In a 398-17 vote, the House of Representatives on Tuesday passed H. Res 246,
a bill which expresses opposition to the BDS movement targeting Israel.
The language of the bill presents BDS as contrary to US policy, and
claims that BDS is harmful to the two-state solution that the US
BDS, which stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, is a campaign
founded to try to pressure Israel over the occupation of Palestine, The
intention was to apply economic pressure on Israel for certain
activities with respect to the occupation.
While boycotting countries over behavior isn’t that unusual, the US
government’s pro-Israel bias meant that in 1977, the US started passing
laws trying to prevent American citizens and companies from specifically
participating in BDS against Israel, forming the Office of Antiboycott
In the past couple of years, Israel has sought to attack BDS on a global
scale by present it as de facto anti-Semitism. As usual, US officials
were eager to get on the record with being very anti-BDS, even if these
bills don’t formally outlaw participating in the BDS on an individual
This comes as Israel is increasingly a political issue in the US as
well, with President Trump trying to present the Democrats as
anti-Semites for not being as pro-Netanyahu as he personally is. While
Democrats overwhelmingly backed the anti-BDS bill today, there remains a political split on the issue.
That’s because Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is offering a competing resolution which expresses support for Americans’ right to boycott other nations, including Israel. Democratic leadership were quick to condemn Omar’s proposal as “dead on arrival.”
Historically, of course, boycotting other nations has been considered an
aspect of Americans’ right to free speech. Omar’s resolution, however, isn’t expected to even get a serious discussion in committee, let alone a proper vote on the floor of the House.
So if I don’t buy a Keurig machine, do I get in trouble?
You are anti Semite
No, he’s just not a coffee drinker. Try the relaxation method and pipe down.
I think he was being sarcastic. At least I hope he was.
Certainly. You got it. I am happy you did.
Yup, you have to see Scarlett Johanson movies because of her support for SodaStream.
ps: and most Hollywood movies that have anything to do with the ME region.
The federal government needs to go to Dearborn Mich. and arrest some BDS terrorists that are terrorizing a fellow Arab for opening a burger eating place because the franchise was started in Israel .
Kudos to them.
such an overwhelming vote sounds suspicious, it must be Russian meddling.
Nope, it’s all about the Benjamins, baby…
No, just the deafening roar of a great example of why we need to get private money out of politics.
Yes, because what we really need is for government to have more, and less contested, ability to rig elections in favor of the incumbent parties.
I presume Mitch McConnell, who was quite happy to use BDS tactics against a duly elected American President, will make sure this sails through the Senate.
What a gang of hyper-hypocrites we have in Congress.
Early in his presidency Trump actually tweeted his approval of the BDS movement. But his aides quickly walked that back, explaining that the Donald actually thought he was supporting BVDs.
398 puppets of Bibi, israel and the zionist lobby
Support the Natzi plank to whore up America & it’s Zionist theft of Palestine. Make Jeffrey Epstein chief Justice of the SCOUSA & the final say on who runs the USA…!!!!!
Cowardly House overwhelmingly kisses up to Israel and kicks down at Americans.
That’s because they know exactly who their constituency is, and it has nothing to do with you or me… except to tell us what to think and how to act. It’s just another big otherwise-meaningless middle-finger from Congress to us. The feeling is mutual.
“You have owners … they own you.”
Memo to those 398 House members from AIPAC: Your check is in the mail.
Exactly. Worse. It’s OUR money extracted via taxes and sent as “foreign aid”. What a scam!
They buy our leaders with the money we pay
And the spineless, ignorant and deceived electorate keeps voting them back into office! A kind of Stockholm syndrome I guess.
Serve Israel or have your life destroyed.
It’s all about the Benjamins baby. Omar was right.
Let’s deport the 398 (Israeli) representatives to Israel. Shame, shame, shame…. No, they have no shame.
I second the motion. Yes, it’s all about the Benjamins, baby. Omar was certainly right .. So, let’s do deport the 398 (Israeli) reps to Israel and replace them with America Firsters.
