President Trump issued a statement recently warning that he is “going to get very, very angry” if the upcoming Syrian offensive against al-Qaeda in Idlib Province ends up “slaughters civilians.” He threatened to respond “swiftly and appropriately.”
This is an expansion of previous comments and threats from the administration about the Idlib offensive, in which Syria hopes to reclaim the last rebel-held territory in the country. Previously, US officials had threatened to attack if chemical weapons were used.
Trump’s threat to respond now appears to no longer be conditional on any chemical use, and comes after other administration officials have declared that they are opposed to any offensive against the rebels at all, and will view them all as an “escalation” of the war.
Syrian and Russian forces have shelling and launched airstrikes against Idlib in recent days, but there is as yet no public timetable for the ground offensive. It is not uncommon for Syria to try to soften up rebel territories with shelling while trying to negotiate a surrender before resorting to a ground invasion.
But it’s just ‘business as usual’ when WE kill civilians?
And the same civilians, Syrians. Others too of course.
Ivanka will run to daddy, just like she did the last time.
As shown in this article, Google is doing its best to ensure that the world doesn’t see Syria’s version of the current conflict:
There is no doubt that there is a cyberwar on for our minds. The truth is out there; now we just have to work harder to find it.
I don’t have to work for it. I feel it. I know my government is evil. I am awake.
Not just “your government” unless you see it as including the whole Establishment of both parties and the corporate proxies of them. No, the parties are not “the same” because there are no Bernies or Warrens among the Republicans, but they don’t actually control the Dems or what the Dems have done or will do, either.
Sure, trump will be almost as mad as when some fake golf course designer put a sand trap under his ball on 15. Gee, dont bust a vein spanky.
Can you say white phosphorus Donald? How about Fallujah? Your just another War Criminal and that’s all you’ll ever be known for. Some legacy.
But he won’t when the carnage invoice Yemeni children.
Humanity appreciates you taking out the Bush and Clinton dynasties Mr. President, but you are just another war criminal:
Syria’s Raqqa in Ruins, Civilians Devastated After U.S.-Led ‘War of Annihilation’
When will we start bombing Saudi Arabia then ?
And Israel.
If Trump was serious on that statement, he’d cut relations with the Israelis.
These threats are obviously aimed at the more naive and gullible. Even if Assad was equally as naive and gullible, which he certainly isn’t, why would he use chlorine gas on anyone including terrorists? He’s got state of the art weapons at his disposal for terrorists, and he has no trouble using them once he gets as many of his citizens out of harms way as he can. As usual, the US are fully complacent concerning the neverending use of Syrian civilians as human shields by the terror groups. If we continue to “whistle past the grave yard” by ignoring American war crimes, we’ll soon find ourselves in serious world wide war.
Right. And Uncle Sam didn’t have any problems pounding Mosul and ar-Raqqa into dust. But Assad is an enemy of Israel and all enemies of Israel are enemies of the US. And so…
Trump is blustering as usual. Nothing he says means anything and should be ignored. What matters is what Mattis tells Trump about his options – which presumably includes not risking WWIII with Russia over Syria.
If Trump attacks the Syrian Arab Republic again, it is a clear violation of the War Powers Act of 1973 and does not fall under the AUMF. Trump must be impeached (already twice violated). This has to stop or we risk WW3.
It sure looks like Uncle Sam is about to attack Syria. Donald, it’s not gonna be like Libya and Iraq; Syria is allied with Russia…
Does anybody care enough about who rules Syria to risk WW3, except the Israelis and their friends here of course? Our gov’t is really a loathsome outfit.
He doesn’t seem to get too angry with all the carnage and slaughter and war crimes by the Saudis and the UAE in poor Yemen now does he
Just a little more drama before the White Helmets scheduled Chemical Attack occurs. With only 55 days to the midterms it won’t be long now.
Easy solution: Surround Idlib Province and don’t allow anything in. Sooner or later they’ll either die of some disease or they’ll starve to death. We’re cool with that type of slaughter. Or you could put some barbed wire fence around the province and have some snipers set up and shoot unarmed people on the other side of the fence. We don’t have a problem with that either, we call it self defense.
Get Madeline Albright is sprinkle the holy water on starving folks in Syria. She did say killing 500,000 kids in Iraq was “worth it.”
We don’t do that on the Mexican border !
Or if the “white helmets” attack the citizens, stage a fake attack, or otherwise do what they are told to do to justify US aggression in the country.
It is clear that NATO & friends are setting up a false flag. I read even Germany is getting into the threat to bomb Assad if he does not let the west keep the oil fields. It is all about oil and huge profits. The amazing thing is little press on the fact that Iraq is about to have a rebellion and return to anti west side. Trillion dollars wasters just like the money wasted in Libya and Syria. Oh well Israel is happy they been making a lot of bucks selling war material probably to both sides