Meeting in Geneva Thursday with John Bolton, Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev says the two sides agreed to reopen lines of communication between the US State and Defense Departments and the Russian Foreign and Defense Ministries.

Such communications had been greatly degraded over the last several years, amid worsening tensions. The two sides agreed that this would be a vital step in trying to improve cooperation. Patrushev also said he conveyed an invitation to Bolton and other US officials to visit Russia for additional talks in the future.
The talks with Bolton appear to have been productive, and Patrushev says that Bolton did not make any allegations to him regarding Russian misdeeds, despite them discussing several subjects, including cyber-security and Ukraine policy.
Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov had separate words with his US counterpart Mike Pompeo on Thursday, and warned him that Russia views the US as taking a “destructive” approach to ties, severely impeding cooperation.
The US is trying to have it both ways, cooperation and confrontation. It is neocon nonsense, which has overrun Trump’s Admin as they so nearly did Obama’s, and as they’d taken Hillary’s Admin-in-waiting on foreign and defense policy.
Putin is a wimp, as I’ve noted before.