The latest IAEA report on Iran has, as with all previous reports over the past two years, affirmed that the nation is still fully in compliance with the P5+1 nuclear deal. Iran’s uranium stockpiles remain well below their caps established by the deal.
The reason this report is particularly important this month is that it comes just a week after the US, who withdrew from the deal six months ago, imposed all the nuclear sanctions eased by the deal back on Iran.
Despite this, the IAEA report confirmed there was “nothing that indicates that Iranian cooperation or the Iranian attitude has changed” since the US sanctions went back into effect. Iran has warned that if the world can’t guarantee them sanctions relief they may not remain in the deal.
So far, however, that’s not been an issue. Despite US threats and demands, virtually the whole world has refused to go along with the US sanctions, and Iran affirms that they continue to be able to sell all the oil they need on the international market.
Our government believes that IAEA is a secret acronym which means “Make Iran Great Again”.
The US is now leaning on the fake “Iran the largest state sponsor of terrorism” and also its actual ballistic missile development, neither issue covered by the JCPOA.
Iran doesn’t really need those missiles, if a US carrier has to go down to initiate war with Iran, Israel will gladly do it.
There are a multitude of rich targets for Iran in its area, so after your Israel does the carrier, and the US responds, Iran has a lot of ducks on its pond with tens of thousands of US troops at various bases. Tehran has the missiles already (as do Hez and Hamas) but they want to make them better just to rub it in. Iran has no modern air force but they don’t need one for national defense. (So what country really does need expensive a/c for national defense given missile technology? Another subject.)
The petroleum futures are not approaching $100 a barrel as feared, in fact they are diving below $60. Why? “I think the drop in oil has more to do with the 1 million barrels worth of Iranian oil which wasn’t expected to be in the market, but now needs to be factored into the supply equation, because so many waivers were granted allowing firms to buy Iranian oil after all.”
This is not only a blow to Bolton’s verbal garbage, “sanctions ’til the pips squeak,” it also threatens the expensive US petroleum fracking industry.
Petrodollar Extortion
The main threat to the US petrodollar is the dishonesty, stealth, insecurity and extortion behind it. The simple and straightforward reaction to this fact by more and more nations around the world, is that they neither want their energy resources controlled by the US-UK-Rothschild behemoth, nor do they want to be forced to buy US dollars to purchase their energy needs. For instance, nations like India are economically bled when forced to sell Rupees at a deflated price in order to buy high-priced US dollars to buy their fuel.
They want to be able to negotiate their own price by their own means without some third party Western bankster group skimming off something for each trade like a tax for the privilege of being able to exist as a nation.
Being forced by threat of sanctions or wars to buy US dollars as a means for a nation to purchase its energy needs is nothing but a criminal protection racket. The nations that are forced to participate is this scheme are serving to keep the demand for the dollar high, which in turn allows the US to keep spending more and more on its military to keep coercing nations into purchasing more dollars. It is not unlike a gangster going into a shop demanding protection money from a shop owner, which the gangster will then use to pay the very enforcers in is his mob to thrash the place if the shopkeeper doesn’t pay. This system, which a large part of the US economy appears to be dependent upon, is now coming to an end, but all the banksters and US-UK establishments (i.e. the Trump & May administrations) can think of doing to save it, is to impose sanctions and threaten more wars.
Whether or not these two nations have more than 2 tools in their shared tool box (a screw driver and a hammer) to solve the problem of the decline of their petrodollar is now irrelevant. They have revealed their enormous insecurity and desperation in screwing any nation which has the audacity to trade oil and gas outside of the petrodollar with crippling sanctions, and if that method fails then their practice has been to pick up the military hammer and bludgeon the poor nation to death.
Another reason for nations trying to get out of trading in s the 2008 financial crisis. It has not gone away. There were just too many US dollars and US Treasury bonds out there in the hands of creditors, including huge creditor nations like Japan and China concerned about the lack of security for those very debt instruments. The problem was not solved but only temporized with the printing off, plus digital, creation of trillions more dollars, with the US government likely providing other security for for the debt instruments other than the proven risky security based on failing US bank mortgages and a crashed housing market. The realization to many was that liberal America was living way beyond its means in some kind of Keynesian dream world believing that debt does not matter.
Regardless of the lack of security for its debt, the US establishment believed it could just keep making money out of nothing while its government continued to spend in deficit financing over $800 billion a year on its military. These military expenditures were, however, the primary means of maintaining control over foreign resources, like oil, and the very threat to prevent nations from nationalizing their oil and gas resources and all nations from trading such outside of the petrodollar.
Nothing has changed, and more and more nations despite the sanctions and the threats. are seeking an alternative to the forced trading in petrodollars