President Trump is unhappy with the situation in Afghanistan. This is hardly new, as it’s been reported to be this way for over a month, with mounting losses on the ground, and Pentagon claims that progress is being made ringing hollow.

What is concerning his advisers, however, is that as Trump sours on the war, he’s been showing renewed interest in Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s proposal to “privatize” the war, and replace the US occupation force with mercenaries.
Prince first started talking up the plan last year, ahead of President Trump’s announced escalation. The Blackwater founder is now presenting this as “trying something new,” and is also accusing the Pentagon of painting an unrealistically rosy picture to keep Trump from considering his idea.
Prince says he hasn’t spoken directly to Trump, but plans to launch a media campaign hyping the idea to sell the president on it in the coming days. Prince claims this measure would save the US money over the existing occupation.
Candidate Trump said we should leave. President Trump escalates and now talks of handing the war over to private contractors. Raimondo should start reading the other articles on
it’s been a private war since the beginning, the US just bankrolled it. now that the us is spread thin the shadow lords need to keep it going. Probably better off since certain rules can also be ignored. Mercenaries. Nothing better to completely loot a country of every resource possible, for as long as possible.