Reports out of Egypt are suggesting that Hamas leadership has accepted a long-term ceasefire deal with Israel on the Gaza Strip. Israel is said to have sent officials to Qatar for talks on the matter, but whether Israel agrees or not is to be decided at a Sunday cabinet meeting.

The deal is a multi-phased ceasefire intended to end with a 5-10 year ceasefire agreement, and negotiations to follow between the two sides. The deal starts with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, including an end to incendiary kite and balloon flights, and border protests. In return, Israel would reopen the Kerem Shalom crossing, and Egypt would permanently open the Rafah crossing.
Following this immediate move, Hamas and Fatah would return to a reconciliation deal, with an eye toward elections in Gaza in the next six months. Finally, the long-term ceasefire would be put in place, with improved access to imports for Gazans.
Under the deal, Gaza residents would get access to a seaport and airport, albeit ones built in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Another power plant dedicated to providing electricity to Gaza would also be built in Sinai.
A potential stumbling block is the return of the bodies of slain Israeli troops, as the deal suggests this would be a topic of discussion in future Hamas-Israel talks, but some Israeli officials are demanding this as a precondition to any deal.
The long-term ceasefire has been sought for years, and has been close in the past only to be derailed at the last moment by some minor issue. While it’s not certain it will survive this time, there seems to be general optimism that this is the case.
Notice that is is only Hamas providing all the compromises, while Israel is the
one stalling, controlling the alleged changes IT needs to make, acting as if somehow a few balloons and people marching provide the real problem when it is the illegal and cruel occupation. Gazans cannot even travel to other parts of “Palestine”.
Israel has all the WMD, takes most of the land, prohibits movement of people and goods but expels garbage and filthy water/sewage onto Palestinian land, makes laws to ensure only certain inhabitants have rights and restricts even the fishing region off Gaza.
Can they be trusted?
But he also details the deterioration of the process, giving his account of the Camp David debacle that led to the outbreak of the intifada that still rages. Clinton’s version is that Israel’s Ehud Barak was ready to make enormous concessions but that Arafat was not able to “make the final jump from revolutionary to statesman … he just couldn’t bring himself to say yes”.
Just before Clinton left office, Arafat thanked him for all his efforts and told the president he was a great man. “‘Mr Chairman,’ I replied, ‘I am not a great man. I am a failure, and you have made me one.'”
Keep in mind that Israel landed on top of Palestine and has been trying to get rid of the Palestinians ever since. Here is what really happened in Camp David (and Clinton was as all U.S. presidents on the side of Israel–these colonialists stick together).
I think your article is wrong there were THREE offers
What about Bill Clinton’s peace pan?
Also keep in mid that in 1948 Israel;s enemies tried to get rid of the even arab jews have been persecuting jews in their lands ever since.
Keep this in mind too.
There were three offers actually Camp David Taba and Bill Clinton’s Peace Plan
Your article does not talk about BILL CLINTON’S PEACE PLAN
December 2000 Clinton Parameters
In late December 2000, Clinton mounted a last-ditch effort to make peace before he left office. Known as the Clinton Parameters, the plan offered proposals for dealing with the most protracted problems: settlements, Jerusalem, and refugees.
The plan offered the Palestinians:
Control over a sovereign, contiguous, viable state recognized by the international community.
Sovereignty over Al Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem.
Control over the Arab sections of Jerusalem, which would serve as the capital of a Palestinian state.
A comprehensive settlement plan for refugees that offered them several options: return to the new state of Palestine; return to the state of Israel (with restrictions); resettlement in a third country; and/or compensation.
The plan offered Israelis:
The right for 80 percent of the West Bank settlers, most of whom live near the 1967 borders, to stay put.
Security guarantees.
Control over the Jewish sections of Jerusalem, which would be internationally recognized as the capital of Israel.
Control over and access to Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem, including sections of the Temple Mount.
Both sides tentatively accepted the deal with reservations; some experts say Arafat later added so many conditions that the agreement fell apart. Clinton left office, and talks continued in January at an Egyptian resort.
I don’t believe The Arabs want peace with Israel , So if they gain a sea port and are allowed to import stuff .The Palestinians will want to import better weapons and building material to construct tunnels So they can sneak into Israel and kill Jews
The blockade has nothing to do with import of guns. Israel smuggled into Gaza all the weapons it wanted when it was fighting the Brits. Netanyahu have said the intention is to keep the Palestinians a hairs breath from mass starvation.
Arafat rejects Clinton peace plan
It will never happen. Israel is led by monsters.
Khomeini fatwa ‘led to killing of 30,000 in Iran’