President Biden said Thursday that the risk of nuclear “armageddon” is at its highest point since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, a rare admission of the danger his policy of supporting Ukraine in a war on Russia’s border poses.
Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not joking when he talks about the use of tactical nuclear weapons” and that he can’t imagine the use of a tactical nuclear weapon not leading to “armageddon.”
Tactical nuclear weapons have smaller nuclear yields than strategic nuclear weapons, but many are comparable to the bombs that the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “I don’t there is any such a thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon,” Biden said at a fundraiser in New York City.
“We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” he added, referring to President John F. Kennedy.
Kennedy defused the Cuban Missile Crisis by negotiating with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and cutting a secret deal to remove US Jupiter nuclear-armed missiles from Turkey. Kennedy also gave assurances that he wouldn’t invade Cuba, and in exchange, the Soviets removed their missiles.
At this point, there’s no indication that Biden and Putin have been holding any negotiations, but back-channel talks are always possible. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the US has shown no interest in diplomacy and virtually cut off all high-level public talks.
This messing around and messing around with — Armageddon — is so horrible that I do believe it’s driven now by domestic election politics in the US. Nowhere else are politicians so manifestly self-interested and driven to do the unthinkable.
I worried about Trump with the “football”. Do I now have to worry about the guy in the aviator sunglasses?
i doubt that the pentagon would ever allow any of the dimwits that have called themselves POTUS to have a real “nuclear football”
Biden is the most dangerous president in the history of this country. The media are pushing lies about Putin’s statements on nukes. He was simply responding to the threats first made by Stoltenberg and Truss. Putin never threatened to use nukes first, and in fact, if the media would report the truth about the Ukraine war, the public would see that Russia has no need to resort to nukes in a war it is winning.
I think Biden is dangerous because he is stupid…
We have a winner!
Thank you very much!!!
If he realizes the risk is so high, why the hell are we continuing to provoke the Russians? Whoever controls eastern Ukraine has NOTHING to do with us. Stop this madness before millions of people are blown up into nuclear waste.
Dear pal_2002,
It seems to me, blowing ourselves to hell and back may be the only option left to all of us… And it is madness…
One of my most favorite expressions is: STOP THE PLANET! I want to get off…
Ukraine’s nationalists want a Ukraine for Ukrainians only. But the western areas where that might make sense cannot flourish without 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 the manufacturing, energy, and agricultural resources from the areas populated by ethnic Russians.
Biden and Blinken are very good at whipping up hysteria. If they were good at anything else, the future of Ukraine would not be in jeopardy now.
Biden would do well when it comes to this by simply shutting his mouth.
He is just a puppet for the MIC. I remember the end of the movie War Games. Joshua (computer), is searching for the codes to launch, comes to the conclusion that thermonuclear war was:”A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.”And then asks:”How about a nice game of chess?”Would be nice if it was that simple today.
Thank you and have a very nice day… 🙂
And I do not see Biden doung anything about it — just fanning flames of war. Making sure it ladtsinger! Biden, Biden. Wrong thing to say when doungveverything possible to make matters worse.
This is too dubious a campaign tactic, likely to alienate the educated classes (which Biden needs) on both sides.
But it seems clear nuke hysteria is a deliberate meme … to justify what? the next escalatory leap? boots on the ground? no fly zone? …?
I am getting to believe that he has teleprompters everywhere so he can be sure to be up to date as to the military industrial complex’s orders.
Agreed. He’s a well trained politician (in the worst sense), never goes off script. His age makes him dependent on the teleprompter, and he reads it like a 4th grader, racing through it mechanically without rhythm or inflection (i.e., without any sense of its meaning).
That was entirely accurate!
The pet rock of obama, Joey Biden, is an empty vessel on the way to being a vegetable.
Between the three stooges, Biden, Harris, and Pelosi, there is no good alternative and no leader in America.
duh,we have trump will come and fix tings for us all!!! usa #!1111
Are you deranged or just retarded? Nowhere in the post was a former President mentioned. I guess you people are just infatuated with the former President.
You name yourself a [critical thinker]? Do you understand satire? Is your diaper wet and needs changing? Call mommy and she’ll come down to your basement lair and change for ya. Thats a good boy.
“The pet rock of obama”
“Nowhere in the post was a former President mentioned.”
You and you. Funny that would escape you since you mention his name damn near every time you post a comment.
Everyone needs to play nice…!
Ok noted!
I have seen him post things like “the only good Ukrainian is a dead Ukrainian.” There’s really no point in engaging him. He just literally wants them all dead.
