.
The Ronald Reagan’s port call marks only the third time a US aircraft carrier has visited the country since the end of the Vietnam War. The last time a US aircraft carrier docked in Vietnam was 2020, and before that was 2018.
The US is looking to strengthen ties with Vietnam as part of its policy against China, although Hanoi is looking to balance relations between the two powers, a strategy known by the Vietnamese as “bamboo diplomacy.”
Retired Maj. Gen. Le Van Cuong, former director of the Strategic Studies Institute at the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security, told The South China Morning Post that visits from US aircraft carriers were the new normal as the two nations forged stronger ties. “As the two sides have established a comprehensive partnership, it is completely normal for a US aircraft carrier to come to Vietnam,” he said.

Vietnam has overlapping claims with China and several other countries in the South China Sea and recently rebuked Beijing over Chinese research vessels operating in Vietnam’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), which extends 200 nautical miles from its coast. According to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a country has special rights to the resources in its EEZ.
Vietnam also rebuked the Philippines, a close treaty ally of the US, for placing buoys near the contested Spratly Islands, which are claimed by Vietnam, China, the Philippines, and Taiwan.
The White Colonial Powers achieved dominance over the globe by divide and conquer tactics. That of course requires that the victims fail to see their real enemy. In the period of colonialism, the victims failed.
As I look at countries like India and Vietnam line up to one degree or another against China and China’s diplomacy fail to prevent this, despair sets in. The same applies to the nations of the EU as they line up against their natural ally, Russia, leaving Russia in difficulties and leaving the EU as vassal states of the US.
Great suffering for humanity will ensue for all of humanity as the world comes to look like the Greater Middle East and many other places during the period of US unipolarity.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me – as one of our great Presidents often attempted to summon the cognitive power to declare.
Both India and Vietnam have fought wars against China-Vietnam wishes to maintain a balance of power-nothing new.Nothing to do with skin tinges.
The US does its dominion game on borrowed money, Interest payments for each US worker is based on a $260,000.
Borrow and spend Republicans are just as bad as war monger democrats. They both pretend federal debt doesn’t matter. People don’t matter to either party.
Planting season is still here. Your garden may be all you have to eat some day soon,
Well, first of all this so called EEZ with its 200 nautical mile range is bullshit and full of holes…! And South China Sea with its surrounding countries overlapping EEZs is an example…! And second the countries just have to live with one another… There is no other way…!
Vietnam is being a bit ungrateful. China was a big supporter of them during the U.S/Nam war, you’d think “me love you long time” actually means longer than this.
Remember,Vietnam and China had a little war in 1979.
Some have estimated that Chinese casualties ranged anywhere between 21,000 and 63,000. It is also thought that tens of thousands of Vietnamese died and suffered, most of them civilians because the war was fought exclusively on Vietnamese soil.
You aren’t going to equate a 30 day boarder dispute with a 18 year occupation are you?
Regardless of time, the casualties are the issue here.
Wonder how much of our taxes will be used to bribe the Vietnamese? Our bridges are collapsing, our water is undrinkable in many places, homelessness continues to increase, etc. How much more will American’s turn a blind eye to the ones in gov. who perpetuate this atrocity called, “endless wars for corp. profits and campaign funding?”
Nothing but a PR stunt…! Vietnam would not give an inch to US militarily…!
The bribe must have been substantial.
If one thinks the Vietnamese forgave Wash. for what they did to them, think again; would you? I wouldn’t, but I’d still take the money.
I agree. There were South Vietnamese who sold their souls for most evil purposes and did terrible things to their own people. Nowadays, others may want to compete with Zelensky, India, and the Philippines for top dollar. It’s disgusting. It’s evil. First step in selling their soul is when they take the money.
Vietnam is going to be a replacement manufacturer for some of what our multi-national corporations are trying to find replacements for in regards to Chinese manufactured goods.
Closer economic ties seems to always translates into a mutual need for unencumbered shipping in claimes waters hense the port call.
Oh please.
It docked for 6 days.
It means NOTHING.
Until Vietnam allows the US to actually base their weapons in their ports?
The whole thing is a yawn fest.
Something that Vietnam negotiated with both Washington AND Beijing probably weeks/months ago about.
But leave it up to the MSM and the morons who watch them?
It’s ‘big news’ to them.
Jeez…you ignorant masses must be awfully bored to get worked up over this.