The re-imposition of US nuclear sanctions on Iran began Monday, and try to ban the trade of Iranian products to the US. These bans, of course, are meaningless, since the US never fully lifted the nuclear sanctions to begin with, and trade with Iran never really restarted.
In reality, the goal of US sanctions is to force the rest of the world to stop trading with Iran. That’s why officials are being so public in emphasizing how aggressively and strictly they will be enforced on other countries.
The main focus for the US is cutting Iran’s oil sales abroad. Oil is by far Iran’s biggest and most important export. US officials say that they want to cut Iran’s sales to zero “as quickly as possible” and probably won’t be offering waivers to allies that want to keep buying oil.
China is Iran’s biggest customer, and was the first the US demanded to stop buying oil. China refused. India, on the other hand, has offered to reduce their purchases, and some other countries may as well. Iran, however, clearly won’t see its exports go to zero any time soon.
President Trump says the goal is “maximum economic pressure,” but that he’s open to new negotiations with Iran. That openness has some questions, as he announced previously he wanted talks with “no preconditions,” only to be followed by the State Department imposing a flurry of preconditions just hours later.
Iran is not showing much interest in talks so long as they come with US threats, and their goal remains trying to keep the P5+1 nuclear deal in place as well as possible without the US. Early signs are that the other signatories are trying to do the same, and won’t be joining US sanctions.
How is it that the whole world has to “obey” Big Brother USA which has already broken an agreement signed in good faith by others and endorsed by the UN? Might is right, I suppose. The vicious cruelty of trying to force the world to destroy a sovereign nation which has attacked nobody and never threatened the USA, by using lies and following the paranoid plans of fellow bully Israel is not in the interest of anyone, even the USA if any member of the “Administration” used his brains.
How is it that the whole world has to “obey” Big Brother USA which has already broken an agreement signed in good faith by others and endorsed by the UN? Might is right, I suppose. The vicious cruelty of trying to force the world to destroy a sovereign nation which has attacked nobody and never threatened the USA, by using lies and following the paranoid plans of fellow bully Israel is not in the interest of anyone, even the USA if any member of the “Administration” used his brains.
Ah, you’re putting principle before genuflection to Israel first. Good luck with that.
Still waiting for affordable health care and a living wage Donald. Grandstand and talk all you want but sooner than later you’ll actually have to do something that matters for the people who voted you into office. Your zionist BS will only hold up for so long before we send you back to your prison cell on Manhattan Island. Make good on your campaign promises or you’ll just be known for another lying joke. Just like the rest of our so called presidents and statesmen.
Just looked up US life expectancy. The USA is 31st on par with Cuba countries with “inferior” medical systems like Canada and the UK were ahead of us.
Lifestyle has a lot to do with it. True, the USA spends too much on it’s health care. But that has a lot to do with government collusion with big pharma, the AMA, insurance and other government cronies. First thing done in the ACA, was to cut deals with government connected crony corporations and organizations. Also malpractice plays a part. The lawyers aren’t about to give up that gravy train.
As far as a living wage? Bringing in low skilled workers into this country puts downward pressure on wages.
But for all those of us that put in 70 hr work weeks and hire people? Raise the cost of hiring people and watch businesses stop hiring. Hey, I can always downsize.
Btw, how many people who work in government jobs put in 70 hr work weeks?
Wow! Your a slave. I hope you feel proud.
Not a argument. Try disputing the points. Or not.
btw, it’s “you’re”. As in “you are”.
That the Trumpsters (Justin included) are still in denial about how The Donald is a Zionist tool who will destroy the USA economically and drive us into a horrible unwinnable war with Iran is a testament to the power of TDS. Citizens, wake up from your drug-induced slumber and smell the coffee!
There are two reasons why China cannot accept a diminution let alone closing of any of its sources of oil and gas. One is a permanent reason, the other is transient. The permanent reason is that China cannot afford a significant increase in unemployment due to the closing of industries because of energy shortfalls which may result in widespread unrest and demonstrations. The other reasons is that China is developing a blue-water navy but the current carriers are still oil-powered.
On the stage of war and peace, the stage of international conflicts, Iran is peanuts. Our principal conflicts now and of the near and later future will be with China. In the Sea of Japan. In the South China Sea. About the Strait of Malacca. The Trump administration has made it clear that it does not accept China’s occupation of islands and atolls in those waters. In that context it is in our interest to wean as many nations of the region away from China. Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, S. Korea are “with us” and Vietnam may join soon but we must not lose them. In that context it is pure political idiocy to drive Iran even deeper into China’s sphere. In the grand game of East Asia, the policy of President Obama to try to wean Iran “as is” away from China was and still is the correct one. There is not the slightest evidence that regime change in Iran will bring that about.
The alternative is to throw not only Iran but Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and S. Korea under the bus and divide the world between us and China. It is all very dangerous.
“Extra-territorial jurisdiction”… that was the crazy principle the US and others only let go of over China in 1949, the end of the Century of Humiliation as the Chinese call it. Now Trump is trying to apply essentially the same principle not just on an exploitable nation, but the entire planet. We have declared ourselves the World Police.