Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said Monday that the provision of F-16 fighter jets to Kyiv will give Ukraine’s military an “incremental” boost but said it wouldn’t be a “game-changer” in the conflict.
“The F-16 is a reasonable option for them for a whole bunch of reasons,” Kendall said. “It will give Ukrainians an increment of capabilities that they don’t have right now. But it’s not going to be a dramatic game-changer, as far as I’m concerned, for their total military capabilities.”
The US announced on Friday that it would sign off on European deliveries of F-16s for Ukraine, but there’s still a long way to go before the planes reach Kyiv. No countries have officially committed to sending their F-16s, and the current focus is on supporting training for Ukrainian pilots.
Estimates vary significantly on how long it might take to train Ukrainian pilots. Colin Kahl, the undersecretary of defense for policy, previously said the training could take up to two years, but Kendall said he expected the Ukrainians to only need a few months.
“Everything we’ve done with the Ukrainians, they’ve shown a capacity to learn. I don’t think I’ve ever seen more motivated individuals, in terms of wanting to get into the fight and make a difference,” he said.
Kendall acknowledged that the West providing F-16s “is seen by some as an escalatory act on our part.” Russia has warned that sending the aircraft to Ukraine comes with “colossal risks,” a warning that was dismissed by President Biden.
Hitler didn’t bother listening to his generals. What makes Biden will listen to this guy?
No, Biden won’t listen to Frank Kendall, he might even fire him for saying that. Hitler didn’t listen to his generals & sent them to concentration camps if they ignored his advice. That’s the only thing Biden won’t do or might not do.
His best general was forced to each some cyanide. Rommell was in on the attempt at Hitler’s life, and paid for it with his life. The d*mn thing went off at the wrong time. Losing you best field marshal at a critical time of war is not good. Having that general wanting you dead is a little worse.
Pushing the envelope again. There comes a time when things will blow up in their faces.
And our faces.
He did what he could do to get the US closer to reality.
I applaud him. The Secretary of Defense from time to time has also tried to inject reality into the US discussion on dealing with Russia and China.
The US has so far completely rejected this approach. Hopefully this will change … soon.
“Air Force Secretary Says F-16s Won’t Be a ‘Game-Changer’ for Ukraine”
Sending F-16s to Ukraine is like sending your fathers Buick to a formula one race.
Hard not to hope for the defeat of the US and New World Order.
I’m very much inclined to agree and we can add in our collosal arrogance and stupidity.
And when it happens, you’ll be the first one here bitch!ng about how bad life is in the US. Go move to Russia if you hate it so much here and stop being a collaborator.
Another anti US.
Anti-Sodom anti US Empire anti-war pro Republic which doesn’t exist anymore.
Air Force Secretary Says F-16s Won’t Be a ‘Game-Changer’ for Ukraine
“but we will give them some anyways”
…… #1 purse-string guy
Don’t get me wrong – I’m not a fan of sending anything to Ukraine. But it’s a lot like watching the U.S. solve any problem at home. Do just enough to keep the system going, not enough to achieve anything.
He’s lying through his teeth. Trying to sooth fears of the coming nuclear war with words like “incremental” and “not a game changer.”
Reminds me of, “we’re smoking them out.” Folks, the F-16s are in Poland and already piloted. They’re ready to escalate. When (not if) they go after the Russian fleet, Russia will be forced to drop a nuclear bomb somewhere. I know we all hate math problems, but this one is really easy. It’s a cakewalk. I know you like cakewalks. (Sarcasm alert)
It is more than one straw on the camel’s back, but not in itself crushing. They are just a few old planes. But how far can this be pushed before something gives. Our “leaders” seem determined to find that limit, and then to cross it.
Not a “game changer”?
Then why?
Also just what is the “game”?
Is the game just to bleed Russia without a real chance of pushing Boris back home?
The Lindsey Graham idea of bleeding Russia until the the public turns on Putin and disposes him and turns into a Madison democracy that immediately bows to America and its wishes?
Is that the game he’s talking about that by sending those F16s that it “won’t be a game changer”?
At least Russia can use them to devise new ways and strategies to shoot them down which will help others like China.
Make the MIC as much dough as possible. Elections are a coming next year.
Soooooo… let me get this straight. Our own guys are saying the F-16’s aren’t all that in the present situation, while Moscow says introducing them is an escalation they take very seriously. So someone- anyone- tell me what the upside to this plan might be? Do those *allegedly* Ukrainian pilots have any thought in their heads that they’re about to be sacrificed as a publicity stunt? Sending up poorly trained pilots in an aircraft that’s likely to be older than they are (and far less well maintained, I’d wager) is a recipe for martyrdom. Maybe that’s the real point of this exercise in insanity? But then, you never know- those ‘poorly trained conscripts armed with shovels’ did a pretty good job of taking Bakhmut from the Ukrainians, didn’t they?
Hypersonic missiles fired from Su-57 from many miles away will make them scrap metal.
Biden will do all he can to get his war with Russia, Nuland must have given him permission. She opened the gates for military actions for Zelensky to win Crimea some weeks ago. F-16 fighter planes with American pilots could make the cut.
No kidding!