The nay votes:(no Gabbard)
Carson (IN)
García (IL)
Lee (CA)
Watson Coleman
This is a gross violation of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. Boycotting is just another form of free speech, which this evil anti-BDS crowd that voted in favor just did. These Reps are nothing but cowards when it comes down to it. The House must be cleansed of these cowards come election time next year and be replaced by pro-BDS candidates.
I just sent a letter to Tulsi Gabbard urging her to support BDS, to support H. Res. 496 (Omar’s resolution supporting the constitutional right to boycott) and to consider visiting Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem. I tried to post my letter to Tulsi to this site but it is being held pending approval by the moderators. This recurring censorship of criticism of Israel by is reprehensible and anti-Libertarian.
Well, it would be reprehensible if it existed. But as you know, it doesn’t.
Then why won’t you approve my letter to Tulsi? Please explain what in my letter violates the site’s guidelines?
I did approve your letter to Tulsi. Twice.
Poor Thomas he is stuck between me and you . This is supposed to be a antiwar web site not a anti Jew web site .
You mistake criticism of the Israeli government as criticism of Jewish people. I’m sure Skywalker and others were against South Africa’s apartheid as well.
When the Jewish State creates a situation of perpetual war on its neighbors and indigenous ‘citizens’, then they invite opposition.
Controlled speech is the new free speech.
they call it politically correct speech now . only one side is allowed to talk If the other side talks it is hate speech Homo phobic , racist or Islamic phobic
Friends, let’s not give up on Tulsi yet. Here is a link to send email to her to express your concern about her vote on H. Res. 246.
Tulsi reads a lot of her emails and has been sensitive to feedback. Hopefully this is a learning moment for her and a teaching moment for those of us who have been waiting for a genuine major party peace candidate for far too long. Here is the link:
I have not noticed the censorship of criticism of Israel . I have accused anti war of allowing to much unwanted criticism of Israsel
You will only notice when you too decide shooting 10yr old children in the head for carrying signs is abominable and try to post it as a comment… Can there really “be” too much criticism of the perps of such genocidal actions. ?????????????????????
“Unwanted” by whom? Zionist criminals and their tribal stooges? Israel is a geo-political crime in progress. In that crime the Zionists/AIPAC/Neocons have subverted the US govt, and turned the US into Israel’s poodle.
So long as this continues, no amount of criticism is enough or unwarranted.
Only gonna get worse now that Justin is gone…..
I agree with you on policy, but not on strategy. Tulsi has some kind of chance to make it to the nomination, but her anti-intervention position makes it a tough go when she’s up against the warfare state’s immense bipartisan power. The establishment Dems — Pelosi, Schumer, et al — will work to defeat her by fair means or foul just as they did to Bernie last time around. The last thing Tulsi then needs in her effort to win the nomination is to antagonize — further antagonize actually — the Israel lobby. The anti-BDS bill was sure to pass, so a vote against it had zero chance of having any positive effect, and a one-hundred percent chance of being a self-inflicted wound to her presidential bid.
She’s smarter than that, as her vote demonstrates.
When I worked on Wall Street years ago the rule was “if you feel like you are fighting to keep your job, you have already lost it.” Or as Tucker Carlson said in a recent interview to Tulsi “The Neocons hate you more than anybody. More than anybody!”
The Neocons and the Israel lobby are meticulous. They don’t forget. Tulsi is irredeemable to them. And the Zionists in Israel hate her. She has absolutely nothing to gain by pandering to the Zionists.
To the contrary, the MSM and their masters will bury Tulsi (perhaps literally) unless she builds a movement around her candidacy like Trump did around his. Tulsi needs to energize and unite the antiwar forces on the right and the left, the disgruntled veterans, the flyover Americans who know they have been lied to and marginalized, the Black, Brown and indigenous people who know they have never had a fair chance for the American dream.
Tulsi needs to create controversy to sustain her candidacy. She will never win trying to fly under the radar.
Tulsi is a martial artist with intense focus and a spiritual center at her core. She meditates every day and is self-consciously following the path Lord Krishna laid out before Prince Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita. Her moves in the past few weeks have been brilliant.