It is the war we need to avoid and no one wants. Yet humanity is teetering on the very brink of that cataclysm. History has the answers and the warnings. But it looks as if the nuclear powers do not have the means to avert it.
All because we just have to be the hegemon of the world. Amazing that the rest of the world does not get it, that we are at war, or will be at war, with an ally to keep them in like.
“Things are terrible, it’s all my fault, and I plan to keep making them worse”
~~~ his majesty the president
I’m assuming that is a direct quote?… Sounds about right…
Correction: his Dumb F*ck the President.
It works for me!
Anybody who believes that any American President or Politician will go against the flow of War,Racism Capitalism or Imperialism is delusional
Well, the last one who tried got his brains splattered out, so you’re right, one way or another …
What do “racism” and “capitalism” have to do with any of this??? Stop falling back on your cliched buzzwords.
When the crash-test dummy talks like this, it suggests the US is seriously considering using tactical nukes in Ukraine, or supplying them to Ukraine. As Mercouris has pointed out, the Russians view all of the back-channel “warnings” not to use nukes to Russia from the US over the last few months that have been reported on as “threats.” This is why Putin recently warned the West back that Russia has weapons the US cannot match, along with lunatic statements from people like Liz Truss.
As the US empire continues to decline, the temptation to break out “tactical” nukes will build. Like all regimes, US imperial regimes consider any threat of reduced influence to be existential (for them — and of course they identify themselves with “the country”).
Tactical nukes were in our game plan for Vietnam.
Russia got what it wanted from the so called Cuban Missile Crisis and that was US missiles out of Turkey , a fact that was kept from the American citizens .
At the time, yes. Kennedy asked Khrushchev to not reveal it right then. Kennedy did not want to look “soft” on Russia. What has been kept secret is the fact that down the road we replaced those missiles in Turkey with upgraded ones.
Then why did the dumb f*ck stop negotiations to end the war last April, and why doesn’t he sit down with Z and P to negotiate ???
Someone replaced him with a random word generator linked to Siri.
This is why it is important not to elect a guy who can’t open his mouth without fumbling. Everyone is arguing about his hidden intents but the guy is just a mess of idiocy. A week ago he said the hurricane appeared to be the deadliest in Florida’s history. Death count at that moment was …one person. He just says things for no rhyme or reason.
As biden throws gas on the flames, he states with lucid conviction that the fire will get bigger, but its not his fault. More arms for Ukraine though!.
Exactly right. What he’s doing here is quite cleverly mad and pernicious. He’s saying if Putin uses Tactical nukes (battlefield nukes) in Ukraine for some reason, he doesn’t see a way that won’t lead to Armageddon.
You see how diabolically clever this is? In the guise of making a reasonable statement (that we are close to all out nuclear war), he’s actually cleverly inserting the thought that nuke use of any kind by Russia WILL lead to all out nuclear war, which is, of course, untrue and a choice by the “west”.
Just like sanctions, which were presented as Putins fault, where in reality they were entirely a choice by us, nuclear war is now being couched at TINA (there is no alternative) … how is this lunatic (Biden) going to be stopped?
Another pretty false flag for the arms merchants…We need more and more and more weapons to counter…Funny how he doesnt mention that every prez [but for JC] have said ‘All Options are on the Table’ The threat of using nukes is the classic rules[we make] for thee but not for me…
Well I don’t often agree with the man but he is absolutely correct. Biden neglects to mention that he brought us to this point though.
Russia will use nukes in Ukraine soon, because it is losing, and Putin is desperate. Biden is also desperate. The Democrats fear the consequences of losing this Midterm far more than any election in recent memory, and they know they are losing. The Democrats talk a good game about Abortion saving their skins, but it is clear that they don’t believe it themselves. They are just as desperate as Putin. A nuclear war will produce a nice pretext for Martial Law and locking up the Republicans.
Geez, and here I thought a nuclear war would destroy the planet. But in your scenario, the dems will still be able to impose martial law and round up those peace and liberty loving republicans. Would the republicans have the opportunity to switch parties first?
Works out according to script…
False. Nuclear. Flag.
No way will Russia use nuclear weapons. It’s highly debatable that they are losing. Sure, the Ukrainian regime has hung on a lot longer than most expected earlier this year, but if you compare their manpower and material losses to Russia’s…it ain’t even close.
