US Aims to Transfer Assets to Guaido as Venezuela Freezes Accounts Supreme Court bars Guaido from leaving the country
5,000 US Troops to Colombia? Officials Won’t Rule It Out Colombia FM says they 'don't know' about plans
Trump Warns Europeans Not to Defy US Sanctions Against Iran Threatens stiff fines and penalties for circumventing sanctions
Justice Dept Charges China’s Huawei With Violating Iran Sanctions White House: Charges 'totally separate' from China trade talks
US, Taliban Near Deal to End War; US Would Withdraw From Afghanistan Ghani: Foreign troops not required in the long term
US Imposes Sweeping Sanctions on Venezuela Oil Firm PDVSA Maduro accuses US of trying to steal Citgo refining arm
Guaido Says He’s Taking Control of Venezuela’s Foreign Assets Asks Bank of England to withhold gold reserves from Maduro
Bolton’s Notepad Says ‘5,000 Troops to Colombia’ Talk of US military intervention in Venezuela growing rapidly
US Lifts Sanctions on Rusal Despite Congressional Opposition Major metals company met US sanctions demands