Following President Trump’s offer of talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani with no preconditions, one of Rouhani’s top aides suggested that Trump could best facilitate that by returning to the P5+1 nuclear deal.

The aide, Hamid Aboutalebi, issued the statement via Twitter, saying “Respecting the Iranian nation’s rights, reducing hostilities and returning to the nuclear deal are steps that can be taken to pave the bumpy road of talks between Iran and America.”
Trump withdrew the US from the P5+1 nuclear deal in early May, and today called it a “waste of paper.” He has demanded that Iran accept a “better” deal, but has not provided much specifics about what he actually wants. US cabinet officials have had to meet recently to try to sort out exactly what the US demands even are.
Administration officials have not responded to the Tweet, but it can be assumed that President Trump would not bring the US back into the existing nuclear deal. Toning down hostilities and respecting Iran, while not exactly consistent with Trump’s past negotiating strategies, might still be enough to get talks off to a good start.
Netanyahu would never go along with that.
The American press presented the order of events as if the first Iranian message had been a rejection of the following Trump offer. Instead, this message is the actual response. It suggests a way could be found to talk, the only question being how to save face on both sides. Therefore, this is an important development, obscured by the careless reporting yesterday in the American media.
Zarif posted the following on twitter. I find it quite suitable.
“Iran & US had 2 yrs of talks. With EU/E3+Russia+China, we produced a
unique multilateral accord—the JCPOA. It’s been working. US can only
blame itself for pulling out & leaving the table. Threats, sanctions
& PR stunts won’t work. Try respect: for Iranians & for int’l