Russia on Sunday said that Ukrainian forces renewed the shelling of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Russian-controlled southern Ukraine.
Ukraine accused Russia of being behind the attacks, but the ZNPP has been under Russian control since March. Renat Karchaa, an advisor to the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom, said there was Ukrainian shelling on the plant on Saturday and Sunday.
“They not only shelled yesterday, they are shelling today, shelling right now. As of now, about 15 hits at nuclear power plant facilities have been recorded. Any artillery strikes on the nuclear plant put nuclear safety at risk,” he said, according to Russia’s TASS news agency.

The Russian military said in a statement that despite the shelling, radiation levels remained normal at the plant. The statement accused Ukraine of trying to create “the threat of a man-made catastrophe” at the ZNPP.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that there were strikes at the ZNPP on Sunday, calling them “extremely disturbing,” but didn’t attribute blame. “Whoever is behind this, it must stop immediately. As I have said many times before, you’re playing with fire!” IAEA chief Rafael Grossi said in a statement.
“Russia says” – as if Americans themselves don’t know it for sure.
The purpose of American oligarchs is to create a nuclear disaster in Europe, to make EU even more dependent upon US and to leave a radioactive problem for Russia to cope with.
Correct, M.
Since the prevailing winds are generally from west to east, why would Russia attempt to radioactive-ize its own territory?
Russia might strike that area would be to repel Ukraine forces that had crossed the river. Ukraine might strike that area to force an evacuation of the entire plant. But, as the IAEA emphasizes, the potential for tremendous and permanent damage to Ukraine is very high.
What kind of twisted mind could possibly see an advantage to continuing these attacks on the facility at Enerhodar?
The IAEA should name the party shelling the Zaporizhia plant. The parties should agree to a demilitarized zone in and around the plant. The DMZ should be secured by UN Peacekeepers from a neutral country.
The IAEA inspectors on site would of course know if Russia is using it as an artillery base and the incoming, counter-artillery; and, are accurately reporting such to Rafael Grossi who clearly understands his job to be blowing smoke for Washington terrorism.
well if russia has boots on the ground at the power plant then obviously russia are not the guys bombing the powerplant
That’s only common sense.
“Russia Says Ukraine Renews Shelling of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant”
Zelensky Victory Cry: ‘Putin’s not the only one who can blow up an energy grid!’
What does a “win” look like here. Whoever is doing this needs to stop.
The coverage of this in our empire friendly western media has been risible from the outset and the western captured IAEA are also appalling. There is a complete absence of calling Ukraine out for their insane shelling.
It’s a bloody dangerous thing to do….
The US (Ukraine) imagines it can use the UN to force Russia to hand back the power plant and surrounding key territory.
That is fantasy. Never happen.
They also imagine this pressure will do diplomatic damage to Russia in the eyes of the larger world. Not likely. They see it for what it is, in all the places not already signed on to the US narrative of this war.
Along the way, they might irradiate a lot of people. They don’t seem to care. Just blame Russia, and all is good in their eyes.
I heard Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC say it was the Russians that were shelling the nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia.
“Russia Says Ukraine Renews Shelling of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant”
Zelensky to west: ‘oops, another accidental almost-direct-hit – gee, know i’d be seriously thinkin’ ’bout putting NATO boots round that plant, if i wuz you…’