US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is seeking advice on dealing with Russia, and ahead of today’s Geneva meeting he spoke with a number of known US hawks.
The indication is that the hawks’ advice centered heavily on the US sending more arms to Ukraine to prepare for a war with neighboring Russia. Ukraine has for years claimed a Russian invasion is imminent.
This sort of advice is fairly predictable, but Sullivan’s allies are praising him for seeking advice from “outsiders” who may have alternative positions on Russia.
And yet throwing weapons at Ukraine and raising the stakes in the region isn’t exactly an “outsider” perspective. The hawks’ advice boils down to continuing what they’re doing, only moreso.
The argument could be that a better-armed Ukraine is a less appealing target, and yet Ukraine feeling more backed by the US could encourage them to take provocative actions.
Contrast this report with Ray McGovern’s Pollyanna assessment of the first day of talks.
If it isn’t obvious that the Biden administration has no clue about the seriousness of the Russian demands, I don’t know what is.
It may be they’re fully cognizant of Russia’s needs/demands and are willfully falsifying the narrative and deluding Zelensky with a false sense of invincibility to provoke an incident that justifies the “nuclear option” sanctions –closing their SWIFT access and Nord stream 2.
Yes, that is the plan, evidently. Problem is they don’t comprehend how the Russians will respond.
This is complete and utter madness, even for the USA that loves conflict.
National Security Adviser Seeks Chickenhawks’ Advice on Russia
I just wished my nation scrapped the ANZUS alliance with the US. Australia has no threats if Washington DC is committed to blowing up the planet over Taiwan or Ukraine given the buffer zone we have between China or Russia.
Plus America is no longer the light on the hill, it has become the monster it once protected the qorld from..
America has no problems selling billions of dollars of weapons to a nation it accused of being behind 9/11 & supporting Al Qaeda and being its oil master overlords that US presidents bow its Shieks. Saudi Arabia
All the US is about is global dominance of oil and gas. It is willing to weaken and destroy anything that stands its way.