Google froze her campaign account in the hours following her impressive performance at the first debate. Unlike Trump, Tulsi kept he mouth shut and did not complain. Until last week when she filed a federal lawsuit against Google a week before the second debate. The same week Tulsi became the first and only Democratic candidate to join the protests in Puerto Rico. She was also very strategic in attacking Harris, the weakest of the top 4 contenders. If Tulsi can help bring Harris down she hopes to gain the stature to take on Warren or Biden, much in the way Trump took down his opponents one by one.
Tulsi also responded positively to supporters who criticized her support of H. Res 246 by co-sponsoring Ilhan Omar’s H. Res. 496 supporting the right to boycott.
Tulsi recognizes her candidacy remains a long shot. But she is the best hope for a major party peace candidate in 2020. She has been making the most of her opportunities and I am continuing to support her while giving her feedback to help keep her on course.
I have never known to ever censor criticism of Israel. If they did that they would have to censor their own columnists. They will censor anti-Semitism, but, no, never anti-Zionism.
I just sent the following letter to Tulsi Gabbard. I urge others to do so as well.
Hi, Tulsi,
I write with a heavy heart because my friends and I are deeply disappointed that you voted to support H.Res. 246 condemning the nonviolent BDS movement supporting Palestinian rights. I have supported your candidacy and urged hundreds of people on my lists to contribute to your campaign. Many of my friends, family and comrades contributed because you lifted our spirits when you supported the Water Protectors at Standing Rock, the indigenous Hawaiians at Mauna Kea, and the people of Puerto Rico in their demonstrations last week. But the long suffering people of Palestine are no less deserving of justice than the Native American, Hawaiian and Puerto Rican people. Anti apartheid activists like Desmond Tutu and American civil rights activists like Bobby Rush recognize that Israeli apartheid is even more vicious and pervasive than South African apartheid or the Jim Crow system in the USA. And the Palestinian calamity is our responsibility because Israel could not maintain the occupation or the siege of Gaza without direct military aid and economic support from the United States. Ironically, on the day you voted to condemn the BDS movement, Israel used US built planes to bomb Iranians in Syria:
You are correct when you oppose regime change wars that are against the interests of the USA, our people and the people of the countries we invade. But Israel (not just Netanyahu and the Likud) has been pushing for US war against Iran for 20 years. Just a few days ago a senior Israeli minister boasted “Israel is the only country in the world that has been killing Iranians for two years now.”
Israel’s enmity for Iran has nothing to do with Iran getting nuclear weapons, It is driven by Iran’s support for the Palestinian resistance.
We need a President who will stand up against all the special interests pushing for war, including Israel and its lobby. For you to effectively oppose war with Iran, you must identify the reason Israel is pushing the US toward war. And you must recognize that it is not just Netanyahu and the Likud persecuting the Palestinian people and pushing for war against their allies. The racist and xenophobic perversion of Zionism has permeated virtually every group in Israeli Jewish society.
For most of my adult life I supported the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. I thought Oslo was a miracle and I looked forward to a two state solution based on the Oslo accords and the Arab Peace Plan. But several years after the Second Intifada, I realized that Israeli Jews, with very few exceptions, abandoned the peace process and that Israeli settlements were the leading edge of a persecution that has dehumanized the Palestinian people and threatens to ripen into genocide. If there was a Holocaust Clock, the time in Israel/Palestine is long past Kristallnacht. The threat of the cultural and possibly physical annihilation of the Palestinian people is manifest. The extremist settlers have exceeded all moral limits and since the Second Intifada, the vast majority of Israeli Jews have either remained silent, acquiesced or enabled the depravity of the racists. After the Second Intifada, Israeli Jewish support for peace and opposition to settlements and apartheid collapsed.
BDS began in 2005 with a united call by 170 Palestinian civil society groups. It is a desperate call for help supported by all elements of Palestinian society. BDS may be the last hope of nonviolently delivering the Palestinian people from their persecution. The three demands of BDS are simple and just: 1. Ending the occupation, the settlements and dismantling the wall; 2. Full citizenship rights for Palestinians living in Israel and 3. Let the refugees return to their homeland as promised in UN Resolution 194.
Palestine is a human rights emergency. And Israel’s support of war against countries that support the Palestinian resistance is a threat to the security of our country.