I posted this last night, but I think the neocons may be planning a false flag nuclear detonation in Ukraine. The neocons are sociopaths whose only tool is deceit and they’re caught in a downward spiral which they aren’t going to get out of with intelligence, decency, common sense, etc., which wouldn’t work by this point and are foreign to them anyway. Lying is all they know, and they may be fading back for their big hail Mary. A nuclear detonation in Ukraine would unleash NATO conventional and possibly nuclear forces, and
it would green light use of the Israeli nuclear arsenal on Iran. It could also be used as a pretext for a first strike. I hope I’m wrong but about all I can come up with is that it’s too stupid and crazy, which by this point isn’t much of an argument. I got thinking about this after reading The author cycles through a whole propaganda laundry list he didn’t write on his own and it just smells like false flag. He specifically and repeatedly refers to “a tactical nuclear warhead” being detonated by Russia. No military objective is given and no rationale offered except Putin’s mythical desperation, and the author clearly and persistently specifies use of a single small nuclear warhead and what to expect afterwards. Think Syrian gas attacks, think Bucha, think Zaporizhzhia shelling, think Nord Stream, think about the full court propaganda press against Iran going on right now, think about the coming winter, and think about the loss in Ukraine that’s just about to happen, and connect the dots. And now this morning every article, particularly this one, seems to confirm my bias. Skeptics welcome.
Very good thinking it thru!
I was really looking for invalidation.
Okay, I invalidate you! Have a nice day;-)
You’re just trying to be nice, but thanks.
Iran = Bucha? I presume you’re referring to the phony story about WMD rather than the real one about your hair showing below your hijab.
The Bucha massacre was apparently Ukrainian reprisal killings spun, quite successfully, as Russian atrocities, a false flag with a twist, and the ongoing strife in Iran is being falsely stoked around what appears to have been a sudden medical event. There’s an ostensible video of the Iranian woman collapsing in a waiting room but it’s been buried by the MSM in favor of spin. The neocons have a full plate and they may intend to clean it off in one go.
I guess I would call multiple blows to the head a “sudden medical event”
Other than evidence free allegation the only two things I know about the event are:
1) In the purported video the woman appeared healthy and then suddenly collapsed, from the way she put her hands to her head I would guess she had brain trauma. This video is ignored by the MSM.
2) It works for the neocons to blame the woman’s death on brutal filthy Islamic antisemitic woman hating nuclear weapon building stinky stinky stinky Iranian mullahs, who we collectively hate with a desperate passion and want to bomb, quite possibly with nuclear weapons.
OK I get it. You will defend the mullahs no matter what they do to women because word words words multipolarity (sotto voce: “I, Ted, am not a woman”). Fundamentalist oppression of women = “spin”.
Yes, I’m a fundamentalist Islamic misogynist, you’ve seen right through me and there’s no use denying it.
I don’t know if you’re a fundamentalist Islamic misogynist, but you produce humorous and stupid deflections for them on TV.
Haven’t been on TV lately and don’t know which end of the humorous and stupid deflections for fundamentalist Islamic misogynistic stick to grab. Full disclosure here but I haven’t particularly understood anything you’ve written. Maybe either dumb it down or smarten it up. Probably the second one.
Moon of Alabama gives a clear and proper explanation.
Biden’s Fearmongers About A Russian Nuclear Threat That No One Has Made
“One must ask what this propaganda campaign about a non existing threat is really about. Could it be in preparation of a false flag incident in which a U.S or British nuclear device is used in Ukraine to then blame it on Russia as the pretext of an all out military engagement in Ukraine?” … if that is in fact the plan then maybe the only way to stop it is to convince the plotters it will fail …. which sounds kind of impossible when I type it out. Maybe the military will balk. But probably not. Hm. Maybe somebody should email Putin.
Install the Mate Translate browser extension to translate from the Russian.
Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation
Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence
What is someone like me, stuck in N.E. U.S. to do watching Biden blundering us to the brink of “armageddon”….????? Playing chicken with Russia on her BORDER could easily turn out fatal like Russian Roulette!!!! Having SQUANDERED most of our deterrence falling “GENERATIONS” BEHIND IN GREAT GAMESMANSHIP PEER NUCLEAR WORLD POWER CONFRONTATIONS from the G.W.O.T diversion chasing nomads. Biden’s current posture almost seems as if he is begging to see Russia demonstrate it’s 100 megaton destructive dominance for all the NATO Gnomes to see, maybe on one of them.
From the Guardian article re Armageddon on Biden’s latest gaff (italics mine):
“The remarks marked a departure from Biden’s normally cautious tone in response to Putin’s threats”
LMAO 😉 Sorry folks, but being 79 gives me some insight into the ramblings of a mind wandering around on its tether.