Violence continued in Nagorno-Karabakh on Wednesday as the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan shows no sign of waning, despite a Russian-brokered ceasefire agreed to last week.

In a sign that the conflict is widening, Azerbaijan admitted to launching airstrikes inside Armenia to take out missiles allegedly used to target civilian areas in Azerbaijan. Baku’s defense ministry said it had destroyed a rocket system and a ballistic missile system in Armenia in separate attacks overnight on Wednesday.
Armenia’s defense ministry confirmed areas inside the country were hit and denied that it has been firing inside Azerbaijan. Throughout the fighting, Baku has accused Armenian forces of targeting Ganja, a city deep inside Azerbaijan.
Nagorno-Karabakh reported another 23 military deaths on Wednesday, bringing the enclave’s total military losses to 555 since the fighting began. As of Tuesday, 31 civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh were reported killed and Azerbaijan reported 42 civilians killed. Baku has yet to disclose military casualties.
The Kremlin appealed to both sides on Wednesday and asked them to respect the humanitarian ceasefire agreed to in Moscow last Friday. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by phone and stressed the importance of the ceasefire. Putin also raised concerns about reports of fighters being sent from northern Syria to fight in Nagorno-Karabakh.
Erdogan called out the three co-chairs of the Minsk Group on Wednesday. The US, Russia, and France co-chair the group ,which was set up in 1992 to foster negotiations over Nagorno-Karabakh. Erdogan reiterated his support for Baku and again called for Armenia to give up “occupied” land within Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized borders.
“The United States, Russia and France are still putting this off with their stalling tactics,” Erdogan said. “Just give them the occupied lands. Let them do what they want in their own lands.”
could continue for many months
What if Iran gets involved, could get of control very quickly
A Trump administration design in progress.
trump couldn’t find it on a map, even now. Militant gop tho…
Iran can’t afford to get involved.
There is no way Iran will be involved. US would love that — another front to “contain” Iran.
This is the reason Turkey is becoming a lightening rod — danger to US intervention is real, should this be construed as Iran’s proxy war.
But in reality, it is US control of Armenia and entry of US advisors from Georgia, that is unsettling the region. It is all about Russia. Belarus and Armenia — double whammy.
Armenia is continuing war — as it suits its new friends.
more Azeris live in Iran than Azerbaijan; Iran maintains good relations with Armenia also; like Russia they are essentially neutral. Armenia has no friends—the most anti-semitic of all nations, Israel, turkey, USA Georgia ally w Azeris. Anti Russian protests in Yerevan previously alienated Armenia from Russians. Russia will only activate CTSO if Armenia is attacked, not Artehsk
Iran has no love for the Azeri for being chummy with the Israelis right now.
Another fail for one of Putin’s “ceasefires”.
How many of them he had so far?
Turkey’s weapons sales to Azerbaijan.
I STRONGLY suggest CHECKING claims of ALL parties.
This is the second time this week that Armenia is claiming being targeted by Azerbaijan.
And in BOTH cases, the places were INSIDE Azerbaijan!
What has to be grasped is the following — Armenia is FOR THE FIRST TIME claiming the territory it occupied from Azerbaijan.
All around Nagorno-Karabakh, extending to Armenian border is territory legally part of Azerbaijan, but occupied by Armenia. Armenia calls it Artsakh. And NOW is calling it Armenia proper!
Shelling inside Armenia! I thought only Israel is capable of such sophistry.
It is clear that Armenia INTENDS to keep this land — and have it annexed eventually through peace negotiations.
The problem is — Armenia does not want to give up anything. Certainly not give up any occupied lands — nor trade them for access to Azerbaijani exclave on Iranian border.
With such claims on Azerbaijan land — Azerbaijan has little choice but to press on militarily. Cease fire that Armenia accepted after 9 hours of negotiations — was a sham.
But I doubt that US will go along and recognize NK as independent state. But you never know.
I did not here US correcting Armenian claim that Azerbaijan targeted ARMENIAN CITY -/ when in fact targeted Armenian military installatiins on ITS OWN territory.
Bianca, Armenians have no reason to give up land taken from them. If you can sympathize with the Palestinians than you should with Armenians living in Nagorno as well.
Why are we not communicating?
Nobody is asking for Nagorno Karabakh to be given to Azerbaijan to ethnically cleanse! Nobody! Even Azerbaijan is careful, talking about sovereignty not takeover.
What we ARE talking about are lowlands surrounding NK and extending to Armenian border — all territories that were once populated by Azeri population and in the nineties. over 600,000 were driven out of their homes. It is THESE TERRITORIES that Azerbaijan wants addresses.
Armenia at times thinks like Israel -/ that is, it has a long memory of pre-Islamic times when Armenians ruled these territories,
And having taken them by force, wants to keep them.
The solution is on the table for a long time. It involves NK remaining under sovereignty of Azerbaijan, but with a corridor added to ITS territory to connect to Armenia. In return, Armenia is to give up a sliver of land by Iranian border to connect Azeri exclave today separated from Azerbaijan.
These are thorny issues but solvable,
The question is — will Yerevan be motivated to compromise. And will it take US or Russian advice. Russia wants compromise and peace in the region, US wants chaos that will drag Iran eventually to the utter delight of neocon world.
Turkey should follow it’s own advice and leave the occupied ares in Syria, and get the US to do the same.
This is still all fallout from President Wilson’s post WW1 errors. He promised people could have their own countries, without understanding that the people he referred to were hopelessly mixed together, and really would not get along or compromise.
You are incorrect sir. This falls on Lenin and the commies who gifted a chunk of land to the Azeri political movement. Today Russia’s past plays chess with bloody hands.
In Armenia the return of a covid-19 outbreak is much more threatening than in Azerbaijan. That might have consequences for waging war.
America’s Military: Murdered or Murderers?
so far this conflict benefits Israel, US…Russian prestige is enhanced due to ceasefire /prisoner exchange. turkey’s prestige is further damaged since Russia refuses to permit them to participate in the negotiations and Shoigu has explicitly warned turkey that Russian military will enter with full force if turkey becomes actively involved. Armenia loses the most–anti semitic, Russophobic, anti-turk, unfriendly to Georgians, and spurned by USA, they must hope their diaspora will fund their war with a better equipped military–2 million Azeris/ 2 million Armenians live in Russia: Russians see no reason to support either side
You must be a bot, cause I have never seen a run-on sentence that has no period at the end.
If Putin doesn’t step up, Artsakh will be slaughtered.