Tulsi, you have the demonstrated the courage, commitment and vision to stand up against the DNC, the warmongers and corrupt officials in both political parties. But you will fall short if you do not stand up for the Palestinian people like you stood up for the indigenous people at Standing Rock, Mauna Kea and Puerto Rico. You will also fall short if you fail to recognize and expose how the cancer of Zionist xenophobia contributed to leading the US to regime change wars in the Middle East and is pushing the US toward war with Iran.
I respectfully urge you to support H. Res. 496 affirming the constitutional right of Americans to boycott and to join the many progressive American Jews and Gentiles who have answered the call of our Palestinian sisters and brothers to nonviolently boycott entities that profit from their persecution and threaten their existence. And I also respectfully request that you find the time to visit Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem to meet first hand with the victims of US military aid to the IDF.
I am with you, mon ami, but there is absolutely no hope. Once corruption sets in, it only grows.
Perhaps the corruption is only in your head but not in Israel , Trump or the U.S. congress this time . Other than your anti Jew babel . I agree with you about Tulsi Gabbard . You also may like Andrew Yang after you see him debate Ben Shapiro on U tube . You will be shocked
I don’t agree with your assessment on Israel . You should read what I told Thomas today on Justin’s article in today’s ANTI-WAR . com
BDS, BDS, BDS…. boycott Israel, the apartheid, racist, colonial entity.
ka ching goes the register ring as some of the nearly $4 Billion “foreign aid” returns to “our” Congresspersons pockets.
The US supports the two state solution?
State of oblivion or annihilation.
i do NOT.
Truth is our media does brainwash America for its owners. What do you suppose the owners of media aggregator organizations have to say about a two state solution. Better yet what do you suppose they would say about Peace and a state dissolution. Tear-down the walls.
AIPAC could repeal the 10 Commandments in Congress.
“Once again the left is being marginalized, and once again, progressives
are being taken for granted by the Democratic leadership. It’s
the Spirit of 2016 all over again, and it appears that in 2020 we
will be forced to choose between the “lesser of two evils.
Since so few speak for us, it is time for us to speak for ourselves.
We must end the duopoly corruption of both political
parties–not merely remove Trump. Trump is America’s ugly baby,
and our political system and culture have birthed him. The
enemy of progress is the system, not only the man.
Because we need a new politics, a new set of values that reflect the best in
America, we will not accept a corporatist neocon Democratic candidate
who will continue our enslavement by the Military Industrial Complex
and the 1%.
This time around, our votes need to be earned, not extorted.
At present, only a few 2020 candidates have had the courage to take
progressive stands on the issues.There is still time for each
candidate to amend, to include, to be bold. Those few that do
so between now and the election can receive our support. Those
who do not will be on their own…”
Sign the change org petition here:
We should be ridding ourselves of right-wing war-hawks who’s only real pursuit and sentiment is reelection. They have no conscience, no remorse and would not recognize a truth and NOT the truth, if it were in their back pocket.
The vote is evidence of a crime. That net-em-yahoo character should have been replaced with a compassionate woman. In fact when the US created Israel it should have been agreed with the rothschild benefactor that a woman would lead.
We need Women in our House, Senate and Governor’s Mansions. Women have a greater capacity for observation and solutions.
Hillary Clinton would have been a nightmare. Just like men, all women are not the same.
So this is how liberty dies…. to thunderous applause.
No,by suicide.
America is Israel’s b*tch.
You are being entirely two kind. These people need to be treated as traitors or, at the very least, as foreign agents.
But when you boycott, you’re letting your money do your talking for you, and according to Citizens United money = free speech, oh wait that only applies to the extremely wealthy.
Ilhan Omar is the new Ron Paul. Spread it around.
And soon it will be game over:
Wrong link?
I will continue to boycott/NOT buy whatever products/services I’m offered by Israeli companies – in retail stores or online.
So if this anti-BDS resolution becomes law, is some USGovEnforcer going to physically force me & others participating in BDS to do otherwise? Don’t let such a (possible) law keep you from BDS!
O Tulsi, we hardly know ye!