Adm. Philip Davidson, the head of US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM), is defending a $27 billion wishlist his command submitted to Congress to confront China in the region.
Speaking at the American Enterprise Institute on Thursday, Davidson recognized that the plan, known as the Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI), is “not without controversy” but argued it was worth the massive price tag. He compared it to the European Defense Initiative (EDI) that the PDI was based on.
“It’s been fascinating to me, the relative ease at which the conversation happens year to year when it comes to the EDI when compared to PDI,” Davidson said. He is requesting about $27 billion in spending between 2022 and 2027, with $4.6 billion of that for the 2022 fiscal year alone.
One of the top priorities of the plan is a $1.6 billion missile defense system for the US military base in Guam. The Guam defense system requires a $200 million radar system in Pulau and $2.3 billion of space-based radars.
Perhaps the most provocative proposal of the PDI is a $3.3 billion request to place a long-range missile system throughout the First Island Chain, which stretches from south of Japan, through Taiwan, the Philippines, and down to Malaysia.

According to a copy of the PDI review by Nikkei Asia, the plan calls for “the fielding of an Integrated Joint Force with precision-strike networks west of the International Date Line along the First Island Chain, integrated air missile defense in the second island chain, and a distributed force posture that provides the ability to preserve stability, and if needed, dispense and sustain combat operations for extended periods.”
With the Biden administration making China a top foreign policy priority and Congress keen to confront Beijing, Davidson has a good chance of getting his funds. A group of House Republicans sent a letter to President Biden on Thursday urging him to increase military spending to combat China.
The Republicans called on Biden to increase military spending by 3 percent to five percent over inflation to compete with the Chinese military. The letter was signed by top House Armed Services Committee members. The effort was led by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL).
Biden’s Pentagon is currently conducting a review of its China policy which is being led by Ely Ratner, a China hawk who was appointed to advise Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Asian matters.
I don’t understand where & on who”s territory these missiles would be based. SEEMS to me any state that allowed any U.S. “Strike” missiles on their territory would have their capital city nuked the first time China was struck with one of these missiles. Maybe even before when the system went operational. Risky business for any non nunclear bomb state.
Yes. The US brags that it has alliances and China doesn’t, BUT an ally country puts itself in the cross-hairs thereby. That’s why Europe is keen to avoid US belligerency with China. EU-China trade is expanding and remember: “It’s the economy, stupid.”
This means that Philippines and Japan may have some input to this idea of US anti-China strike missiles on their territory. Taiwan won’t have any problem with it, but China may hasten their Taiwan takeover moves.
Let the bastard pay for it himself.
WTF! That money could put people to work in the U.S. upgrading the infrastructure here!
Man, oh man, was Ike right about the MIC.
……..”was Ike right about the MIC.”…….no doubt. Buckle up. The next 12 months are going to be very interesting…..
The more missiles you deploy the more chances you have of an accidental fireing , and every country that hosts US missiles automatically becomes a target , the question any country has to ask is , is China the threat the Americans make them out to be ? , look at Australia because of it`s anti China stance to please the Americans now find themselves without a trade partner because China has stopped buying Austrailian goods ect ect the Australian economy is sinking faster than the titanic , what part of you don`t bite the hand that feeds you don`t they understand ?.
This is amusing…
Avoid the Pentagonal Puzzle Palace!
. . .from the article:
But actually the Pentagon serves a purpose in somewhat stifling the well-known exaggerated “needs” of the combatant commands, especially INDOPACOM which is both distant and demanding thus wearing out the fleet and its crews.
The plan is to move Marines to Guam from Okinawa which will cost billions, partly paid by Japan. A RAND study has shown that there is no advantage to having the Marines on Guam over having them stationed in California but hey let’s do it anyhow.
And let’s spend a few billion more on “Homeland Defense System Guam” which is about two thousand miles from China here.
The US senior military “leadership” (sic) is really becoming no more than a sick joke, starting with Gen Milley, who is in way over his head.