Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Monday introduced a resolution that would require President Biden to disclose the number of US troops inside Ukraine and share all documents outlining US military assistance for Kyiv with the House.
If the resolution is passed, it would require President Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to share the requested information within 14 days. The introduction comes after one of the documents allegedly leaked by Airman Jack Teixeira confirmed that US special operations forces are in Ukraine.
“The Biden Administration and other allied countries have been misleading the world on the state of the war in Ukraine. There must be total transparency from this administration to the American people when they are gambling war with a nuclear adversary by having special forces operating in Ukraine,” Gaetz said in a statement.
According to the document, 97 NATO special operations soldiers in Ukraine, including 14 Americans. The leak confirmed an October 2022 report from The Intercept that said US special operations forces were deployed to Ukraine after Russia’s invasion.

The Intercept report did not say what the American special operators were doing inside Ukraine but said it was part of a broad covert operation that includes CIA personnel who are also on the ground.
The leaked document said there is a total of 29 Defense Department personnel inside Ukraine, including the special operations forces. The total also includes members of the Marine Security Guard Security Augmentation Unit (MSAU), who are typically deployed for embassy security.
The total also includes the defense attaché and members of the Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC). The Pentagon said in October 2022 that personnel under the defense attaché and ODC based at the US embassy in Kyiv are conducting “onsite” weapons inspections inside Ukraine.
Yeah, I don’t see this administration coughing up those numbers.
What’s the point anymore.
Would they lie to Congress? Well, Austin has been caught by the same leaks in some extreme lies, so yeah, they’d just lie some more.
As if Congress deally cares beyond their own election financing,
Leaked Pentagon documents revealed the US and other NATO members have US special operations forces inside Ukraine
wait for it …..
Yes, my worry, especially during the famous coming Spring Offensive, is that they are essentially scouts and spotters for the 101 &102 first airborne who will fly in from Moldova and Rumania to turn defeat into victory… around Kherson and Crimea…??
The 101st is a light infantry division. Its total strength (not anywhere near all of which is supposedly deployed in Romania) wouldn’t be enough to turn the tide of the kinds of battles you’re talking about. Nor is that its role. Its specialty is “in and out” air assault raids.
Looks like the new, Ron Paul (sort of) is at it again.
Good for Matt Gaetz.
I wish, Troy. But I don’t believe we’ll ever have another Ron Paul…
I agree.
That’s why I said ‘sort of’.
I assume he is doing all this for political gain.
But I don’t care much why he is doing it.
I am just VERY pleased that someone is.
Another “feel good” initiative that will go nowhere.
That type of legislation is called “show votes”.
Absolutely no chance of passage but if it makes it to a vote it puts people “on the record”
As if that matters….
….. except for fund raising and soundbites.
We generally don’t know where US troops are stationed, nor do we know if they are regulars or called-up national guard.
We also no longer know when any US military die overseas. The DOD formerly reported military deaths (they labelled them “casualties”) in other countries, both from combat and accidental, as “news releases.’ (Probably they didn’t include the ‘special forces’ which are in so many countries.) However the DOD has not reported any casualties overseas as a news release for some time now.
. . .Going to search for “casualties” at DOD brings:
“U.S. Casualties Suffered in Conflicts — The data contained in these Defense Casualty Analysis System reports are used by DOD organizations, external government agencies, both houses of Congress, the President, the news media, and the general public. The data contained in this site can be used to understand trends in casualties as they relate to terrain, advances in medicine, the advent of better technology that has enhanced the safety of the war fighter, or the challenges brought about by new threats.”
Clicking on “Defense Casualty Analysis System” brings a “404 Not Found.”
We generally don’t know where US troops are stationed, nor do we know if they are regulars or called-up national guard.
We also no longer know when any US military die overseas. The DOD formerly reported military deaths (they labelled them “casualties”) in other countries, both from combat and accidental, as “news releases.’ (Probably they didn’t include the ‘special forces’ which are in so many countries.) However the DOD has not reported any casualties overseas as a news release for some time now.
. . .Going to search for “casualties” at DOD brings:
“U.S. Casualties Suffered in Conflicts — The data contained in these Defense Casualty Analysis System reports are used by DOD organizations, external government agencies, both houses of Congress, the President, the news media, and the general public. The data contained in this site can be used to understand trends in casualties as they relate to terrain, advances in medicine, the advent of better technology that has enhanced the safety of the war fighter, or the challenges brought about by new threats.”
Clicking on “Defense Casualty Analysis System” brings a “404 Not Found.”
This is rather pointless, since the leaker confirmed that there are already troops there….Just how hawkish is Biden? Will he not stop until he has started an actual nuclear war with Russia? And maybe China too?
The Democratic party is dead. I don’t expect anything in the way of transparency or respect for the truth from any of them.
They are engaged in promoting and fomenting crimes against the human race, AFAIC.
Personally, I think both parties are beyond useless.
I think we can all agree on that Troy. Our democratic system needs an overhaul. It is time for some new blood, new parties, maybe even a whole new system.
We do need a new system, one where private funding is illegal. All Democracies in the NATO alliance are corrupt.
In Europe USA agents saturate all governments in my opinion. The kind of government Germany has now, would not be possible without American CIA plants. Baerbock and von der Leyen and Stoltenberg and all the others like them have to be paid agents of the USA, otherwise it is not possible.
The US is known to meddle in elections, and Germany is still an occupied nation. In fact the USA occupies and controls the EU.
How can the German government not demand answers about the pipeline bombing and the UN act in FAVOR of the USA 100% of the time? There is no such thing as honest government in any leading NATO member state.
The Biden neocons RULE the NATO like the popes used to rule and control Europe for centuries.
That’s slapping a bandaid on a open wound. The problem investing so much power in government. As long as that is the case, creeps, opportunists, sociopaths and such will be attracted to it. If you will build it they will come. There are no historical examples of it not happening regardless of any measures put into place to prevent it.
Money is power, corporate wealth and power is running the show, all in order to make more money and get more power. Any government needs enough power to govern and the corporate elite took advantage of it. They own the government. Intellectually and morally bankrupt people with one value only, namely more wealth.
We need less government. A lot less and asap.
I want direct democracy. Representative Democracy must go as I believe it is virtually impossible to remove mass-corruption from such an organization.
There is no longer a need for political representation. There was before phones and the internet. There no longer is.
My god , Bear….are these people trying to turn me REPUBLICAN? 😳
Why stop at Ukraine?
Golly its[almost] like we doing a Vietnam all over again.
Yes, in a whole lot of ways: civil war, client gov’t, endless lies, mission creep, slaughter, bluster, ….
i bet that biden and every other POTUS does not have the slightest idea what is going on
Vietnam started with a few advisors and became a morass of death and destruction for many young American boys.
Russia is not comprised of a few uneducated tribal people who can be played with like a wack-a-mole game with drones. They have 80 years worth of weapons stored because of Napoleon and Hitler plus NATO.
Russia has a military manufacturing base, energy, and raw materials to last hundreds of years. On top of this, Russians are as patriotic as any group under threat and America is threatening Russia in an existential way.
Did I mention that Russia has BIG nuclear weapons?
When the middle school children in the American State Department finish pretending to be military experts”, maybe the next American government can appoint real diplomats who know how to get along with the world.