While meeting with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated the US’s opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will connect Russia to Germany and warned Berlin about possible sanctions over the project.
“President Biden has been very clear in saying that he believes the pipeline is a bad idea; it’s bad for Europe, bad for the United States,” Blinken said. “Ultimately, it’s in contradiction to the EU’s own energy security goals. It has the potential to undermine the interests of Ukraine, Poland, a number of other close partners or allies.”
Blinken said he would bring it up in a conversation with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who he spoke with later in the day. Blinken said he would remind Maas that the US is required by a law passed by Congress to “sanction companies participating in the efforts to complete the pipeline.”
In a readout of the call between Maas and Blinken, State Department spokesman Ned Price said Blinken “emphasized US opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.”
Recent reports have said President Biden is preparing new sanctions over the Nord Stream 2, and Blinken indicated that was the case in a statement last week. He said the State Department is “tracking efforts to complete the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and is evaluating information regarding entities that appear to be involved.” He warned that “any entity involved in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline risks US sanctions.

The original Nord Stream consists of two lines that run from Vyborg, Russia, to Lubmin, Germany, near Greifswald. The new project would add two more lines, doubling the amount of natural gas Russia could export to Germany.
The Nord Stream 2 is believed to be about 95 percent complete. But the threat of US sanctions has slowed down the project. Somehow, the US frames Russia’s desire to trade more with Germany as a threat to Europe’s security, but realistically, an expanded trade relationship between the two country’s would reduce tensions in the region.
re: an expanded trade relationship between the two country’s would reduce tensions in the region
Reduced tensions bad, increased tensions good — for Pentagon wasteful budget based on fabricated national security threats, fully funded by a bought-and-paid-for Congress lacking any consideration for US citizens.
I see Belarus, a Russia ally, on the map. The US and its EU puppets currently have a movement against Belarus featuring an “International Accountability Platform for Belarus” described here and here.
thanks for sharing this. My gut told me Belarus was the globalists next target for color revolution. It’s the last country bordering Russia without NATO troops and bases. Once they have Belarus they will go in for the kill: color revolution in Russia. These people are the very definition of evil. Ukraine’s debt to GDP ratio doubled since Obama’s overthrow of their democratically elected President; thousands have died and millions are refugees who fled to other parts of Europe. How many people will die, be maimed, become refugees in Belarus?
more on the US failure in Belarus
from MK Bhadrakumar —
.. .it was no coincidence that the White House decision carrying the imprimatur of Biden to restore the Minsk embassy to ambassadorial level — signifying the summary denouement to an attempted colour revolution that Moscow countered with extraordinary grit and doggedness — was transmitted to the Belarus foreign minister on March 22 soon after Blinken’s return from Alaska. Clearly, Biden’s diplomatic experience is not to be doubted. .here
from State Mar 22 —
Counselor of the Department Derek Chollet spoke today with Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei about the situation in Belarus and the current state of U.S.-Belarus bilateral relations. Counselor Chollet made clear the need for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Belarus without exception, specifically citing the urgency of the case of RFE/RL consultant Ihar Losik. The Counselor and the Foreign Minister also discussed the pending exchange of ambassadors between the United States and Belarus, noting that open lines of communication would benefit both countries. The call underscored the United States’ strong support for proposals for a genuine dialogue with those leading the protest movement, with the goal of free and fair elections with international observation this year. .here
Here’s one issue where Biden and Trump are in agreement. Kind of tells you they both got orders from the same people.
Blinken, the chief US “diplomat,” says no punishing sanctions on ally Germany now, maybe “we” will do it later when the pipeline is completed or certified. Quote:
The city gate price for US natural gas in Europe is about 2X what gas from Nord Stream 2 will cost. That’s simple pipeline economics. If the Europeans are stupid enough to have their materials costs doubled by Uncle Sam what can anyone do?
As for Poland’s alliance with the west and rejection of Russia, well, that worked out real good for them in 1939.
As folks like to say, “You can’t fix stupid.”
Biden quotes, Feb 4, 2021
**America is back. America is back. Diplomacy [AKA sanctions] is back at the center of our foreign policy.
** Secretary Tony Blinken. Mr. Secretary, thank you for welcoming us today. We’ve worked together for over 20 years. Your diplomatic skills are respected equally by your friends and our competitors around the world.
**That must be this — we must start with diplomacy rooted in America’s most cherished democratic values: defending freedom, championing opportunity, upholding universal rights, respecting the rule of law, and treating every person with dignity. . . .here
I doubt Blinken will be able to stop the pipeline. Too many people will make money with the cheaper energy Russia can supply.
To see Washington interfering in this is shameful but unfortunately it is indicative of the entire foreign policy situation at the State Department.
This week they were lamenting China’s Belt and Road Project but see blind to the fact that sanctioning your allies will prevent any such Joint Venture in the future.