Beijing Advisor: China ‘Overly Optimistic’ on Relations With the US

Shi Yinhong doesn't believe tensions will ease anytime soon

A government advisor in Beijing said Monday that China is too optimistic when it comes to the idea of easing tensions with Washington and warned that the US will continue its confrontational approach, The South China Morning Post reported.

“China is a bit overly optimistic now,” said Shi Yinhong, a professor at Renmin University in Beijing and an advisor to China’s State Council. “Chinese people always have a short memory — if the US president so much as smiles or something, they get excited.”

Many in Beijing hoped a new administration in Washington was a chance to reset relations with the US. But it was clear early on in his presidency that Biden would continue the hardline China policies of his predecessor.

Shi noted that there have been signs of improving ties, including the release of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou from Canada after the US dropped its extradition request, and recent high-level talks between US and Chinese officials. But ultimately, Shi does not see the current tensions easing anytime soon.

“The relationship between China and the US is now in a situation where tensions are still high but it is frozen or suspended there, compared with the past eight months, and it will not significantly ease in the foreseeable future,” he said.

One example of the US’s hostility towards China is the formation of a new CIA spy center that will focus exclusively on Beijing. Announcing the center, CIA Director William Burns said China is the “most important geopolitical threat.” China’s ambassador in the US responded to Burns’ remark and called on the US to drop its “James Bond” theatrics and work on repairing ties.

Author: Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.